
Regarding your message dated: 01 February 2000...

J> Morning Mark R Harding,

>> I'd like to dock the mail-ticker to either the top or bottom of the
>> screen but at the moment, if I do this it appears 'over' other windows
>> rather than forcing the other windows to not locate themselves underneath
>> the ticker - is their any way to force this behaviour at all?

J>  If I understood you correctly, what you want is to right-click on the
J>  ticker and turn the option "always on top" off.

This is helpful but not exactly what I was after.  Imagine, for
example, the Microsoft Office toolbar.  I haven't used it myself for a
while but as I recall, when you chose to use it the space it occupied
became unavailable for other applications.  Thus, if you maximised a
window's size using the maximise button the window's border would
stretch to the limits imposed by the screen boundaries and the edges
of the Window's Taskbar, the Office taskbar and so on...  This is the
same effect I was hoping to achieve with the Bat's mail-ticker.  If it
isn't possible, so be it but I thought it was worth to ask...

>> I am used to Netscape Messenger's pinpoint addressing where you begin to
>> enter a recipient's email address and then complete it using the tab-key.

Thanks for the answer on this.  Now I know how TB! works with regard
to address completion I can better adapt my behaviour to suit.
(...because it's still necessary to adapt to software rather than
vice versa isn't it!...)



Using The Bat! 1.39
        under Windows NT 4.0 Build
1381 Service Pack 6, RC 1.5

Mark R Harding
Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering
The University of Edinburgh, King's Buildings, Mayfield Road
Edinburgh. EH9 3JL. Scotland. U.K.

Phone:  +44 (0)131 650 5662
Fax:    +44 (0)131 650 6554
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL:    http://www.ee.ed.ac.uk/~mrh/

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