RFE as to list settings, and more: was: Re: system-config-printer adding Windows printer via Samba

2018-04-27 Thread R P Herrold

an earlier send of this may have been 'eaten' as the list as 
an addressee was in a CC.  I do not see it in the archive

Adam (that 'well-known poster to this list' has decloaked, so 
I send along my half of the conversation as well) mentioned my 
prior communication with him, which is set out as at least a 
couple possib8ilities as to a test case for a Workstation 
class unit

- R

On Fri, 27 Apr 2018, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> test@ list must be popular. No replies since April 10th 
> despite a clear subject! What other list these days would 
> have drawn the attention of someone with interest in 
> Fedora's printing functionality?

Oh -- I don't know -- for reasons unclear,the 'Reply-to' is to 
the initial poster alone, not the list -- just noticed this

That causes list traffic to simply disappear, unanswered

RFE to List-Owner:  Please alter the 
Reply-to: test@lists.fedoraproject.org
for this list


I have 'cc'd the proper 'owner' identiy -- we shall see.

That said, I was corresponding privately with a well known 
poster to this list about the fact that:

acceptance testing did not include a working printer for a 
'Workstation' class unit

I received a prompt reply thus:

> > > the upgrade criteria. That is noted here:
> > > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1503321#c7
> Interesting bug
> I see:
> The decision to classify this bug as an AcceptedBlocker was 
> made, even though there is no current criteria to warrant 
> blocking on this. We plan to make a near-future change to the 
> criteria so that a bug like this from this point on will be 
> blocker-qualifying
> ==
> What IS the process and proper venue / place to seek changes 
> in blocker-qualifying criteria?

Send a proposal to test@ (usually worth CCing to other lists 
that may be interested too). Ideally include the words 
'proposal' or 'proposed' and 'criteria' or 'criterion' in the 
subject, cos it makes it a lot easier to find it later.

You can find lots of previous examples by, well, searching the 
list archives for those words. A proposal typically includes a 
general explanation of the nature of the proposed change and 
the reason for it, and the specific text you want to add or 
change or remove.



I have not gotten back to searching the archives for a 'worked 
example' to follow yet -- not enough 'tuits'

Long form of my prior comment to him was:

I am thinking here of a comment ... made a while back, that 
did not provoke any response, that there was no requirement 
that printing actually work, much of anywhere

I particularly think that a unit in 'workstation' role should: 

1. have a working LPR, [and so a matching LPD] to receive 
print jobs, and 

2. either 
   a. (worst choice) catch and route such to root's email as a 
an attachment print job file via mailx -- bad idea as 
it fills up /var/spool/mqueue/ [/] /var/spool/mail/

   b. (perhaps better) pop up a message that print services 
are not yet configured, and optionally offer 
suggestions in a 'want to know more' link

   c.  (best of the lot) if print services ARE configured,
hand off the print job to that service

I've been unclear about where to champion such a proposed 
change in release criteria

Thank you

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list -- test@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to test-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

RFE as to list settings, and more: was: Re: system-config-printer adding Windows printer via Samba

2018-04-27 Thread R P Herrold
On Fri, 27 Apr 2018, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> test@ list must be popular. No replies since April 10th 
> despite a clear subject! What other list these days would 
> have drawn the attention of someone with interest in 
> Fedora's printing functionality?

Oh -- I don't know -- for reasons unclear,the 'Reply-to' is to 
the initial poster alone, not the list -- just noticed this

That causes list traffic to simply disappear, unanswered

RFE to List-Owner:  Please alter the 
Reply-to: test@lists.fedoraproject.org
for this list


I have 'cc'd the proper 'owner' identiy -- we shall see.

That said, I was corresponding privately with a well known 
poster to this list about the fact that:

acceptance testing did not include a working printer for a 
'Workstation' class unit

I received a prompt reply thus:

> > > the upgrade criteria. That is noted here:
> > > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1503321#c7
> Interesting bug
> I see:
> The decision to classify this bug as an AcceptedBlocker was 
> made, even though there is no current criteria to warrant 
> blocking on this. We plan to make a near-future change to the 
> criteria so that a bug like this from this point on will be 
> blocker-qualifying
> ==
> What IS the process and proper venue / place to seek changes 
> in blocker-qualifying criteria?

Send a proposal to test@ (usually worth CCing to other lists 
that may be interested too). Ideally include the words 
'proposal' or 'proposed' and 'criteria' or 'criterion' in the 
subject, cos it makes it a lot easier to find it later.

You can find lots of previous examples by, well, searching the 
list archives for those words. A proposal typically includes a 
general explanation of the nature of the proposed change and 
the reason for it, and the specific text you want to add or 
change or remove.



I have not gotten back to searching the archives for a 'worked 
example' to follow yet -- not enough 'tuits'

Long form was:

I am thinking here of a comment ... made a while back, that 
did not provoke any response, that there was no requirement 
that printing actually work, much of anywhere

I particularly think that a unit in 'workstation' role should: 

1. have a working LPR, [and so a matching LPD] to receive 
print jobs, and 

2. either 
   a. (worst choice) catch and route such to root's email as a 
an attachment print job file via mailx -- bad idea as 
it fills up /var/spool/mqueue/ [/] /var/spool/mail/

   b. (perhaps better) pop up a message that print services 
are not yet configured, and optionally offer 
suggestions in a 'want to know more' link

   c.  (best of the lot) if print services ARE configured,
hand off the print job to that service

I've been unclear about where to champion such a proposed 
change in release criteria

Thank you

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list -- test@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to test-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

Re: Live CD creator

2018-04-02 Thread R P Herrold
On Mon, 2 Apr 2018, Adam Williamson wrote:

> http://weldr.io/lorax/livemedia-creator.html


> [adamw@adam tmp]$ rpm -qf `which livemedia-creator`
> lorax-28.8-1.fc28.x86_64

so the sources would seem to now reside at:


Thank you

-- Russ herrold

test mailing list -- test@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to test-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

Re: Live CD creator

2018-04-02 Thread R P Herrold
On Mon, 2 Apr 2018, Adam Williamson wrote:

> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Livemedia-creator-_How_to_create_and_use_a_Live_CD
> provides some help with using it. Good luck!

The Documentation link at that page returns a 404 

> Documentation

There seems to be no separate sources at RawHide for 
'livemedia-creator' -- in what package does it reside?

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list -- test@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to test-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

report on the Firefox / Electrolysis induced failures

2017-07-21 Thread R P Herrold

This came up in Fedora's most recent testing cycle, but the 
failure mode was not reliably reproducable, and so did not 
rise to the level of a blocker.  I think I have some insight

It looks like there is a missing SELinux ruleset problem, 
causing the hang ups in Firefox, but not all of them, for 
reasons discussed below


I see Adam in 

but sadly his conclusion that it is normal, is not true, after 
doing some tracing of stderr noise, and then looking for why 
ICP processes were failing ... Selinux  ;)

Adam mentions a need for fedora-qa testing through SSH tunnels 
and did so as root, which may have masked some of the noise -- 
I have a similar process for starting FF only through an ssh 
tunnel, daily, but it is pretty paranoid and ssh's over to a 
non-priv'd, and non container of information I would not want 
to have exfiltrated


yeah -- I know -- paranoid

anyway one culprit is the upstream cutover by FF to 
'electrolysis' and its new Inter-Process Communication model.  
IPC is hard, and in this case SELinux is doing its job, as it 
has not been told about a need to accomodate electrolysis yet

In digging down into the Mozilla development process, it 
appears they are deploy A B testing, invisibly, and so this is 
why the changes to the firefox settings:


browser.tabs.remote.autostart = false
browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 = false

are NOT deterministically appearing -- FF developers have some 
back end, which is invisible in non-developer mode, which 
makes a selection process choosing if one is or is not in a 
test pool, AND silently upstreaming 'telemetry' ;( That sounds 
like exfiltration of data to me

perhaps I an not unjustifiably paranoid starting firefox in a 
unpriv'd and no content containing 'sandbox'

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list -- test@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to test-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

Getting "error: db5-error(5) from dbenv->open - In/Out-error"

2017-06-14 Thread R P Herrold
On Wed, 14 Jun 2017, Jon Ingason wrote:

> I just installed Fedora 26 Beta 1.4 Gnome Workstation from
> Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-26_Beta-1.4.iso. Then I did "sudo dnf
> update" in terminal window:
> $ sudo dnf update --refresh
> Fedora 26 - x86_64 - Test Updates   5.4 MB/s |  23 MB
> 00:04
> Senaste kontroll av utgång av metadata: för 0:00:00 sedan den ons 14 jun
> 2017 19
> :16:47.
> Beroenden upplösta.

Tt has long been known that using potentially 'stale' cursor 
handles, under a scripting language such as Python, which, as 
we look at the transaction, is modifying the BDB backing store 
'underneath itself'.  This will result in corruption such as 
this.  An ancient version of 'yum' back in the Seth K Vidal 
days ran into this as well.  This is nothing new, or 
unknowable as to its source

It is not RPM, it is not BDB -- it is incautious coders trying 
to change the tires on a moving vehicle without adequate 
precautions, and being surprised when 'bad stuff' TM happens

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list -- test@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to test-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

Re: F21 emergency.target when root pw isn't set

2014-12-19 Thread R P Herrold

Chris had contacted me off list yesterday, and surfaced his 
reply to the list earlier today.  This was my response to that 

  -- R

(Russ speaking, outside of the '>' markers)

On Thu, 18 Dec 2014, Chris Murphy wrote:

> I'm not sure what this means. 

I wanted to document in the ML thread, an alternative approach 
which you might have used to avoid the unclean shutdown 
problems you encountered (I did to, as I tried the approach 
you documented) to the thread, and the d*mn systemd immaturity 
shows that 'real' admins are not testing the systemd code.  
The darn thing is just not ready yet, and RH had no business 
basing its enterprise product off it in RHEL 7 ... Fedora -- 
sure -- go nuts, and keep all the broken pieces, but not RHEL 

> OS X and Windows have a basic
> recovery/repair environment that do not require any sort of login to
> access, and that includes password resetting. 

the OS/X method I am familiar entails booting from alternative 
media (a different partition or from media on older hardware, 
and one assumes from USB on newer, and essentially having a 
guided loop mount to not just blank, but actually set a new 
hard passwd in the credentials database).  So a variant of my 
loopmounting and TUI manipulating the sick image under *nix

Windows is trickier as the credential 'lives' in a specific 
hive segment in the registry (post Win 3.51 NT), and may 
either be blanked, or have a hash of a credential stored on a 
non-running client primary image, via a recovery instance 
(sometimes secondary, sometimes media, etc)

> I'm not really grokking
> the point of systemd making single/emergency target locked down like
> this; physical access is assumed because in emergency mode there is no
> network. And physical access has always meant full access unless the
> volumes are encrypted. I'm a bit stumped how this is supposed to work
> without really esoteric knowledge.

all great questions / observations, but the systemd folks are 
not to be criticized.  It gets tiresome

best regards,

-- Russ
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Re: F21 emergency.target when root pw isn't set

2014-12-18 Thread R P Herrold
On Thu, 18 Dec 2014, Chris Murphy wrote:

> However, after changing the root password, the command 
> reboot is not found. And exit causes a kernel panic!

WHen I hit the 'systemd wants a root password' issue, I loop 
mounted the image I wished to boot, and set the root PW in 
/etc/shadow to a blanked value (i.e., no passwd) to get around 
the issue

-- Russ herrold
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Re: How to calculate priority for missing tests or %check

2014-02-27 Thread R P Herrold
On Thu, 27 Feb 2014, Adam Jackson wrote:

> > Btw the URL field in the spec file should be updated to
> > http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libpciaccess/
> Oh yes, another useless rpm feature, I'll be sure to make that my top
> priority.

sneer at it if you wish, but this is a feature of RPM that I 
use often.  Being able to have at least a hint to the web 
presence of the upstream variant in play, and so to be able to 
find a security mailing list and such is MUCH easier than 
trawling through search engine clutter ( the old: .LSM files 
having fallen out of favor )

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Re: Proposal: let's just use the FAS group already

2013-12-17 Thread R P Herrold
On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, Akshay Vyas wrote:

> If we can do every QA stuff without being a part of QA group then
> what's the use of creating a QA group

How do you STOP people from doing QA, and reporting stuff 
either to bugzilla or the mailing list?  But I think the issue 
is that at least one element of 'every' role for a Fedora 
contributor is not open to me (i.e., voting) without some 
additional group membership beyond

Looking at my accout page at fedoraproject,org, I show only:
Signed CLA Group (user) 
Signers of the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement  (user) 

I have one request not acted upon by a functionally dead sub 
project, and recall making another request to another which I 
never heard back on ...

but last time that voting time came around, I was unable to do 

My participation in making RH derived distributions predates 
even the Fedora project itself, having been active since RHL's 
inception.  I was one of the early if not original 'invited' 
cohort of external 'testers-list' members (2001 era as I 
recall), former editor of rpm.org, more bug filings thatn I 
care to count, the first commit for 'sqlite' when it came in 
for RPM purposes, and so forth

Adam, to the extent I am not a formal member of QA group, 
please take this as my request for addition to such 

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Re: Proposal: let's just use the FAS group already

2013-12-16 Thread R P Herrold
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

> The game is to treat QA volunteers like other contributors. 
> That way they don't have to also become packagers (or 
> something else) in order to participate in Fedora Elections 
> or make use of resources limited to people who are in more 
> than just the Fedora CLA group. ...

fwiw, this list is about the only Fedora list I actively read 
anymore in near real time.  I am not directly interested in 
the various other roads into gaining 'elector' capacity 
because of the time commitments implied

If there is a 'game afoot' by Adam, it is one of which approve 
if the end result is as Bruno outlines

-- Russ herrold
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Re: Moving away from reporting to RH bugzilla and adopting pure upstream reporting mantra.

2013-09-24 Thread R P Herrold

On Tue, 24 Sep 2013, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:


Let's run a simple query against bugzilla for bugs in the 
status NEW ( as in not looked at ) and find out the oldest 
report from our reporters ...

What does a count of the number of bug reports have to do with 
the bug tracker used?

If there are too many packages in Fedora, cut them back

If there are too few people fixing bugs, figure out if the 
project design is attractive to potential maintainers

If the release cadence is too fast, slow it down

If a moratorium of changes on favor of bug fixes is needed, 
call for it

... but NONE of this has more than a passing relation to the 
(subject line) proposal to change bug trackers used

This thread needs to be refactored (or just die).  People are 
arguing just to hear themselves talk.  If it is just about 
'winning' or being vindicated, there is no purpose for it here

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Re: Draft terminal application test case

2013-07-31 Thread R P Herrold

On Wed, 31 Jul 2013, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:

How do you define a terminal as a crucial app for any desktop?

Let alone at alpha when the user can always boot into the multi-user target 
for a terminal and F2?

and that keystroke sequence works in a VM across a 
TLS protected connection, just how?  We probably deploy 500 
VMs to each new tangible one

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Really big software installation dialog: Bug or Feature ?

2013-02-05 Thread R P Herrold

On Tue, 5 Feb 2013, Robert M. Albrecht wrote:

I'm running rawhide on a system attached to a 27" display with 
2560x1440 pixels resolution.

Some application like the package manager or firstboot are 
running within a maximized window which is really huge, 
inconvenient and wastes a lot of screen space. The gui 
elements are scattered and easy overlooked, as the Apply 
changes button is literaly a mile away.

I consider such behaviour a usability bug and filed on 


Probably each application that needs to have sizing controls, 
needs to be filed separately


-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Re: Spamd won't listen to spamc

2013-01-21 Thread R P Herrold

On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R wrote:

]: spamd: unauthorized connection from omen.com [] at 
port 55566 at /usr/bin/spamd line 1271.

Jan 21 02:03:51 omen spamd[25898]: prefork: child states: II


As has been the case for the last 6+ years, the calling spamc has been on 
the same machine as spamd.

Something has changed in Fedora 18 to break it.

Times change, and the new kid is: ... systemd

I would be suspicious of a corner case of systemd, and it not 
handling the external interface connection, but ... that needs 
some research first

To partition the problem, perhaps change your iptables to pass 
all on that IP, add a spamd 'listening interface' rules 
[/etc/sysconfig/spamassassin -- a '-i' option, although the 
man page implies all interfaces are neing listened on to 
accept your boxes 'external' IP, and change your spamc 
connection to use, all come to mind

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Package set

2012-09-19 Thread R P Herrold

On Tue, 18 Sep 2012, Bill Nottingham wrote:

Adam Williamson (awill...@redhat.com) said:

Often? Citation appears to be needed.

Quick search pulls:

and for virtualization


and then * crickets * since: 2012-07-27

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Anaconda and network-attached storage devices

2012-07-27 Thread R P Herrold

On Fri, 27 Jul 2012, Petr Schindler wrote:

It is a big problem. Lot of things will be broken (won't be in new
anaconda for F18, but should be again in next releases, 
hopefully).  ...

... and I hope that
the discussion within this threads will lead to some action - for me it
would be better to wait, but it looks like we could wait another six

'hope is not a plan' -- Here's a use case discussion ...

A couple weeks ago, I had to do a system recovery on an older 
unit, where a partition containing the binaries one needed 
developed drive errors recently.  It was old enough (F12 era), 
I could use the trick of booting with:

to get the unit up 'enough' that I could do FSCKs and fix 
libraries enough to get ssh and rsync running, and so suck off 
the content not covered by backups (a couple of weeks of 
delta) 'across the wire'.  The unit happened to be up at a 
datacenter, and so inconvenient to simply 'pull the drive' out 
of, for data recovery

With the cut to systemd, none of us has those kind of 'tricks' 
at hand yet, and a media boot into 'rescue mode' with a kernel 
'close' to what one is repairing, is pretty well mandatory. 
It is probably possible to do so via PXE, but would be 
extrordinarily cumbersome to document in the general case

It may be that a live CD will turn the trick for rescue modes, 
but the reason one falls back to install media (and 'rescue 
mode') is for hardware and LV fixup/ drive detection, and 
finally being able to chroot into a sick drive ... that is, 
to perform the rescue

The absence of TUI rescue may be OK is RawHide (where it is 
permissible to eat kittens for breakfast), but not for a 
formal release, I would think ... perhaps a separate 'Recovery 
disk' ISO might be spun, with the F17 anaconda but F18 kernel, 
and ancillaries?  I 'get it' that it is cumbersome to maintain 
two paths, but without some way to address recovery, I have to 
think that well-advised folks will simply 'give a pass' to 
a 'risky' F18

- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Re: fc18 Nightly LiveCD / 20120619

2012-06-20 Thread R P Herrold

On Thu, 21 Jun 2012, Amit Saha wrote:

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:09 AM, R P Herrold  wrote:

On Wed, 20 Jun 2012, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

# rpm -qf `which livemedia-creator`

I tried using livemedia-creator a while back and ran into a number of
issues [1]. If you succeed, do share your findings.

Lorax appeared around F15, and has a later Python usage which 
prevents building on older CentOS (my primary environment, 
where I would build images)

/usr/bin/env python setup.py build
  File "setup.py", line 30

Not clear that back porting will work here, but we will see

As to the issues you have encountered, Amit, I would encourage 
you to file bugs at: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ along with 
reproducing cases, and as possible, fixes (a form of sharing 
** your ** findings ;) ).  Without such reports, the 
developers do not know your pain points

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Re: fc18 Nightly LiveCD / 20120619

2012-06-20 Thread R P Herrold

On Wed, 20 Jun 2012, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

# rpm -qf `which livemedia-creator`

thank you

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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Re: fc18 Nightly LiveCD / 20120619

2012-06-20 Thread R P Herrold

On Tue, 19 Jun 2012, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

do note that livecd-tools are no longer supported. f18 will be using
livemedia-creator to make the livecds i susoect you wont see the old
tools fixed.

I do not see a package for: livemedia-creator in bugzilla, nor 
does my local mirror of RawHide disclose such a package.

What SRPM holds: livemedia-creator ?

Thank you

-- Russ herrold
test mailing list
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F17: wvdial crash

2012-04-15 Thread R P Herrold

On Sun, 15 Apr 2012, Pedro Francisco wrote:

wvdial is crashing when trying to start a connection. Modem = /dev/ttyACM0.

$ sudo wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
--> Cannot get information for serial port.

this looks ominous ... is there a SElinux intercept from some 
need to re-label?   (I built and installed a fresh WVdial 
from RawHide last week, and so the package itself seems 

--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.

given the error return noted earlier, something in WVdial may 
be in an undetermnined state, and until that earlier matter is 
addressed, it is not too surprising that a program later dies

wvdial: utils/wvtask.cc:409: static void WvTaskMan::_stackmaster():
Assertion `magic_number == -0x123678' failed.

Does anyone have any idea of what it is?

-- Russ herrold
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