Re: Kernels 3.13.9-200.fc20.x86_64 and 3.1389-200.fc20.x86_64 hang at startup on DELL Precision T3610.

2014-04-10 Thread Rolf Fokkens

I added the output of "dracut --print-cmdline" (specifically the 
parts) to 'linux ...' lines in grub2.cfg, which works.

As an alternative I also added a simple '' which (may not be the 
preferred solution but) works as well.

On 04/10/2014 02:31 PM, poma wrote:

On 10.04.2014 14:15, poma wrote:

On 10.04.2014 11:25, Francis SOUYRI wrote:

Hello Rolf,

Thank you for your help but I am not sure to understand the bugzilla...

I have this:

# cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.6-200.fc20.x86_64 root=/dev/vgroot/lvroot ro

Dracut give me this:

# dracut --print-cmdline
resume=/dev/mapper/vgroot-lvswap  root=/dev/mapper/vgroot-lvroot
rootflags=rw,relatime,data=ordered rootfstype=ext4

where can I add the the dracut cmdline (grub.conf, darcut.conf) ?

Specify a space-separated LVM & MD UUIDs listed with
# dracut --print-cmdline
in dracut configuration file

# dracut --force
# reboot

Within the lower kernel version:
# dracut --kver 3.13.9-200.fc20.x86_64 --force
# reboot


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Re: Kernels 3.13.9-200.fc20.x86_64 and 3.1389-200.fc20.x86_64 hang at startup on DELL Precision T3610.

2014-04-10 Thread Rolf Fokkens
I think this is related:

Op 10/04/14 09:46 schreef Rolf Fokkens :

>Same problem here, but I think it is caused by the latest dracut.
>Creating a new initramdisk for older kernels (and booting it) results in
>the same problem.
>> Op 10 apr. 2014 om 09:13 heeft Francis SOUYRI 
>>het volgende geschreven:
>> Hello,
>> I juste updated my PC to the kernel-3.13.9-200.fc20.x86_64 and before
>>the kernel-3.13.8-200.fc20.x86_64 but on my DELL Precision T3610 with
>>these kernels the system hang with the last messages:
>> Reached target Paths
>> Reached target Basic System
>> Random non blocking pools initialized
>> I have no problem with the kernel-3.13.6-200.fc20.x86_64.
>> Best regards.
>> Francis
>> -- 
>> test mailing list
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Re: Kernels 3.13.9-200.fc20.x86_64 and 3.1389-200.fc20.x86_64 hang at startup on DELL Precision T3610.

2014-04-10 Thread Rolf Fokkens
Same problem here, but I think it is caused by the latest dracut. Creating a 
new initramdisk for older kernels (and booting it) results in the same problem.

> Op 10 apr. 2014 om 09:13 heeft Francis SOUYRI  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> Hello,
> I juste updated my PC to the kernel-3.13.9-200.fc20.x86_64 and before the 
> kernel-3.13.8-200.fc20.x86_64 but on my DELL Precision T3610 with these 
> kernels the system hang with the last messages:
> Reached target Paths
> Reached target Basic System
> Random non blocking pools initialized
> I have no problem with the kernel-3.13.6-200.fc20.x86_64.
> Best regards.
> Francis
> -- 
> test mailing list
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Re: Sunday 13th of October: SSD cache test day

2013-10-12 Thread Rolf Fokkens

On 10/12/2013 10:58 PM, Reartes Guillermo wrote:

Maybe that can be enhanced to say "cset.uuid" instead of just "uuid" /
"set uuid"? (for which i confused it with dev.uuid shown by blkid,
since i never used bcache before).
cset.uuid can be obtained from the output of "bcache-show-super".


Thanks, I updated the text!

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Re: Let's stop using wiki for test results

2013-10-12 Thread Rolf Fokkens


Tomorrow (sunday) there's an SSD cache Test day. I do like not using the 
wiki for testresults, but is this tool online available to be used for 
tomorrow's test day?


On 10/11/2013 06:53 PM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:

On 10/11/2013 04:47 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

Well, 'we' didn't, really. Josef just thought it would be a useful thing
to have, so he wrote it, and someone running a test day wound up using
it. There was no strategic meeting or grand conspiracy or plan or
something. This is how stuff happens in tech, usually: stuff gets done
because people it.

Not really but OK

  Now we have seen test days where we used
the wiki to track results and test days where we used josef's little
tool to track results, and people seem to like the tool, so maybe now
we'll make it more clear to people running test days that they have the
option of using the tool to track the results. That's really the sum
total of what's going on.

Anything beats the wiki really so if it's in ready enough shape we 
should just move to that one instead.


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[Test-Announce] Sunday 13th of October: SSD cache test day

2013-10-09 Thread Rolf Fokkens

Hi All,

The Fedora SSD Cache is this sunday October 13th 2013. This Fedora Test 
Day will focus on bcache based SSD Caching in Fedora 20.

If you're interested in trying out the new bcache SSD caching 
functionality step by step instructions are available for:

- bcache on physical hardware
- bcache in a virtual machine
- non-root FS on bcache (with or without LVM)
- root FS on bcache (wtih or without LVM)

The objective of this Test day is to demonstrate a working Fedora 20 
system using bcache. Te be more specific:

 * The system boots OK; after booting bcache is operating as expected
 * The system updates ("yum update") OK. After updating specifically
   the kernel the system boots OK.
 * The system is bootable when the caching device is disabled.

Although testing on real hardware is closest to "the real thing", 
testing in a VM may also provide good insights on the proper working of 
bcache (except for performance).

If you can't make the date of the test day, adding test case results to the 
wiki anytime next week is fine as well. Though if you do plan on showing up to 
the test day,
please add your name to the participant list on the wiki, and when the day 
arrives, pop into #fedora-test-day on freenode and give us a shout! If you 
can't make the date
of the test day, adding test case results to the wiki anytime next week is fine 
as well. Though if you do plan on showing up to the test day, add your name to 
participant list on the wiki, and when the day arrives, pop into 
#fedora-test-day on freenode and give us a shout!

The Wiki page is still under development, so expect some improvements 
before sunday.


Igor Gnatenko
Rolf Fokkens

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