Hello Andrey,

Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 6:49:12 AM, you wrote:

> Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 7:05:06 AM, Thomas Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

MA>>> Thanks, unfortunately that was the one file which got corrupted when I
MA>>> did  a  CD  backup.  Windows  reports  an  "Error  performing  inpage
MA>>> operation" whatever that is.

TF>> I never saw this error. Does anybody know what this means?

According to Microsoft:

> When copying files from a diskette on a Windows NT computer, you may
> occasionally experience an "Error performing inpage operation".
> In this scenario, this error usually indicates physical problems on
> the diskette media, and is probably unrelated to paging operations
> involving the Windows NT paging file, despite the wording of the
> error message.
> Copy utilities commonly use the CopyFile() Win32 API to copy files.
> For small files (where small is arbitrarily defined in the Windows
> NT source code as less than 256 kilobytes) the Windows NT CopyFile()
> API does not actually open the source file and read from it using
> the CreateFile() and ReadFile() APIs as might be expected.
> Instead, the CopyFile() API creates a File Mapping and maps the file
> into virtual memory. Data is then read from the file by simply
> accessing this memory. As the memory is accessed, the required
> portions of the file are paged into memory on demand. This leverages
> the paging functionality of the Windows NT Virtual Memory Manager,
> but introduces the jargon of Paging into this particular file copy
> scenario.
> Consequently, if I/O errors occur while processing a CopyFile() API
> for a "small" file, they will not be reported as File I/O Errors.
> Instead, as these errors are detected in what is effectively a
> paging operation (albeit unrelated to the Windows NT paging file),
> they will be reported as "Error performing inpage operation".
> Additionally, errors caused by network connectivity can cause these
> errors. Mismatched MTU sizes or truncation of a packet at a router
> can result in this error when files larger than the largest packet
> size are copied over the network. In essence, the network connection
> is the media that has the physical problem.

URL is: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q141/1/17.asp

 David                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Assistant Systems Librarian
Thought for the day:

"[The library] is like a place of sacredness.
If we were fools at one time,
perhaps we will not be fools tomorrow,
if we study." 
- Chief Tom Porter
Using The Bat! 1.49 S/N 7EBC9CD5 under Windows NT Build 1381 (Service Pack 6) on a 
Pentium with 128MB

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