Re: Re: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread Sheldon Schuster
In my opinion, I believe there is nothing intrinsically wrong with
HTML *if*, and *only if* it is used correctly according to the intent
of its designers.

Elsewhere in this thread are mentions of abusing HTML in email.
Let's face it, HTML is abused far more on the web than in email.

I think everyone in this thread who is supporting the use of HTML in
emails should read the HTML 4.01 specification - all of it.  Then you
will understand that HTML is a /semantic/ markup language.  It is
_*NOT*_ a presentation tool.  And, more importantly, you will
understand *why* this is the case.

If you want pretty emails (if only in your own eyes) then use RTF
which is designed to pretty-up text. It is only the sheer popularity
of HTML (due to the web) and the short-sightedness of popular email
client vendors (and, I suppose latterly, market forces) that led to
HTML emails in the first place.  If you are about to say RTF isn't
supported in emails, you'd be half right.  HTML isn't intrinsically
supported by the SMTP protocol is it?  It's your client that does
things differently.  So you *can* have RTF in emails.

Back to my opening point, if you want to use HTML, then it must be for
reasons of semantics.

Hello, Allister Jenks,

When did you become a member of the Gestapo HMTL police? HTML is not a static 
entity--it is a dynamic changing standard that changes as new user interests and 
technology develope. Are you still using the text based UNIX e-mail of the early '90's?

=== At 2003-09-10, 09:43:00 you wrote: ===

Best regards.
Sheldon Schuster

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Re: Re: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-08 Thread Sheldon Schuster

Anyway, I figure Brook hangs around because either A) he can't figure
out how to unsubscribe and is too embarrassed to ask or B) he's hoping
that someday *somebody* will pipe up with how to get multiple accounts
working on TB. g

nope you would do better to be a shrink for somevbody else. I'm waiting for the bat 
on linux I think I said that earlier but really I was using it up to  a few days ago 
when I decided to see what else was out there for windows. It's been forever since i 
even looked. I've used the bat under windows for years now.  As for multiple accounts 
I dont care anymore since even if it does do it I already have a clinet I have been 
using jsut as long that does do it. 

We will see maybe one day the bat under linux wihtout wine will be a reallity. 

Hello, Brook Humphrey,

I use both Foxmail and the BAT! Both have their strengths and weaknesses. 
Comprehensive HTML function and a great Bayesian spam filter are available with 
Foxmail 5.0 beta 1 and customizable macro templates are better with the BAT! 

But, why don't you use your spell checker?  

Best regards.
Sheldon Schuster

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information: