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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Fri, 15 Sep 2006,
   @  @      at 17:34:46 -0400, when subscriber2list wrote:

> Aaaah Mica, my fine friend with whom I have not bantered with in years

In years already? It's deterrent sometimes how quickly time passes.

I am for years on this list?!

> See, Mica ... you can teach "An Old Dog New Tricks!"  I tried your
> suggestion with another "stubborn" folder of sorts and it ... worked!
>  Thanks for the "inspiration".

You're welcome. Everything that passes through Inbox on its way to other
folders, anyway _remains_ in Inbox, until it's compressed.

With Outbox and Trash folder is similar.

All of that is easily overlooked until man (but woman too) experiences a
strange problem in TB's work and then gets into learning why is so.

> Please keep up your fine ruminations as I enjoy reading your ...
> advice and sometimes ... utterances.  LOL!  You sure you're not a
> stand-up comic somewhere on that side of the pond?

You believe me or not, I just bring to the end the consequences of what
I hear/read around. No single thought of that is my own.

This is the way for me to amuse myself, for the computing stuff is
exceptionally boring, at least to me, with all this tweaking and reading
the fine manuals, and MaƱuelas.

On the other hand, the things has to be done, and hence the "tweaking"
is unavoidable, so if you have to pass through all this hassle, then is
better to smile, even hysterically. I recon.

(When someone makes some unnecessary complicated, or better said
disarranged software, with which I have to work, the first sweet impulse
of mine is to bite into his/her neck to check if s/he is diabetic or

Apart from that, I have inborn very strong sat{y|i}ric traits, so that
many feel much better if I am simply just angry with them than when I
start to tease them.

I don't think I would earn a cent being "comic", but again I really am
convinced that I could destroy someone just by teasing him/her. I was
watching my victims, had seen them "after", and I know what I am talking
about. So, maybe as an atypical hit man. (=8

Why on the earth someone would have been be asked always anew at startup
is some application default one or not? If someone needs it to be
default or not, s/he will simply set this piece of software this way,
somewhere in its settings.

- --
 ~~~ For personal mail please use my address as it is *exactly* given
     in my "From" field, otherwise it will not reach me. ~~~
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