***Ignore #2... Figured it out (big 'L' on forehead)***


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Monday, July 30, 2001, 2:55:14 AM, you wrote:

AL> Hi there!  Having a few issues with The Bat Configuration, and haven't
AL> found anything in the FAQ or Help files, or the Archive.

AL> 1) Mailto: opens The Bat! however, does not open a blank message (like
AL> it should), doesn't even work if I have The Bat! already open...
AL> thoughts?  I use Opera 5.12

AL> 2) In my Folder/New/Total Pane, I noticed the 12 (57) for Inbox... I
AL> assume this is 12 total messages (all 'read'), but 59 confuses me...
AL> The Trash is empty, so I don't understand while it's 'holding on' to
AL> this number... thoughts on fixing this?

AL> 3) What's with .MSG files?  HTML files will 'tab' themselves below my
AL> message (which is great, since this is a major habit of Hotmail and
AL> AOL users), but this isn't the case for .msg files.  I have to
AL> double-click the attachment (I have it set to display attachments on
AL> the left side of the message) to be able to view it... This is
AL> incredilby inconvenient that it opens a whole new message window just
AL> to do this, when It could treat it like a .htm file, for quick
AL> viewing.  Is this a configuration issue or something that needs to be
AL> in the next version?

AL> 4) I love The Bat!, and I thank you in advance for any and all
AL> responses.

AL> -Andy

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