Re[2]: Moving TB to a new computer

2003-11-25 Thread ztrader
On Saturday, November 22, 2003, 3:01:50 AM, Tony Boom wrote:

TB Hello ztrader,

TB   A reminder of what ztrader typed on:
TB   22 November 2003 at 22:03:08 GMT -0800

z What do I have to move to the Win2000 computer
z to keep everything I have 'as is'?

TB Zip up the whole TB! folder and move it over to the same place on the
TB new PC.

z If I just duplicate the C: and D:
z directory structures I have, and copy all the files, will it work?

TB Run this little batch file which will save all the registry settings
TB and then run the reg file on the new PC. Assuming you have the same
TB folder structure, C: D: eyc, it should work OK.

Thanks VERY much!! It worked well.


Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Moving TB to a new computer

2003-11-22 Thread Tony Boom
Hello ztrader,

  A reminder of what ztrader typed on:
  22 November 2003 at 22:03:08 GMT -0800

z What do I have to move to the Win2000 computer
z to keep everything I have 'as is'?

Zip up the whole TB! folder and move it over to the same place on the
new PC.

z If I just duplicate the C: and D:
z directory structures I have, and copy all the files, will it work?

Run this little batch file which will save all the registry settings
and then run the reg file on the new PC. Assuming you have the same
folder structure, C: D: eyc, it should work OK.

You can't reverse the process though from a Win2K back to a 98
machine because of the difference in the registry.

--- CUT 

@echo off
rem Written by Januk Aggarwal
echo Welcome to your The Bat! Registry Backup program.

echo  ___
echo *   Back up Complete Bat Directory? *
echo *Enter to continue. *
echo *___*


if exist TBbckup1.reg del TBbckup2.reg

if exist TBbckup1.reg rename TBbckup1.reg TBbckup2.reg
start /w regedit /e TBbckup1.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!
if not exist TBbckup1.reg echo Error!  Something went wrong.  Backup not
echo successful.
if exist TBbckup1.reg echo Success! Your registry entries for The Bat! are
echo backed up!


 CUT ---


Best regards,Tony.   
 Using The Bat! v2.01.49  ©2ØØ3 - AWB

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Moving TB to a new computer

2003-11-21 Thread ztrader
I'd like to move TB from a win98 computer to a Win2000 computer. I
have a dozen or so accounts and a couple of hundred folders, with lots
of custom settings and filters. Some of the accounts are in different
directories, on disk D. What do I have to move to the Win2000 computer
to keep everything I have 'as is'? If I just duplicate the C: and D:
directory structures I have, and copy all the files, will it work?

Thanks, IA,


Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information: