Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-10 Thread Ian Grant
I want to try to implement some form of concealed port knocking in
OpenBSD, along the lines of Martin Kirsch:

The application is electronic democracy. I want to demonstrate how it
is possible to do secure comms. over untrusted networks and hardware.
I hope to be able do this by carrying out a global referendum. See

My plan is to use a virtual interface which magically shows behind the
physical interface when connections are made with the right ISN key in
the SYN packet. If the ISN is not one of the 'knocks' then the
connection sees the ordinary physical interface.

Then I want to make a connection between applications and the TCP
stack so that the knocks can be determined only by data from within
the VPN. Then the knocks will vary non-deterministically. To bootstrap
into the VPN a machine will need a direct trusted connection to
another machine which is already in the VPN, and which can send it the
initial knock key sequence which will allow it to handshake into the
VPN, and thereafter have a connection.

The VPN will be tunneled over TCP and/or IP datagram connections.
Within the VPN the routing and representation of data within real TCP
network packets will also vary non-deterministically according to data
passed over the VPN.

The VPN will be used for trusted core protocols for authentication,
key-exchange and verification. So it need not carry such high volumes
of traffic The bulk of data will be carried over the exposed network.

If anyone here has a better idea, or any other useful advice (even if
it's "this has already been done!" or "It won't work," but please
explain exactly why.) or pointers: I am new to this game: I have never
seriously looked at network protocol driver code in OpenBSD or any
other OS.

Thanks in advance, and best wishes,

Re: Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-11 Thread Ian Grant
On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 5:45 AM, Joachim Schipper
>  somewhat interesting>

Moved back to tech for just this message:

I am going to implement this inBSD, so I would still appreciate
pointers and helpful tech advice, but please don't CC the list, just
mail me privately.

To prevent a flame war, please don't refute anything on the list
without giving carefully considered, clear reasons why I and everyone
else should agree with you, otherwise I will be obliged to respond to
the list because I won't leave a falsehood uncontested on a public

>> The application is electronic democracy. I want to demonstrate how it
>> is possible to do secure comms. over untrusted networks and hardware.
> But it *isn't* possible to do secure comms from/to compromised hardware;
> that is what "compromised" means.

That's why I used the term "untrusted": to make a distinction between
the unknown status of security of the underlying media and
"compromised" meaning definite knowledge that the hardware affects a
compromise of privacy/integrity.

> Note that the thesis above merely aims at cryptographic port knocking; a
> global adversary can still just read the unencrypted traffic

No, the "pre-shared keys" are communicated over the VPN, as are the
keys which encrypt the VPN's own data as it appears in the actual TCP
packets which carry the tunnel through which the VPN operates.

This is not a common idea: that such a thing a thing is possible, so
people should not be too quick to dismiss it solely on account of
never having heard of the idea before. Dismiss it only when you have
convinced yourself that it definitely won't work. Because otherwise
you are rejecting something very valuable: perfectly secure

> Also, note that securely pre-sharing keys is a pain even in a small
> group of friends;

The purpose of the VPN is to provide this mechanism and make it
automatic, that point should be fairly clear in my description.

> there is no way you can scale that to "every human in
> the world".

No, and that is certainly not the plan. The verification of the voting
is as I explain in that document: it is that each voter certifies the
votes of three others, and because people know this, they know that
their own vote is only represented if the others certified theirs. So
the knowledge doesn't exist in any one person's mind, it only exists
in the combined minds of all the people. And the same principle
applies to the knowledge of the VPN keys: that knowledge will be
shared between four independent orthogonal VPNs and that information
will simply not exist, so could never be compromised.

Please don't be too quick to dismiss this. The idea is not an obvious
one, but people who can think about systems are typically better at
grasping this sort of thing that people who who work with systems of
formal proof which work by symbolic substitution.  This is not
something you can make obvious by symbolic substitution because it is
based on human knowledge, not concrete representation in some
language: that knowledge is the knowledge that "these really are three
other independent VPNs that are providing the information I need to
encrypt my traffic when it sending to this other machine..

>> I hope to be able do this by carrying out a global referendum. See
> A very quick read shows that you want to do, roughly, electronic voting.
> A number of proposals exists to achieve secure (or verifiable)
> electronic voting; I believe you should be able to find fairly
> accessible introductions to the cryptographic scheme proposed by Ron
> Rivest (of RSA fame).
> No proposal that I'm aware of even contemplates using compromised
> hardware, though, and all proposals assume a functioning census.

Well, now you _are_ aware of at least one: which is this one :-)

And I am not the only one who believes that this is possible. Roger
Schell (cc'ed), who was very influential in the development of the
NSA's TCSEC wrote in

"The science of computer and network information security has for some
time given us the ability to purchase an information system from a
mortal enemy and then assess its ability to enforce a well defined
security policy,
gaining sufficient assurance to confidently use the system to protect
against massive loss and grave damage, and this has been actually been
put into practice. This astonishing capability is known as “verified

>> My plan is to use a virtual interface which magically shows behind the
>> physical interface when connections are made with the right ISN key in
>> the SYN packet. If the ISN is not one of the 'knocks' then the
>> connection sees the ordinary physical interface.
>> Then I want to make a connection between applications and the TCP
>> stack so that the knocks can be determined only by data from within
>> the VPN. Then the knocks will

Re: Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-17 Thread Ian Grant
On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Ian Grant  wrote:
> I want to try to implement some form of concealed port knocking in
> OpenBSD, along the lines of [Julian] Kirsch:

Thanks to everyone that replied. You know who you aren't :-)

Several people said I should look at adding (to pf) a new IOCTL and a
pre-handshake TCP state with the PSK for given source and a new
timeout for expiring PSKs. Then ordinary packet re-writes will do the
re-routing. So that's what I'm doing.

Someone also pointed out that all the VPN encryption key-management
could be handled by iked. A lot of this awesome stuff in here is all
new to me, it was 3.x that I last seriously used. I'm even more
impressed with OpenBSD than I thought I was.

More comments would be gratefully received.

Also, can anyone lend me a hundred dollars, for ever? I will be
literally on the streets (again!) in a few days otherwise.

Thanks again

Re: Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-17 Thread Ian Grant
On a related note, I want to implement services on bochs VM's and pass
them from one physical host machine to another, so that the physical
addresses are not fixed targets. I am a bit confused about the bochs
host implementation of networking. What bochs hardware works best on
OpenBSD? Has anyone managed to get a bochs emulation communicating of
an OpenBSD gre tunnel?


Re: Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-17 Thread Ian Grant
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Ian Grant
> On a related note, I want to implement services on bochs VM's and pass
> them from one physical host machine to another, so that the physical
> addresses are not fixed targets.

qemu looks a bit better than bochs.

I am wondering about how to keep a series of consistent check-points
in a distributed virtual machine network, so that in the event of a
compromise the VMs could be rewound to the last consistent point.
Another possibility is running servers in redundant pairs on different

The whole thing also needs to be runnable over "USB stick net" in extremis.

I don't know enough yet about  how something like VDE is implemented.
Any pointers?


Re: Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-17 Thread Ian Grant
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Ian Grant  wrote:
> The whole thing also needs to be runnable over "USB stick net" in extremis.

And mobile WiFi as per "What they should be doing" on:

Re: Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-20 Thread Ian Grant
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Theo de Raadt  wrote:
> You are off-topic for this mailing list.  Please go discuss it
> elsewhere.


Does this include my questions on tech? I still want to do this, even
of a hundred little pricks don't understand what it is.

I think I can make a very tidy self-contained module to do it. I have
given up on the idea of using the existing state tables. Pre-loading
states will make for a messy patch. I am looking at doing it with a
seperate table of pre-shared ISNs


IPv6 packet refragmentation in pf(4)

2014-10-25 Thread Ian Grant
This refers to the un-patched OpenBSD 5.5 source tree.

Whilst trying to understand the notion of "direction" of packet flow
in pf(4) I came across this potential problem:

In pf.conf(5) we have:

   When forwarding reassembled IPv6 packets, pf refragments them with
   the original maximum fragment size.  This allows the sender to
   determine the optimal fragment size by path MTU discovery.

The code that does this is pf_refragment6, and it is called from only
one place (from within sys/{net,netinet}), which is in pf.c, from the
function pf_test defined on line 6395--??. On lines 6731--6739 we

#ifdef INET6
/* if reassembled packet passed, create new fragments */
if (pf_status.reass && action == PF_PASS && *m0 && fwdir == PF_FWD) {
struct m_tag*mtag;

if ((mtag = m_tag_find(*m0, PACKET_TAG_PF_REASSEMBLED, NULL)))
action = pf_refragment6(m0, mtag, fwdir);

But from pf.c, the fn pf_test is only ever called with fwdir == PF_OUT
and the only other places from which it is called are in if_bridge.c,
and they set fwdir to either PF_OUT or PF_IN (aliased as BRIDGE_OUT
and BRIDGE_IN respectively, when PF is enabled).  Therefore fwdir ==
PF_FWD never holds, and so reassembled IPv6 packets are never
refragmented, contradicting the manual page pf.conf(5).

I can't offer any suggestions as to what the test should be, because I
don't yet understand the notion of direction in pf. But perhaps I'm
not the only one :-)


Re: Shadow TCP stacks

2014-10-25 Thread Ian Grant
> And when you have more than words, please put it on a a
> web site and do nothing more than tell people once.

Still a lot of words, but code too, and an outline of a test framework
that others may be interested in using. I would be happy to take into
account any other ideas people might have about what to include in the
test framework to make it useful for others. Anyone who has comments
please don't cc this list, post them on the blog if you want them to
be publicly available.


Re: IPv6 packet refragmentation in pf(4)

2014-10-25 Thread Ian Grant
I beg your collective pardons. I didn't notice the netinet6 directory!
Old timer ...


On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Henning Brauer
> * Ian Grant  [2014-10-25 18:15]:
>> #ifdef INET6
>> /* if reassembled packet passed, create new fragments */
>> if (pf_status.reass && action == PF_PASS && *m0 && fwdir == PF_FWD) {
>> struct m_tag*mtag;
>> if ((mtag = m_tag_find(*m0, PACKET_TAG_PF_REASSEMBLED, NULL)))
>> action = pf_refragment6(m0, mtag, fwdir);
>> }
>> #endif
>> But from pf.c, the fn pf_test is only ever called with fwdir == PF_OUT
>> and the only other places from which it is called are in if_bridge.c,
>> and they set fwdir to either PF_OUT or PF_IN (aliased as BRIDGE_OUT
>> and BRIDGE_IN respectively, when PF is enabled).  Therefore fwdir ==
>> PF_FWD never holds, and so reassembled IPv6 packets are never
>> refragmented, contradicting the manual page pf.conf(5).
> you need to improve your grepping skills :)
> netinet6/ip6_forward.c:348: pf_test(AF_INET6, PF_FWD, encif, 
> &m, NULL) != PF_PASS) {
> netinet6/ip6_forward.c:459: if (pf_test(AF_INET6, PF_FWD, rt->rt_ifp, &m, 
> NULL) != PF_PASS) {
> --
> Henning Brauer,,
> BS Web Services GmbH,, Full-Service ISP
> Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS. Virtual & Dedicated Servers, Root to Fully 
> Managed
> Henning Brauer Consulting,