Fwd: Re[2]: Gmane & TB lists volume down?

2004-03-22 Thread stefan ketola
Hi all

as if by magic a couple of you post that few newbie
members...wellhere's one - so I thought I'd say

I'm currently trialing the bat , bout 17/18 days into
the trial, and finding it quite an adjustment from 
the loveable Mr. Gate's (the malware writers best
friend) product.

Am finding it confusing and little as being user

So I hope you guys are ready for loads of real dumb
"newbie" questions  :-)

BTW what is Hmane ??

Thanks guys


Note: forwarded message attached.

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Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re[2]: Gmane & TB lists volume down?

2004-03-22 Thread stefan ketola
Thanks for the Welcome Martin and others.

I'm hardly a power user of email, so may well not need
many of the advanced features of the bat. It was
mainly the ability to be bale to manage messages on
the server and if desired deeleting them from the
server that appealed to me plus I read a lot of good
reports about it.

Heck you never know I may use some of the advanced
features as time goes on.


--- Martin Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 20:21:35 +
> From: Martin Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "stefan ketola on TBUDL"
> CC: 
> Subject: Re: Fwd: Re[2]: Gmane & TB lists volume
> down?
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello Stefan,
> On 22 March 2004, 10:46 -0800 (18:46 local time)
> Stefan Ketola [SK] in
> wrote:
> SK> Am finding it confusing and little as being user
> SK> friendly/intuative.
> I'm sure it was the same for many of us. However,
> once you understand
> some of the _many_ features no other e-mail client
> comes close. At work
> I'm stuck with Outlook and it's a real pain...
> unlike TB! it doesn't
> "work for me" because it lacks the advanced
> filtering, templates and
> macros and can't handle large numbers of messages.
> SK> So I hope you guys are ready for loads of real
> dumb
> SK> "newbie" questions  :-)
> Fire away! This is the best place to learn about TB!
> and the community
> is second to none!
> - --
> As ever,
> Martin Webster
> The Bat! 2.05 Beta/1 | BayesIt! 0.4gm (Windows XP
> Professional Service Pack 1)
> Version: PGP SDK 3.0.3
> Comment: "PGP Key available from
> ldap://europe.keys.pgp.com:11370/";
> KsqqDoBo7NBhsRLvMzZXSU/c
> =85OQ
> Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL'
> information:
> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

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Fwd: Mod: Cut mark (was: Gmane & TB lists volume down?)

2004-03-22 Thread stefan ketola
>> Dear Stefan,
>> Another posting tip for you to add to your
>> Please include a signature delimiter in your
>. messages. This consists
> of a , i.e., a '-- ' by
>> itself on a line.>

Sorry you completely lost me there - I dont use a sig
onmy Yahoo mail ? :-(

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Re: Mod: Cut mark

2004-03-22 Thread stefan ketola
>>anyway, if you're trying out The  Bat!, why are you
>> not using TB to send email?>>

Because I hardly ever use my real name on line - with
hackers, crackers, spammers etc I prefer to excercise
anonymity by use of peusdonyms and web based mail



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Re: Mod: Cut mark

2004-03-22 Thread stefan ketola
>> This is something TB can completely help you with.
>> You can call  yourself what you want and use
>>whatever addresses  you need to use.>>

So could I use the BAT to sned my Yahoo mail BUT not
to receive my Yahoo Mail ?  

Also If I do this can people not work out where the
mail has REALLY come from ?

Anyway off to bed now.  




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Re: Mod: Cut mark

2004-03-23 Thread stefan ketola
>> Why not both?>>

I like to keep my main email for just family/close
friends and use my web based nail for everything else.

I like to do so because:

I like to keep it seperate

reduce spam, chance of viruses and other malware.

I just prefer to deal with spam on web based email and
keep it away from my main "Real" email address.

>>If you're  planning to  perform an illegal act then
>>you are no less  traceable by Yahoo than by any
>>other mail send method.

Ehm no hardly. Just like to keep things seperate as
stated above and maybe I am a little overly
cautious/paranoid about Spam/Viruses/Malware - but
then this approach ahs served me well as on my main
e-mail addy I get as near as makes no difference no
spam at all and not an overly huge amount on my Yahoo


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Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re[2]: Gmane & TB lists volume down?

2004-03-23 Thread stefan ketola
AM>> I welcome you to the list and am sure that in
AM>>time,  you'll discover >> snip

Thanks for the welcome  :-)

Some of the features that I would, at this time at
least, consider advanced sound way above my intelect
but time will tell


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confirm receipt/reading confirmation - whats the difference

2004-03-24 Thread stefan ketola
Hi all

yep it's the new boy again. Can anyone please explain
the difference between these two features/options -
also can one select both (depending on the difference
and if this would be desireable) in one go instead of
selecting each individually from the drop down menu.



If a tree falls in the forrest and no one's there to
hear it - does it still make a sound ?

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Re: confirm receipt/reading confirmation - whats the difference

2004-03-24 Thread stefan ketola

> Confirm Receipt is an option that is supposed to be
> answered by the final mail server>
>  while confirm read is one the user confirms
> that they have> read it. >


Thanks for that ..anyone else anything to add ?

> Don't sweat petty things, or pet sweaty things.>

What's wrong with petting sweaty things ? (lloks
around nervously)


One is born, one runs up bills, one dies - (nicked
from an episode of Blackadder)

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setting up filters

2004-03-28 Thread stefan ketola
Hi all

I am raiding a website on tips on using the bat. I
copy the text and then paste it into an email and mail
it to myself.

i have created a folder in the bat called bat stuff
and want to set up a filter to move all these emails
and indeed anything with "bat" ANYWHERE in the subject
line to this folder.

How do I do this ?



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Re: setting up filters

2004-03-28 Thread stefan ketola
>> You'd better read TBUDL. :-)>>

What's to read ? I thought it was just a mailing list

>> Set up a filter in Account » Sorting Office to move
> mails from Inbox to your designated folder where the
string "bat" is  present in Subject.>>

Ehmm yes that's what I said ? What I need to know is
HOW TO DO THIS - perhaps I should've specified -
please reply in "for dummies" langyage/format  :-)



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Re: setting up filters

2004-03-28 Thread stefan ketola
PM> OK. Step by step. Go to Account » Sorting
> Office/Filters, click on "New". Select a name for
>your filter. Source "Inbox"  can be left as it
> is. >

Tried that Peter but it hasn't worked - mail still
went to inbox  :-(


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Re: setting up filters

2004-03-28 Thread stefan ketola
That's OK thanks - I shant be bothering with this list
any further.

I have been using a PC for 5 years and have
participated in umpteen forums/comunities/groups
covering a multitude of subjects/areas PC related and
non PC related.

In that time I have never encountered a forum with
such a regimented aproach, Nor have I encountered such
hostility and frankly down right rudeness.

Thanks to those that have given me a warm welcome and
those that have responded in a friendly and helpful
manner, but I am 42 years old and not prepared to be
treated like a little child who has spilled the milk.

Best wishes to all


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