Hello Doc,

On Tuesday, January 30, 2001 12:43:31 [ -0500 GMT], you wrote the
following in regards to 'small address-book bug':

edoc> I tried this several different ways without success.  Anyone have
edoc> a step-by-step method that does work, please?

edoc> I get the names but not the E-mail addresses. 

  I can give you a step by step but what occurs to me is that when you
  are in the import process, TB! provides a mapping dialogue so you
  can match incoming info with the TB! AB.

  Take a special look under the "Address Book Field" & see if eMail is
  set to "no". I think TB! may do this by default & if this is not
  changed to "yes" manually, it will import all the other info but
  *not* the email addresses. That could explain your dilemma.


Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
Using TB! v1.49
ICQ 41116329

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