Re: mutexes, locks and so on...

2010-11-11 Thread Adam Hoka
On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:22:03 +0100
Johnny Billquist wrote:

 I've been looking through the netbsd mutex, and lock implementations the 
 last few days, with the intent to try and improve the performance on the 
 VAX, which has suffered somewhat in performance with NetBSD (maybe other 
 platforms as well, but they might not feel the pain that much :-) ).
 While doing this, I have stumbled upon a few questions, as well as some 
 general observations.
 A few observations first.
 The mutex implementation in place now, is nice in many ways, as it is 
 rather open to different implementations based on what the hardware can 
 do. However, I found that only one platform (hppa) is currently using 
 this. All others rely on the __HAVE_SIMPLE_MUTEXES implementation, which 
 utilize a CAS function. Obviously the VAX does not have a CAS, and it is 
 rather costly to simulate it, so I'm working on getting away from this. 
 (Does really all other platforms have a CAS?)
 What would be nice here is if it had been possible to inline the 
 mutex_lock and mutex_unlock (as well as their spin equivalents) 
 functions, but I found out (the hard way) that this is not possible.
 I also found out that mutex spin locks are more or less equivalent to 
 the old scheme of using splraise() and splx(). However, I noticed one 
 big difference. In the old days, splraise() and splx() were always 
 handled as a pair. You did not do:
 a = splraise(..)
 b = splraise(..)
 which would have been very broken.
 With mutex_spin, you instead store the original spl at the first 
 mutex_spin_enter, and later calls to mutex_spin_enter can only possibly 
 raise the ipl further. At mutex_spin_exit, we do not lower the spl 
 again, until the final mutex_spin_exit, which resets the spl to the 
 value as before any mutex was held.
 The cause a slightly different behaviour, as the spl will continue to 
 possibly be very high, even though you are only holding a low ipl mutex. 
 While it obviously don't cause a system to fail, it can introduce delays 
 which might not be neccesary, and could in theory cause interrupts to be 
 dropped that needn't be.
 Is this a conscious design? Do we not expect/enforce mutexes to be 
 released in the reverse order they were acquired?

Isnt that because of priority inversion?

 Moving on to locks:
 the simple lock defined in lock.h is easy enough, and I haven't found 
 any problems with it. The rwlock, however, is written with the explicit 
 assumption that there is a CAS function. It would be great if that code 
 were a little more like the mutex code, so that alternative 
 implementations could be done for architectures where you'd like to do 
 it in other ways. Is the reason for this not being the case just an 
 oversight, a lack of time and resources, or is there some underlying 
 reason why this could not be done?
 Also, there are a few places in the code in the kernel, where atomic_cas 
 is called explicitly. Wouldn't it be better if such code were abstracted 
 out, so we didn't depend on specific cpu instructions in the MI code?
 Well, just a few thoughts, and a question for all of you... I'll happily 
 listed to your wisdom as I try to get my alternative locking on the VAX 

NetBSD - Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability

Re: mutexes, locks and so on...

2010-11-11 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 11/11/10 18:07, Mindaugas Rasiukevicius wrote:


Similar questions were raised a few times.. let's go through this again.

Sorry if I am rehashing old stuff then...

Johnny  wrote:

With mutex_spin, you instead store the original spl at the first
mutex_spin_enter, and later calls to mutex_spin_enter can only possibly
raise the ipl further. At mutex_spin_exit, we do not lower the spl
again, until the final mutex_spin_exit, which resets the spl to the
value as before any mutex was held.

This is correct.

The cause a slightly different behaviour, as the spl will continue to
possibly be very high, even though you are only holding a low ipl mutex.
While it obviously don't cause a system to fail, it can introduce delays
which might not be neccesary, and could in theory cause interrupts to be
dropped that needn't be.

In theory, it might.  But see below.

Is this a conscious design? Do we not expect/enforce mutexes to be
released in the reverse order they were acquired?

Very conscious, made about 4 years ago.  There are very few (would say a
tiny fraction, in all tree) where we have the following locking cases:

mutex_spin_exit(a); - e.g. where a has IPL_HIGH
some code   - some code still runs at IPL_HIGH
mutex_spin_exit(b); - e.g. where b has IPL_VM

One such case is in tty subsystem, which needs proper locking (and
perhaps generally revamped.. anyone?).  Generally, such cases should
be fixed.

Hum? So that was introduced with the new locking code then? Because back 
when we used splraise/splx, the above would not have worked.

Also, AFAIK effect was was actually measured during newlock2 branch
development.  Supporting such micro-optimisation would mean quite a bit
of complexity in critical mutex(9) interface with practically no gain.

My initial reaction was that each mutex should have just stored what ipl 
it came from, and just restored it back to that when the mutex was 
released. That would also allow us to skip the mutex count in cpu_info, 
as well as the global saved ipl in cpu_info, but then I realized that 
this solution would break if people actually wrote code like


or if code actually relied on the ipl staying at a high level, even 
though you don't have any mutex that motivates this anymore.
Otherwise, I would think that each mutex keeping the old ipl level for 
restoring at release is both prettier and shorter, and is safer. And 
since a mutex can't be held by multiple users at the same time, there is 
no risk that the old ipl would become clobbered either.
(Although right now I'm trying to figure out why I seem to lock a spin 
mutex twice when the system is coming up, and it might be in the MI bits 
of code...)

Also, there are a few places in the code in the kernel, where atomic_cas
is called explicitly. Wouldn't it be better if such code were abstracted
out, so we didn't depend on specific cpu instructions in the MI code?

atomic_cas_*() routines are mandatory part of atomic_ops(3/9) interface.
I believe almost any modern operating system should have it these days.
We model algorithms using them.  I believe MI code, design-wise, should
look to the future, rather than the past. :)

Hmm. Hard to argue about this. While I think it's nice if we try to keep 
the kernel agnostic, the user api is not something I'm arguing about 
changing. But it would be nice if we could leave it possible to do 
things in different ways when it's not really the effect of a CAS that 
is needed, but we'd still like to keep it in a way that allowed the 
compiled code to be as nice and efficient as possible.
