Re: lynx: disable old protocols

2014-07-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sat, 2014-07-12 at 23:58 -0700, William Orr wrote:
 wrt. auditing it, should we send patches here? Or upstream?

I'd send them both places, if they apply cleanly to both sets of code.
Otherwise, send them here. I'd love to be proven wrong about the
maintainers not really giving a shit about the users, and accepting
packages which make gopher browsing more secure or improve the code
quality would help.

BTW, I forgot to ask, where are the exploits for this poor quality code?
i.e. if I'm browsing a gopher site with the current Lynx as root, what
exactly do I have to stumble upon to get owned? Or is it just a this
is ugly in a few places kind of vague feeling by some devs? I have a
feeling there aren't any (exploits), but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: lynx: disable old protocols

2014-07-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sun, 2014-07-13 at 01:38 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
 With your attitude, I beg you to please go run some other
 operating system.

The plan is when the first Bitrig release comes out, I'm done and switch
to that. The donations I was going to make to your project later this
year? Not anymore. They are either going to Bitrig, or maybe some even
to the FSF. Oh, the latter I would love to do especially since you keep
trashing Richard Stallman every chance you get, even after the FSF gave
you an award. (Did they ever ask for that award back? The FSF is run by
a lot of nice people. Maybe they are too nice to have asked for you to
return the award, but they should have. The lack of gratitude shown by
your ridicule of RMS after getting it is just plain atrocious and casts
a black eye on the open source movement you claim to be part of.)

By the way, you would not have had BSD source code to hack on without
the efforts of RMS. Think about that next time before you insult him.
Show a little fucking gratitude for a change.

Until then, I'm going to keep a close eye on changes
under /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/lynx and undo them on my own system if it
disables useful functionality. It's just outrageous I have to do this to
keep things like gopher support.

BTW, I still want to see an actual exploit. None of this the code looks
shitty vagueness. Look hard enough, you'll find code that looks shitty

Shawn K. Quinn
OpenBSD: Where do you want to go today?

Re: lynx: disable old protocols

2014-07-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sun, 2014-07-13 at 02:01 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
 Why haven't you left yet Shawn?

Because for the moment, I still am an OpenBSD user. And you haven't
answered my question why there's been no exploit of this poor quality
code (in the entire history of Lynx going back to 1992, no less).

It's so easy to look at code and say it's shitty. It's another to prove

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: lynx: disable old protocols

2014-07-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sun, 2014-07-13 at 02:23 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
 You demand us to do work?
 Please leave immediately.

No, I'm asking why there's been no exploit, not necessarily for you to
write one. In fact, Theo, I'd really rather you not try to write one,
since apparently you're averse to the idea of doing so.

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: lynx: disable old protocols

2014-07-12 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Fri, 2014-07-11 at 03:03 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
 If lynx was removed from base, and only available in ports... how many of
 you would even know of it's existance and use it?

Not only would I know of its existence and go install it to use, I would
wonder out loud why the hell it's not in base.

Furthermore, if it had been intentionally crippled to exclude rare but
definitely used protocols like gopher that are part of stock Lynx as
released by the current maintainers, I would wonder what kind of whacked
out hallucinogenics someone had to have been on to do such a thing.
(It's something I'd expect from Firefox developers, but definitely not
from OpenBSD maintaners.)

If there's a security hole related to gopher or bibp, let's fix it,
let's not up and drop support for those protocols because of it. People
do use these protocols even in 2014.

If it's code bloat, I'd like to know just how much code we're talking
about. Unless we're going to try to put Lynx on install media (and I am
definitely not suggesting that we do), 1.7 megabytes really isn't all
that big (it's actually smaller than ftp). If you have gamesXX.tgz
installed and never play them you have no business complaining about
bloat on a binary of that size.

Looking back over this patch, I see no reason to break telnet support
since we still ship a telnet client. (In case anyone brings this up, I
see no reason to remove telnet from base either.) Also, there's no good
reason I can think of to break rlogin and tn3270 support for the people
who have those installed and need to use it. I retract any support I may
have indicated.

Now, should the upstream remove this support for whatever reason, that's
an entirely different can of worms. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
And from here it looks like it ain't broke.

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: lynx: disable old protocols

2014-07-12 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sat, 2014-07-12 at 06:11 -0500, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
 If it's code bloat, I'd like to know just how much code we're talking
 about. Unless we're going to try to put Lynx on install media (and I am
 definitely not suggesting that we do), 1.7 megabytes really isn't all
 that big (it's actually smaller than ftp). If you have gamesXX.tgz
 installed and never play them you have no business complaining about
 bloat on a binary of that size.

The recent patch which removes bibp support and breaks telnet URLs
removes a whopping 8k or so (at least on amd64 here, versus -current
from a couple days before). If hard drives still topped out at a
gigabyte or less that might be an impressive reduction, but those days
are long gone.

Taking out dired, gopher, news, and finger only makes a total reduction
of some 121k. Again, it might make a difference if your whole hard disk
is under a gigabyte. Today, a terabyte or significant fraction thereof
is more likely. So, not impressive given what we're losing by saving
that small amount of disk space.

And this comment:

 leave gopher, news, and dired in place for now. but we will soon catch up
 to the security level of internet explorer 7 by removing these too.

This is complete bullshit, to the point where I would think it came
straight from Microsoft's PR department. There is no way in hell that
Lynx was ever as insecure as Internet Explorer 7, much less is today.
Lynx, by its very nature, is one of the most secure browsers out there,
as it lacks almost all of the attack vectors (Javascript, CSS, etc)
that, say, Firefox or Chrome has. The most recent advisory for Lynx I
found was from 2005, then one from 2003, then one from 2000. That's
three over a six-year span, then bupkis for the next nine. I think a
more appropriate way of wording this comment in full is:

despite several messages on tech@, start gutting lynx under the guise
of security. specifically, ignore the people who said bibp is in use and
get rid of it. break telnet, rlogin, and tn3270 for the hell of it.

leave gopher, news, and dired in place for now. but we will soon catch
up to Microsoft's level of saying 'fuck the users' by removing these
too, because we feel like it.

ok's for the version of this diff that removes even more protocols from
deraadt@, tedu@. general support from other devs. again, fuck the people
actually using our software, fuck gopher, fuck bibp, fuck nntp and
Usenet. OpenBSD: where do you want to go today?

Seriously, if you are worried about getting hacked from using Lynx (and
I mean real Lynx as distributed, with support for gopher, finger, bibp,
telnet, and the kitchen sink included), maybe the Internet is just not
for you. As for me, I feel safe running Lynx as root. I'd be surprised
to find that many people who were not.

Finally, I'm horrified that bibp support was removed, and telnet support
was broken, *after* others said they were still using it. I expect this
kind of ham-fisted fuck the users move from companies like Microsoft
and Apple. I honestly never thought I'd see the day that it would happen
in OpenBSD.

For now, I'm going to make sure my Lynx still has full functionality if
I have to manually unfuck the Makefile myself everytime after I update
my sources. In the future? Maybe I (and the other users who actually
give a shit about having non-crippled software) should have switched to
BitRig (or NetBSD, or maybe even something else) already. It's a shame
because I was looking to buy a CD set for 5.6, too. But I won't if Lynx
isn't all there in 5.6-release, and I'll be donating the money to
another project (most likely BitRig) instead. Feel free to follow my
lead should you desire.

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: lynx: disable old protocols

2014-07-10 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Thu, 2014-07-10 at 23:05 -0400, Daniel Dickman wrote:
 Patch below turns off the following ancient protocols built into lynx: 
 bibp, finger, gopher, and news.
 For some urls, lynx will invoke an external command. Turn off telnet, 
 rlogin and tn3270 urls by defining them to false(1) as documented in the 
 lynx manual.

Gopher and NNTP are actually still being used (the former a bit
sparsely, but there are a few servers here and there). The rest I don't
mind seeing disappear (we don't ship the telnet and rlogin programs
anymore AFAIK, I've never heard of bibp, and we have a finger program as
an alternative to the functionality in lynx).

 Finally, turn off the file editor which can be accessed with g.enter 
 using the --disable-dired switch.

I don't see a good reason to get rid of this. What is the rationale?

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: ffs2 boot

2014-04-16 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Wed, Apr 16, 2014, at 03:05 PM, Miod Vallat wrote:
   [responding to Brandon Mercer who wrote:]
  The other day I was doing an install in qemu-kvm and newfs was taking
  forever, to the tune of hours. This is similar to formatting on arm
  boards. In my quest to track down why, I discovered that ffs2 takes far
  less time to format than ffs1 (about 30 seconds for the entire disk). 
  I've put together a diff that updates the boot blocks on amd64 to be 
  able to boot ffs2. From there it's a one line change to make newfs 
  format ffs2 by default. Obviously this would need to happen for other 
  architectures as well and I'd be glad to tackle that if others see 
  this as worthwhile. Please let me know your thoughts. 
 Awesome. You've just trimmed my todolist by a few lines (-:
 And you've done it so that you do not force UFS2 support on
 tight-space-challenged boot blocks on other arches.

I'm not against adding cool features, but are there people who really
need a root filesystem of one whole terabyte or larger? I've never
needed my root filesystem to be larger than, say, a gigabyte or two. The
only case for which this might make some sense is an external hard
drive, formatted FFS2, on a 1T+ drive nearly full of personal files that
just happens to have a bsd.rd in the root to reinstall/upgrade a hosed
system. For most others, there should be a note that making your root
filesystem That Big is usually a Really Bad Idea.

  Shawn K. Quinn

Re: missing ports.tar.gz in snapshot

2014-03-06 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Thu, Mar 6, 2014, at 08:56 AM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
  is there a reason, why there is no ports.tar.gz in the latest snapshot 
 At present, it is not being built in the ftp area any more.
 I'd like to ask.  Does anyone find it useful?  It is not in sync with the
 packages beside it.

I don't use the ports tree at all anymore. That said, I would trust the
empirical evidence (FTP logs) more than any on-list answers you might

  Shawn K. Quinn

Re: your mail

2014-01-25 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sat, Jan 25, 2014, at 08:53 AM, Marc Espie wrote:
 I agree with so-called having negative connotations.
 I think both those instances are using it intentionally, namely there
 are nasty surprises in some MBR blocks that are not covered by
 the so-called MBR standard.

There's an actual MBR standard? If so, maintained by whom?

  Shawn K. Quinn

Re: pkg_add tests

2014-01-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Fri, Jan 24, 2014, at 06:50 AM, Marc Espie wrote:
 You should realize that the pkg tools have gone thru *major internal
 over the last month or so.
 If you see weird things happening, now is a really good time to report
 before it's too late...
 Also, the 5.4 - 5.5 update is going to be fun: there was a kernel flag
 The proper way to update packages will be along the lines of:
 in 5.4:
 pkg_info -mq list
 pkg_delete *
 (update to 5.5)
 in 5.5, install new packages:
 pkg_add -z -l list
 Again, there might be issues.   Now is a very good time to start
Do we have to do any of this if we have been following snapshots or
-current? Are there any other gotchas related to these for those of us
who are running snapshots or -current? I haven't had any obvious Bad
Things jump up and bite me yet, want to keep it that way.
(Software-related, at least; having my onboard SATA controller fall down
and go boom kind of falls outside the realm of that.)

  Shawn K. Quinn

Re: linebuffering diff for tr(1)

2013-11-20 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Tue, Nov 19, 2013, at 03:10 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
 In general, new non-standard options are bad.
 Basically, if we add this someone will use it in a script.  Then it will
 become non-portable.  You cannot just invent something on your own like
 this, without doing research to find out if someone else added a
 option.  I don't see evidence of that, so the gut answer is no.

FreeBSD and Dragonfly BSD have this option in tr. So, this actually
improves portability.

  Shawn K. Quinn

Re: linebuffering diff for tr(1)

2013-11-20 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Ted Unangst wrote:
  On 2013/11/20 07:40, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
  FreeBSD and Dragonfly BSD have this option in tr. So, this actually
  improves portability.
 It's just spreading the disease. portable means it works everywhere.
 Increasing the number of people who can write nonportable code is not
 the same as increasing portability.

How many others have to adopt it before it's considered portable, then?

Would you feel the same way if this were the -l option on ls, GNU had
it, and none of the BSD descendants did?

It's possible, as mentioned elsewhere, that simply making tr be
unbuffered by default is the better move, and ignore -u for
compatibility with FreeBSD and Dragonfly BSD.

  Shawn K. Quinn

Re: Adds product ATI RADEON_HD5570

2013-03-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sun, 2013-03-24 at 16:38 -0600, Abel Abraham Camarillo Ojeda wrote:
 I'm using gmail :(
 You can't inline them using it...

It is possible to set up a regular IMAP email client (Evolution, for
example) to access Gmail, and you can use that for sending patches.

Shawn K. Quinn

Re: bind mountd to a specified port

2012-10-18 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
 As you note, this has come up before, and the same reasons exist then
 as now.
 The security model makes no sense: firewall, but allow NFS.

It may make no sense to you, but that doesn't mean it makes no sense to
everyone, especially those with setups where this is the only way to
accomplish the desired goal.

Put another way, it makes as much sense as firewall, but allow SMB, or
even allow SSH, FTP, or HTTP.

  Shawn K. Quinn