Plain Text Windows - Clickable URLs (Was Re[2]: Error message from Help screen)

2004-06-09 Thread Maggie
Hello Urban,

I've tried to rename the subject to reflect the evolution of the thread. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2004, 1:44:08 PM, Urban wrote:

U> In a plain text message the links just "are", there's no need
U> to indicate that it's a link. In HTML, on the other hand, you have to
U> say that what you mean to be a link really is a link.

>> That's where my unclickable links were showing. I 'spoke' to Allie
>> about this and he was not seeing the same thing I was reporting about
>> this.

U> Your link showed fine here, and the only way I could manage to make it
U> unshowable was to use the HTML-editor and send a non-linked URL. So I am
U> as baffled as anyone else as to the reason why it acts as it does.

I have decided to continue to use the old reliable MicroEd.
>> I had not realized that the other editors did not wrap the text the
>> way I created it, wrapping to the window instead.

U> Maybe it's a wrapping thing. Have you tried to shorten it trough
U> something like ?

No. I didn't mean needing to shorten the link. The wrapping I meant was that of the 
lines of text. They are wrapped to the window in html pages so if you resize the 
window the text fills the available space. Shortening the link was not the problem for 
me (this time, anyway!) but thank you for that web page. 8-) 

The issue seemed to be my typing in or cutpasting a link where moving the cursor over 
it did not show it as a live link, athough it began with the http... nor did it show 
as blue which color links are in my defaults.

For this email I have changed to the Plain Text editor (Windows proportional). I am 
going to type an address for the first example, then paste a copied address to show 
you what I mean.

Here is a typed-in address:

Here is a copy and pasted address:

On my screen these links do not show as live/clickable. As I mentioned, the Message 
Format is Plain Text Windows. If I were in the HTML Editor I would have copied the 
link, then pasted it into the Add Hyperlink button on the toolbar or simply typed it 
in to the special window Fm_UrlLink (what an interesting name, what could it mean?) 
There is no button bar in Plain Text Windows. Under the Edit Mail Message window, in 
the Edit dropdown, they maybe could put in a Paste As Hyperlink...

So the unsolved question of how do I make the links clickable, is one reason I'm back 
to MicroEd. The other reason is the textwrapping Allie told me about.

It would be great to see some discussion in The Bat! Help about the 'consequences' 
(for lack of a better word seniormoment) of using the different settings in the 
Options|Preferences|Editor/Viewer and perhaps even some hints for the untutored about 
not using the html editor when sending messages to mailing lists. 

This original thread talked about the Help error message. If RitLabs is still updating 
the help, now might be a good window of opportunity for them to include this. 8-)

Warm regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Plain Text Windows - Clickable URLs (Was Re[2]: Error message from Help screen)

2004-06-09 Thread Maggie
Hello Urban and y'all,

Sorry to follow on myself, but...

M> The issue seemed to be my typing in or cutpasting a link where
M> moving the cursor over it did not show it as a live link,

M> For this email I have changed to the Plain Text editor (Windows
M> proportional).

M> Here is a typed-in address:

M> Here is a copy and pasted address:

M> On my screen these links do not show as live/clickable. As I
M> mentioned, the Message Format is Plain Text Windows.

I can see when reading my own message sent to the list that the links are indeed 
clickable. So, go figure.  I received email from a correspondent that said the links 
were not clickable, I cannot see that they are clickable when I am creating the 
message, and yet they show perfectly normal when reading the list...  
Doo-dah--doo-dah-doo-dah --- twilight zone.


Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information: