bug report WAS: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-15 Thread djb

Does anyone happen to know if the inbuilt bug-reporting email set-up
actually works? (HELPFeedbackBug Report) Or does one have to go
through the web-site?

I just filed this bug using the email set-up but didn't get an
auto-reply as I was expecting.


  When viewing filters in the sorting office with the focus on the
  FOLDERS tab (POP account in read or replied messages, or anywhere in
  IMAP account), folder selections 'stick' between filters.

  If I have TRASH ticked in one filter, then switch to a filter
  immediately above or below which has just the INBOX checked, the TRASH
  remains checked also. Unchecking the TRASH folder but keeping the
  INBOX checked, if I move back to the first filter the TRASH is checked
  but the INBOX remains checked also!! This is IMAP account.

  Same behaviour in POP account. Clicking down a list of filters in
  'Read Messages', the first 4 had the Inbox checked, the last one had
  Inbox, Keep folder (my own), and the Sent messages folder checked.
  Clicking through them the problem reoccurred, then closing the
  Sorting Office and re-opening it the first 4 folders had the Inbox
  and Keep checked. Closing it and opening it again the first 4 had
  the Inbox checked only. Closing it and opening it yet again all
  filters had Inbox, Keep, and Sent Messages checked.

  I can't work out whether these are the settings being changed or if
  it is just a GUI problem.





More than 3.5 million children across sub-Saharan Africa have lost both parents 
(source: UN 2003)

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Re: bug report WAS: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-15 Thread djb

 It's a complex site. If you have difficulties navigating it, please
 report and ask here. Either I or some other fellow subscriber will try
 to help you.

Thankyou Mary.

Bug reported here:





Naked people have little or no influence in society.
  - Mark Twain

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3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb

Can someone else confirm this?

In the Sorting Office, switching between filters while viewing the
'folders' tab, selected folders 'stick' between each filter.

If I have TRASH ticked in one filter, then switch to a filter
immediately above or below which has just the INBOX checked, the TRASH
remains checked also. Unchecking the TRASH folder but keeping the
INBOX checked, if I move back to the first filter the TRASH is checked
but the INBOX remains checked also!!





More than 3.5 million children across sub-Saharan Africa have lost both parents 
(source: UN 2003)

Using V 3.5 on Windows XP

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Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb

Hi Alexander,

you wrote:

 Which 'folders' tab do you mean? I can't find such a thing in my sorting

The one in the right-hand pane.

Click on a filter and a set of tabs appears on the right...

a handy feature of the sorting office is that you can switch between
filters while maintaining the same view in this set of tabs.





To be free is to be able to question the ways our own history defines us.
  - Murri artist Gordon Bennett

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Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb


 Folders tab is only available for Read and Replied filters, not for
 Incoming or Outgoing.

Well in my sorting office I have a folders tab in the 'Incoming Mail'
filters, even if I create a new one, and this is where the problem is

(I don't want to go into my other folder trees in case it messes with





One comes not into the world but into question.
  - Emmanuel Levinas

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Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb

Hi Alexander,

 I do see those tabs, but... I don't have a Folders tab there. Which type of
 filter is this, Incoming Filter, Selective Download, Outgoing... ?

 For Common Filters I have an additional Share With tab, but no Folders
 tab either.

The problem is that I'm using IMAP : )

POP accounts don't have a FOLDERS tab in 'Incoming Mail' but IMAP
accounts do.

Sorry ... didn't remember this till now.

It's in 'Incoming Folders' that the problem is occuring.





sloppy thinking gets worse over time
  - Jenny Horitz

Using V 3.5 on Windows XP


Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb

 Folders tab is only available for Read and Replied filters, not for
 Incoming or Outgoing.

 Well in my sorting office I have a folders tab in the 'Incoming Mail'
 filters, even if I create a new one, and this is where the problem is

 (I don't want to go into my other folder trees in case it messes with

MAU see message below (if you're threaded) ...

Folders tab in Incoming Messages on an IMAP account





Pity the planet, all joy gone
From this sweet volcanic cone,
Peace to our children when they fall
in small war on the heels of small
war - until the end of time
to police the earth, a ghost
orbiting forever lost
in our monotonous sublime.
  - Robert Lowell

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Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb

 Maybe you can be a bit more precise right from the start next time. Thanks.

Simple mistake Alexander. I /was/ quite precise if you re-read my first





After the USA, Australia  Norway are the world's two
highest carbon dioxide emitters per capita.
(source: National Energy Foundation (UK)

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Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb

 Just tried it: Confirmed for IMAP.

Thanks Peter.

The behaviour is replicated in POP accounts also ... if you have
multiple 'Read' or 'Replied' filters and switch between them when
focussed on the FOLDERS tab.

Er, what do we do now?

I guess what I want to know is whether this is just a GUI glitch or
whether the underlying settings are actually being modified.

I have very strange behaviour over here. Clicking down a list of
filters in 'Read Messages' in a POP account, the first 4 had the
Inbox checked, the last one had Inbox, Keep folder (my own), and the
Sent messages folder checked. Clicking through them the problem
reoccurred, then closing the Sorting Office and re-opening it the
first 4 folders had the Inbox and Keep checked. Closing it and opening
it again the first 4 had the Inbox checked only. Closing it and
opening it yet again all filters had Inbox, Keep, and Sent Messages

So I can't work out whether these are settings being changed or what.




Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
  - Rumi

Using V 3.5 on Windows XP


Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb







The International Centre for Nonviolent Communication: http://www.cnvc.org

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Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 3.5 bug in sorting office?

2005-05-14 Thread djb

 You could file a bug report to start with. Don't forget to mention that
 you're using IMAP, so that the POP users won't be irritated and waste their
 time trying to reproduce it, otherwise the bug report may end up with a
 verify fail status, which would be a pity, wouldn't it.


In my reply to Peter above I thought I made it clear it's a POP issue
as much as an IMAP one.





It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.
  - Alfred Adler

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Re: restoring msgs from TBB file

2005-04-25 Thread djb

Hi Greg,

 I've never tried it, but I thought that I'd mention the potential
 received date issue. I know many moons ago when I first started using
 TB I imported from Unix type message base exported from VA.  IIRC the
 received date changed to whenever I imported the messages. I don't
 know if this is the case with when importing from TBB files.

Can confirm that the original Received Date has stayed intact on
importing from TBB file. This must have been fixed at some point ...





Indigenous Australian infants die at almost
three times the rate of other Australian infants.
(source: ANTaR 2004)

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restoring msgs from TBB file

2005-04-24 Thread djb

Hello TBUDL,

I use an archive folder each for Sent Messages and Received Messages
... via various filters messages from most of my accounts end up here
sooner or later. I think of it as a retirement village ; )

Trouble is most of the contents of these folders disappeared at some
point a little while ago. Messages going back years. I don't know why
but suspect it was an over-zealous or buggy filter that did it.

Now I have backups of the TBB files from before, but don't know how to
restore their contents while still keeping what is in the archive
folders now (ie the latest archive messages from the last few months).

Any Ideas?




Real happiness is when you marry a girl for love
and find out later she has money
  - Bob Monkhouse

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Re: restoring msgs from TBB file

2005-04-24 Thread djb

Many thanks Alexander, I'll give it a try.




In this world, hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate. This is the law, ancient
and inexhaustible.
  - Gautama Buddha

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Re: restoring msgs from TBB file

2005-04-24 Thread djb

 Tools/Import/Import from allows you to directly import from TBB files.

So it does!

Do you happen to know if it appends or replaces messages? and whether
it asks which folder you want them imported to?

I just tried but it comes up straight away with the 'Open File'
dialogue with no indication what comes next...





Carbon dioxide levels are the highest for 55 million years, when no
ice was present on the planet and sea levels were 110 mtrs higher.
  - Sir David King, UK chief scientific adviser (Guardian Weekly 23/7/04)

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Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: restoring msgs from TBB file

2005-04-24 Thread djb

 As far as I know, all imports are to the folder you have selected in the
 folder tree. So, first select the folder you w3ant to import to and then
 do the Import...

Worked a dream, thanks MAU.





sloppy thinking gets worse over time
  - Jenny Horitz

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