Re: Exciting news

2020-02-15 Thread Robert G (Doc) Savage via test
On Sat, 2020-02-15 at 22:23 -0500, David wrote:
> I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I resolved my Rawhide
> update problem
> all on my own.
> The trick was to first run "dnf install redhat-rpm-config"
> I think that is all there was too it.
> I installed a lot of packages manually, but I do not think that was
> necessary.
> My Rawhide install now has about seventy fc33 packages.   And
> lots of the
> anaconda packages seemed to clear out.
> Everything installed !!
> I am too scared to reboot.But probably will anyways.
> I am curious now whether my system will say I am on Fedora 33, if
> it reboots successfully ??
> David Locklear
> Fedora Rawhide Novice Level
> Arcola, Texas USA


If you want a simple way to see exactly what kernel you're running,

uname -a

If you want to know the familiar name of the OS you are running, type:

cat /etc/fedora-release

If you REALLY want to get fancy, edit your /etc/bashrc file using vim
or equivalent editor. Look for the following three lines about 52 lines
into the file:

# Turn on checkwinsizeshopt -s checkwinsize[ "$PS1" = "\\s-
\\v\\\$ " ] && PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "

Replace the third line with this:

[ "$PS1" = "\\s-\\v\\\$ " ] && PS1="\n\\033[1;31m`cat /etc/redhat-
release`\n\\033[1;34m`date +%A` - `date +%B` `date +%d`, `date
+%Y`  \\033[0;32m\t `date +%Z`\n\033[0;36m[\u@\h:\l]
\\033[1;33m\w\\033[0;37m\n\\$ "

(Make sure you use back ticks rather than single quotes.) This will
give you a complex colorful multi-line xterm prompt that will dress up
your terminal sessions.

If you like running Rawhide simply because it has a cool name, you
should probably have heeded your mother's warning not to run with
scissors. I've been using Fedora since its initial release, and Red Hat
Linux before that. I remember the wreckage in the early days when I
(ignorantly) tried installing every (!) package in what was then
Rawhide. Talk about your major train wreck. I eventually learned to
install development versions of Fedora (starting with the Beta release)
only in a VM so any serious oops wouldn't destroy my day-to-day working
files in /home.

It's up to you, of course. Just a bit of no-cost advise from a long-
time user to a new guy.

--Doc Savage
 Fairview Heights, IL
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Super Exciting News

2020-02-15 Thread David
I am in Fedora 33 on hardware as my only operating system !!

It is butter-smooth and fast and everything works.

This is so thrilling.

David Locklear
Fedora Rawhide Novice Level
Arcola, Texas USA
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Re: Exciting news

2020-02-15 Thread David
I have not rebooted yet, but if I type "inxi -F" it displays I am in Fedora

I lost third-party repository along the way.

Rebooting now.

> David Locklear
> Fedora Rawhide Novice Level
> Arcola, Texas USA
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Exciting news

2020-02-15 Thread David
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I resolved my Rawhide update
all on my own.

The trick was to first run "dnf install redhat-rpm-config"

I think that is all there was too it.

I installed a lot of packages manually, but I do not think that was

My Rawhide install now has about seventy fc33 packages.   And lots of
anaconda packages seemed to clear out.

Everything installed !!

I am too scared to reboot.But probably will anyways.

I am curious now whether my system will say I am on Fedora 33, if
it reboots successfully ??

David Locklear
Fedora Rawhide Novice Level
Arcola, Texas USA
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread David
Thank you all, for answering my questions.

I am using RAWHIDE on hardware as my only operating system.   But I really
do not yet know much about computers, and have zero knowledge of servers,
coding, packaging, software differentialities, peculiarities, etc.

I started off in Linux Mint, three years ago, but learned all know from
Mageia 6 before it was Beta.  Shout out here, to the Mageians.   But I got
to a point, where I felt Fedora Rawhide was my cup of tea.   I just like
the name ( LOL!), as sounds more cool than "Factory," or "Cauldron," or
"Cooker," or whatever Neon, calls it's "Developmental Version,"

All I have to offer, is my perspective as a novice using Rawhide, which may
rattle some people, who think that I am silly, or retarded.

I would like to make a good YouTube, video showing my very limited Rawhide

For example, I have installed Rawhide on hardware ( same machine ) six
times.  The first thing I do, is run "inxi -F," and study the readout.
 Then I play a game of Freecell ( Aisleriot ) and Gnome Mahjongg, and
compare that experience to my precious distros.   And then I spend hours
surfing the web, watching YouTuve videos while looking for ways to learn
new things.

I can should have a better computer by June, and hopefully one with a
graphics card.   I have never used a graphics card.

I hope to never own another motherboard with Broadcom wi-fi.

David Locklear
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread YOUNG, MICHAEL A.
On Sat, 15 Feb 2020, David wrote:

> Sometime in the past two weeks, the Rawhide updates apparently removed all
> fc31 packages.
> Does that sound right ?  Or was it just my imagination ?

There was a mass rebuild for Fedora 32 at around the end of January which 
should have replaced most of the fc31 packages left in fc32/rawhide. It 
looks like there are still some left, presumably those that failed to 
build for some reason.

Michael Young
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread Chris Murphy
On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 3:31 PM David  wrote:
> Sometime in the past two weeks, the Rawhide updates apparently removed all 
> fc31 packages.
> Does that sound right ?  Or was it just my imagination ?

This is from (workstation) Rawhide clean installed on Jan 26 with a
nightly ISO from around then. And kept up to date (I just moments ago
switched it from rawhide to fc32). I expect these will either get
updated or obsolete, I'm not sure which.

$ rpm -qa | grep fc31 | sort -n

Occasionally you do see some packages that seem off a cycle. On a
Fedora 31 system:

$ rpm -qa | grep fc30 | sort -n
[chris@flap ~]$

Chris Murphy
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread David
Sometime in the past two weeks, the Rawhide updates apparently removed all
fc31 packages.

Does that sound right ?  Or was it just my imagination ?

David Locklear
Rawhide Novice Level 0.0.1
Arcola, Texas USA

[ Intel i5-3470 desktop, with Rawhide Xfce as my only operating system on
an SSD ]
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread James Cassell

On Sat, Feb 15, 2020, at 3:29 PM, YOUNG, MICHAEL A. wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Feb 2020, Peter Robinson wrote:
> >> I would also like to know what I need to do to stay on the f32 path, if I 
> >> decide to do that instead.
> >> That is probably my best option, since I really do not know much about 
> >> computers.
> >
> > dnf config-manager --set-enabled fedora updates updates-testing
> > dnf config-manager --set-disabled rawhide
> > dnf --releasever=32 --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
> > --setopt=deltarpm=false distro-sync
> This may not be safe to do at the moment as I was trying earlier to update 
> an F32 VM and it was getting offered .fc33 packages from the Fedora 32 
> (not Rawhide) repos as reported by dnf.

I think it's because they froze f32 waiting for a compose instead of freezing 
rawhide/f33 until the compose.

James Cassell
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Re: booting .iso image from

2020-02-15 Thread Chris Murphy
On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 2:46 PM George R Goffe  wrote:
> Chris,
> This is EXACTLY what I'm seeing.
> I updated my system last night. There were a bunch of F33 pkgs... and gpg 
> keys are out of sync now. SIgh...
> It seems that all the kernels I have are exhibiting this problem except for 
> 5.6.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc32.x86_64. Current kernels are:
> kernel-5.5.0-0.rc4.git1.1.fc32.x86_64
> kernel-5.6.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc32.x86_64
> kernel-5.6.0-0.rc1.git2.1.fc33.x86_64
> It seems that the rescue system had similar problems.
> A question: Is the kernel where the I/O support for VTs is located? My 
> problems seemed to be with the password prompt. I don't know what the code 
> path is though.

I think it's agetty. But I don't know all the interaction between
systemd-logind, systemd-usersdb, plymouth, agetty, sssd, and pam. So
yeah, don't worry if you're confused.

I guess most QA folks at this time will wait for the branching dust to
settle, and then either clean install Fedora 32 when there's a new
test image announced; or switch to branched *before* doing a dnf
update on Rawhide. If you do a dnf update while on Rawhide, following
branching, you'll stay on Rawhide which means changing to fc33.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread YOUNG, MICHAEL A.
On Sat, 15 Feb 2020, David wrote:

> Thank you Mr. Young.
> That is what my update did.

I rechecked and (after dnf clean all) I am now getting F32 packages.

> Is there something that I can do on my end to install the F33 key ?

Ideally it should get installed as part of a standard dnf update. If that 
isn't working for you the key will be in the fedora-gpg-keys package which
you can install from a mirror, eg. 
rpm -Fvh
though you may need to add more packages to that command if there are 
dependencies and that link will stop working if a later version of that 
package is released.

Michael Young
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread Chris Murphy
On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 2:20 PM David  wrote:
> Thank you Mr. Young.
> That is what my update did.
> Is there something that I can do on my end to install the F33 key ?

It'll be installed automatically


 fedora-gpg-keys  noarch
   33-0.1   rawhide
  102 k

You'll get a prompt before the first fc33 package is installed to
confirm the import of the key.

Ordinarily you can confirm the keys by checking fingerprints at

The signing key for Rawhide is different from fc32. This is what I get.

$ gpg2 /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-33-primary
gpg: WARNING: no command supplied.  Trying to guess what you mean ...
pub   rsa4096 2020-01-28 [SCE]
uid   Fedora (33) 

> My opinion, on matters of Rawhide are irrlevant, but it would seem to me that 
> the procedure for updating on Day# 1 of the branch-off is flawed, as my 
> research has shown this happens every version, on Day#1.   Meaning, I think 
> that on Day # 1 of the switch to F33, that less packages should be installed 
> - maybe just the kernel.   Or at least include notes as to what a user 
> updating to F33 should do.

In theory, nothing. The gotcha is that staying on Rawhide means at
branch time you've opted in to being switched over to the next Fedora.
And in practice it's not just one switch being flipped that causes
everything to instantly happen, but a several day process that can
sometimes be messy for reasons that aren't always predictable. One of
which is that it takes time for the mirrors to sync.

Chris Murphy
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Re: booting .iso image from

2020-02-15 Thread George R Goffe via test

This is EXACTLY what I'm seeing.

I updated my system last night. There were a bunch of F33 pkgs... and gpg keys 
are out of sync now. SIgh...

It seems that all the kernels I have are exhibiting this problem except for 
5.6.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc32.x86_64. Current kernels are:


It seems that the rescue system had similar problems. 

A question: Is the kernel where the I/O support for VTs is located? My problems 
seemed to be with the password prompt. I don't know what the code path is 

THANKS for your response.


On Saturday, February 15, 2020, 10:39:17 AM PST, Chris Murphy 

An F32 (workstation) guest on an F32 host, using virt-manager I'm
seeing in a VT some unworkable behavior with keyboard use. I type
letters, but nothing happens, and then maybe every 3rd character a CR
somehow gets entered. So I get to the password field before I should,
and there a single character also acts as CR. So basically the VT is
unusable. I can ssh into it OK. But this system is before branch, so
technically it's Rawhide. I figure I'll just abandon it, and clean
install F32 once the dust has settled with branching and there's a
recommended image, newer than 20200212.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread David
Thank you Mr. Young.

That is what my update did.

Is there something that I can do on my end to install the F33 key ?

My opinion, on matters of Rawhide are irrlevant, but it would seem to me
that the procedure for updating on Day# 1 of the branch-off is flawed, as
my research has shown this happens every version, on Day#1.   Meaning, I
think that on Day # 1 of the switch to F33, that less packages should be
installed - maybe just the kernel.   Or at least include notes as to what a
user updating to F33 should do.

David Locklear
Rawhide novice
Arcola, Texas USA
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Re: booting .iso image from

2020-02-15 Thread Chris Murphy
On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 12:44 PM Louis Lagendijk  wrote:
> On Sat, 2020-02-15 at 11:39 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
> > An F32 (workstation) guest on an F32 host, using virt-manager I'm
> > seeing in a VT some unworkable behavior with keyboard use. I type
> > letters, but nothing happens, and then maybe every 3rd character a CR
> > somehow gets entered. So I get to the password field before I should,
> > and there a single character also acts as CR. So basically the VT is
> > unusable. I can ssh into it OK. But this system is before branch, so
> > technically it's Rawhide. I figure I'll just abandon it, and clean
> > install F32 once the dust has settled with branching and there's a
> > recommended image, newer than 20200212.
> >
> I see the same on my Rawhide VM. I normally SSH in so it is not a big
> issue. It looks as if plymouth does not finish booting or there is some
> other issue with it It may be eating some key presses. I don't know
> much about plymouth so I may be way off

That sounds familiar. I was seeing plymouth spinning away at maybe 10%
CPU even though I was at a (text) login screen.

> Anyhow I see the following in the journal:
> Feb 15 20:33:49 systemd[1]: plymouth-
> quit.service: Succeeded.
> Feb 15 20:33:49 audit[1]: SERVICE_START
> pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
> subj=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 msg='unit=plymouth-quit comm="systemd"
> exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=?
> res=success'
> Feb 15 20:33:49 audit[1]: SERVICE_STOP
> pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
> subj=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 msg='unit=plymouth-quit comm="systemd"
> exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=?
> res=success'
> Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
> read-write.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
> Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
> read-write.service: Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'.
> Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
> read-write.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
> Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
> read-write.service: Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'

I'm not off hand seeing a relevant bug report yet.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread YOUNG, MICHAEL A.
On Sat, 15 Feb 2020, Peter Robinson wrote:

>> I would also like to know what I need to do to stay on the f32 path, if I 
>> decide to do that instead.
>> That is probably my best option, since I really do not know much about 
>> computers.
> dnf config-manager --set-enabled fedora updates updates-testing
> dnf config-manager --set-disabled rawhide
> dnf --releasever=32 --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
> --setopt=deltarpm=false distro-sync

This may not be safe to do at the moment as I was trying earlier to update 
an F32 VM and it was getting offered .fc33 packages from the Fedora 32 
(not Rawhide) repos as reported by dnf.

Michael Young
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Re: booting .iso image from

2020-02-15 Thread Louis Lagendijk
On Sat, 2020-02-15 at 11:39 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
> An F32 (workstation) guest on an F32 host, using virt-manager I'm
> seeing in a VT some unworkable behavior with keyboard use. I type
> letters, but nothing happens, and then maybe every 3rd character a CR
> somehow gets entered. So I get to the password field before I should,
> and there a single character also acts as CR. So basically the VT is
> unusable. I can ssh into it OK. But this system is before branch, so
> technically it's Rawhide. I figure I'll just abandon it, and clean
> install F32 once the dust has settled with branching and there's a
> recommended image, newer than 20200212.
I see the same on my Rawhide VM. I normally SSH in so it is not a big
issue. It looks as if plymouth does not finish booting or there is some
other issue with it It may be eating some key presses. I don't know
much about plymouth so I may be way off

Anyhow I see the following in the journal:

Feb 15 20:33:49 systemd[1]: plymouth-
quit.service: Succeeded.
Feb 15 20:33:49 audit[1]: SERVICE_START
pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
subj=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 msg='unit=plymouth-quit comm="systemd"
exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=?
Feb 15 20:33:49 audit[1]: SERVICE_STOP
pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
subj=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 msg='unit=plymouth-quit comm="systemd"
exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=?
Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
read-write.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
read-write.service: Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'.
Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
read-write.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Feb 15 20:33:50 systemd[1]: plymouth-
read-write.service: Failed with result 'start-limit-hit'


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Re: booting .iso image from

2020-02-15 Thread Chris Murphy
An F32 (workstation) guest on an F32 host, using virt-manager I'm
seeing in a VT some unworkable behavior with keyboard use. I type
letters, but nothing happens, and then maybe every 3rd character a CR
somehow gets entered. So I get to the password field before I should,
and there a single character also acts as CR. So basically the VT is
unusable. I can ssh into it OK. But this system is before branch, so
technically it's Rawhide. I figure I'll just abandon it, and clean
install F32 once the dust has settled with branching and there's a
recommended image, newer than 20200212.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread Peter Robinson
> I am a Rawhide user, although I am not your intended audience.I just like 
> tinkering with it.
> Today, my install of Rawhide ( Xfce ), tried futily to update to the f33 path.
> I would like to know what I need to do to continue on that f33 path.   I am 
> missing a key.   Right ?

The key is in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ and dnf should find and prompt you to import it.

> I would also like to know what I need to do to stay on the f32 path, if I 
> decide to do that instead.
> That is probably my best option, since I really do not know much about 
> computers.

dnf config-manager --set-enabled fedora updates updates-testing
dnf config-manager --set-disabled rawhide
dnf --releasever=32 --setopt=install_weak_deps=False
--setopt=deltarpm=false distro-sync

> Either way, I am eventually probably going to install both on a separate SSD, 
> so I might as well
> just keep this install going on the f33 path.Right ?

I've no opinion either way there.
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Fedora 32 / Fedora 33

2020-02-15 Thread David
Dear Fedorians / Fedorans ?

I am a Rawhide user, although I am not your intended audience.I just
like tinkering with it.

Today, my install of Rawhide ( Xfce ), tried futily to update to the f33

I would like to know what I need to do to continue on that f33 path.   I am
missing a key.   Right ?

I would also like to know what I need to do to stay on the f32 path, if I
decide to do that instead.
That is probably my best option, since I really do not know much about

Either way, I am eventually probably going to install both on a separate
SSD, so I might as well
just keep this install going on the f33 path.Right ?


David Locklear
Arcola, Texas USA
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Fedora-Cloud-31-20200215.0 compose check report

2020-02-15 Thread Fedora compose checker
No missing expected images.

Passed openQA tests: 1/1 (x86_64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
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Re: booting .iso image from

2020-02-15 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 2/15/20 1:03 AM, George R Goffe via test wrote:

I have just downloaded

and proceeded to boot in a VM.

It seems that the boot procedure has changed some. Yes?

I don't see anything different.

I booted several times into "troubleshooting" and got the same behavior. It's 
like my keyboard is broken. I have to hit keys more than once to get the characters to 
appear. I'm pretty sure the keyboard isn't broken though since I don't see this problem 
elsewhere AND it doesn't appear when booting other images.

I can verify this.  Something else is stealing the keystrokes.  I did 
notice the screen flashing sometimes when pressing the keys that got taken.

I also did the "verify image" procedure. The image passed but then the VM went 
into install mode. I was expecting to be returned to the initial menu. I wanted rescue 
mode  you see... which leads back to the keyboard problem described above.

The verify menu item says "check media and *install rawhide*" so that's 
not a bug and has always worked like that.

Should I make bug reports on these issues?

If there isn't one for the keyboard problem yet, then yes.
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booting .iso image from

2020-02-15 Thread George R Goffe via test

I have just downloaded

and proceeded to boot in a VM.

It seems that the boot procedure has changed some. Yes?

I booted several times into "troubleshooting" and got the same behavior. It's 
like my keyboard is broken. I have to hit keys more than once to get the 
characters to appear. I'm pretty sure the keyboard isn't broken though since I 
don't see this problem elsewhere AND it doesn't appear when booting other 

I also did the "verify image" procedure. The image passed but then the VM went 
into install mode. I was expecting to be returned to the initial menu. I wanted 
rescue mode  you see... which leads back to the keyboard problem described 

Should I make bug reports on these issues?

Best regards,

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Fedora-Cloud-30-20200215.0 compose check report

2020-02-15 Thread Fedora compose checker
No missing expected images.

Passed openQA tests: 1/1 (x86_64)
Mail generated by check-compose:
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