Re: EMACS feature for TB!

2000-09-27 Thread Markus Gloede


Jamie Dainton wrote:

> As the current responses have been less than favorable I'm not going
> to start writing server side data base utilities or even set up a
> SQL server. As I'm not a LISP programmer adaptive scoring is not
> viable so for a per person spam message overall scoring will not
> work.

Awhile ago (May 1) I suggested a way how (non-adaptive) scoring might
already work with the current Bat:

Here's how it might work:

- If Subject/Sender/whatever contains X assign color e.g. Orange and
  continue filtering.
- If Subject/Sender/whatever contains Y and message is Orange assign
  Light Red and continue filtering.
- If Subject/Sender/whatever contains Z and message is Light Red
  assign Dark Red and continue filtering.
- ...

Thus you might have new way to prioritize messages (e.g. the boss
wrote to you, marked it urgent and copied the human resources dep't.).


P.S.: When I read the subject of this thread I was hoping somebody had
implemented Emacs keyboard bindings.
Using The Bat! 1.46d under Windows NT 4.0 Build
1381 Service Pack 5 

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Re: EMACS feature for TB!

2000-09-27 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Jamie,

On  Wednesday, September 27, 2000  at  08:20:53 GMT +0100 (which was 12:20 AM
where I live) witnesses say Jamie Dainton typed:

> Anyone receiving the message within one hour of it being created would
> be allowed to give it a score (this of course would involve
> modifications to the bat. Or an external program being called). After
> the hour is up the score can not be altered.

I don't see how such a system could possibly give appropriate
information on an international list such as this one.  I'm posting
this at about 2 am my time.  I'm going to bed, so I would not be able
to score my own message.  Or perhaps you'll reply in a couple of
hours.  I can't score your message.  Does this mean that my opinion is
less valuable than someone who *happened* to read and score the
message within the hour?

> When a score update is called a section of TB! or an external
> program would query the SQL/Oracle database and return the final
> scores. These could be added as an extra column to the message
> window.

While this sounds interesting, why would you want to do this?  Just
because the few people who happened to read and score the message
didn't like it, doesn't diminish the potential worth of a message.  In
a moderated setting like this one, we don't need to worry much about
SPAM or flame wars (well, Marck, Allie (aka Curtis) and Wolfgang
might, but I don't).  So what's the benefit of this system?

> If the dBase was coupled with a member reg system we could see the
> accumulated points of each member. Once a member has so many points
> all their posts are marked up one point automatically. TB! could then
> be configured for selective download, e.g. don't download mails with a
> score lower than 3.

Ok, so you're saying you don't want to download messages from people
you deem to be, for lack of a better term, useless?  But isn't that a
decision only you can make?  How does a centralised database help?

If I were a new user joining a group, I would feel intimidated with
such blatant judgement taking place.  Your system would certainly cut
down on the new user questions, but I can't help but think that that's
not a good thing.  But if you could enlighten me, I would welcome the
information.  If this is getting too far off-topic, please feel free
to contact me on TBOT or off-list.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: EMACS feature for TB!

2000-09-26 Thread Gary

Hi Jamie,

On Tuesday, September 26, 2000, 8:41 AM, you wrote in part about
"EMACS feature for TB!":

J> I won't go into detail explaining as this link explains it better than
J> I ever could

I don't know which part this is in reference to, the scoring in
(X)Emacs in general, I suppose.  Actually in Linux/Unix, there are a
few MUAs who provide exceptional scoring capabilities, in addition to
threading, based on any criteria you set up to look for in order of
importance, both XEmacs (which does absolutely everything 'cept take
out my dogs), or Mutt. It really sets up your mail to be read nicely
and quickly, made to order.

I have no idea how TB! would implement that, as *ux uses rc (resource
files) which are edited to your specifications. These rc's are then
called when the application starts and read into the program. One can
totally individualize and customize your MUA in this manner, on the
fly. You can even have any keystroke macros in the rc's to call up
other files/programs to do other things while in the MUAs.  You can
change scoring on the fly for example.

Best regards,

Today's thought: Never eat more than you can lift. - Miss Piggy  

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