                     / ~ _ \
                    (- O o -)
Hello All,

I think i've found a solution for the multiple-user problem...

however: it's in windows!

all you have to do is re-login under a different name & you'll see the
bat in it's original settings (if you installed it under that

Now, how to set this up easily:

startup windows, configure it for multiple users, relogin as the
default-user... before creating any other profiles
install The Bat! and make the general settings...

now, relogin, create your windows-account & start-up The Bat!...
now, this version is yours: if you screw it up completely (the
registry settings, not affecting the files) the other users won't have
a problem...

Why is it like this?
simple: all the configuration-settings were put in the
'hkey_current_user' section of the registry...

Warning for shareware-users: the reg-key that holds the numbers of
days the prog is installed is also there, so you need to reconfigure
each account after the period (or you figure out the key & change it
along... - much less work once you know which one it is :-) )

Want more info, don't understand completely what i'm talking about?
just contact me... (also for the things concerning windows, no prob)

HTH :-)

BTW: this puts the 'superuser' useless: since everybody's got his own
version (with different mail-dirs, settings, adress-books,...)
the only hassle is to re-login if you change persons behind the pc...

 Der Immer Jodelende Schweizer In Lederhosen
 Roel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's better to be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

                 (   )   Oooo.  
------------------\ (----(   )----------------------------
                   \_)    ) /

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