Re[2]: Question re: restoring the lost toolbar within messages that I open to read.

2004-02-17 Thread rich gregory
BD I inadvertently set some settings which removed the toolbar from
BD within each message when the message is displayed/
MDP This happens if you drag the toolbar to a 'floating' position.
BD ... nothing that jumped out and grabbed me with the solution.  So
BD ... if someone would be kind enough to give me a hint, I'd
BD appreciate it.
MDP Not exactly an FAQ. I just did the same as you and got it back by
MDP closing TB then using regedit to go to HKCU/Software/RIT/The
MDP Bat!/Viewer Toolbars and I deleted the tbTools sub-key in that
MDP branch. Reloaded TB and the toolbar was back.

Re: editing the registry for this sort of thing...  What are the
chances that TB! might ever store it's config settings in an .INI file
so that EACH  EVERY setting can be edited in a plain text editor?


Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Question re: restoring the lost toolbar within messages that I open to read.

2004-02-16 Thread Dirigo

 I know about selecting View and then
 Toolbar and having a Toolbar pop up which can be used while reading an
 email, but I prefer the toolbar embedded in each email I read.

C So opening a message from the message list, selecting View - Toolbar,
C closing the message, and then opening the or another message does not restore
C the toolbar for you? Weird...

The first time I open a message, there is NO toolbar displayed within
the message or by itself separately.  Not until I take the selection
steps of View, then Toolbar, does a toolbar show up, but it is
displayed as a completely SEPARATE toolbar window.  Close the message
and the separate toolbar window goes away.

When the same message or another message is then reopened, again,
after taking the steps of View - Toolbar, a completely SEPARATE
toolbar window is displayed along with and above the message itself;
however, what I had before was the toolbar actually displayed WITHIN
the individual messages thenselves ... much like (similar to) The Bat!
itself when it is open. Hopefully my description is clear, but, if
not, keep pinging me until I make myself clear.

I obviously stumbled/clicked something to cause this situation, but I
have no idea what!




Using The Bat! version 2.00 under Windows 98 SE

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Question re: restoring the lost toolbar within messages that I open to read.

2004-02-16 Thread Dirigo

MDP wrote:

MDP This happens if you drag the toolbar to a 'floating' position.

Sounds like I did that!  I'm capable!

BD ... nothing that jumped out and grabbed me with the solution.  So
BD ... if someone would be kind enough to give me a hint, I'd
BD appreciate it.

MDP Not exactly an FAQ. I just did the same as you and got it back by
MDP closing TB then using regedit to go to HKCU/Software/RIT/The
MDP Bat!/Viewer Toolbars and I deleted the tbTools sub-key in that
MDP branch. Reloaded TB and the toolbar was back.

Thank you, Sir!!! This did the trick. I've saved these steps away as a
TB Toolbar Note for future reference ... now if I can only learn not to
drag the toolbar. I did take a look into the tbTools sub-key folder
before deleting it and most definitely was set up to float.

Thanks again, Marck



Using The Bat! version 2.00 under Windows 98 SE

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Question re: restoring the lost toolbar within messages that I open to read.

2004-02-16 Thread Dirigo

Thanks Robin and Chris re: the docking manuever suggestion.  I'm a bit
tired right now, so I'll do that tomorrow ... earlier Marck had given
me a suggestion re: regedit and The Bat!'s Toolbar entries ... following his
instructions, I was able to get the toolbar back to where I like it.

What a great list!!! Proving once again, there's more than one way to
solve a problem (I created!).

Good night all.



Using The Bat! version 2.00 under Windows 98

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | Using TBUDL information: