Hello all,

I have added support for a host for the sndio(7) system to the
cpal Rust audio library[1]. I am seeking reviewers who are
familiar with the sndio API and with Rust. My PR is here:
Although it's not the most straightforward code it's only about
1k SLOC so I don't expect it'll take a long time to review.

The cpal crate is a big deal in the Rust audio ecosystem --
it'll enable OpenBSD audio support for the two major game
engines (ggez and amethyst), and some various audio tools as

If anyone would be willing to test it on their machine and
report back, that would be appreciated as well:
1. Install the rust package (if not already installed)
2. git clone https://github.com/conwayste/cpal \
             -b aaron/openbsd_sndio_host
3. cd cpal
4. cargo run --example beep
(there are some other examples under examples/)

Thanks in advance :)

Aaron Miller

[1] https://crates.io/crates/cpal
[2] https://rust.audio/

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