Hello Andrew,

Sunday, January 30, 2000, you wrote:

Just switched to The Bat 1.39 from 1.35. In 1.35 folders with unread
mail were red as is indicated now by blue folders.

AKL> Hello, The Bat Users!

>>> I think this question may have been asked before, but I've never
>>> read an answer. I was just browsing RITLabs home page and noticed
>>> on their screens shots of TB, some red coloured folders along with
>>> the traditional yellow and blue ones. Anyone know the significance
>>> of the red folders?

AM>>         That million dollar question was asked before and no one
AM>> offered an answer. I'm still waiting for an answer myself. Perhaps
AM>> it's a special effect?

AKL> Or may be they just forgot to update screenshots after changing the
AKL> interface? Has anyone any old TB versions to check this?

Best regards,
 Dennis                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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