
2023-09-30 Thread

Good morning,

Yesterday I got a new ISP. I have a new email address and I changed my 
email address in the Fedora Account System. I just checked it this 
morning and the new address is still there. However this morning the 
meeting announcements and test reports came to my old email address. 
Fortunately I haven't discontinued that ISP with it's associated email 
address yet.

What else do I need to change for the QA related email to come to me new 
email address?

Have a Great Day!

tablepc Pat
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Re: new criterion proposal: Window manager functionality

2023-03-22 Thread

On 3/22/23 03:57, Kamil Paral wrote:

Here's a second draft. I took feedback here and also from the QA meeting
[1]. The split between the milestones makes this harder to read and
compare. If you have better ideas on how to do it, please tell me :-)

The only suggestion I have is for the foot notes under Final. Combine 
the second note into the first. Perhaps something like:

What does this cover?: The goal of this criterion is to ensure general 
desktop-related functionality for different types of applications. A 
small number of on-working applications (caused by applications 
themselves or the desktop environment) is not a violation of this 
criterion. An example of a violation would be if a significant number of 
QT applications couldn't be resized (but they should be), or if all Java 
applications failed to
display any content. This criteria applies to all applications 
(including third-party ones), not just preinstalled ones. More window 
operations are required to work, For example the explicitly stated 
virtual workspaces workflows.

Otherwise this looks fine.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Possible new test day

2022-12-31 Thread
This morning when I saw the call for test days e'mail I had an idea that 
I want to get some feedback on before I propose it as a test day.

I manage multiple systems and for each new release of Fedora 
Workstation, I do installs (clean storage)  rather that updates. This 
gets rid of the trash in the system space and users get a chance to 
clean the trash out of their home directory before it's copied to their 
new home directory. The automation (script) I use for configuring these 
systems after the base Anaconda install not only installs and removes 
software packages, but also does setting of desktop preferences, service 
settings, and user setting such as groups. I start using the script with 
what I call As Deployed Testing which typically starts a little before 
branching of the new version. This happens for pre-release drops as 
testing is called for or for other drops as something peaks my interest. 
Good things can be discovered about the readiness of the new release for 
deployment with this as deployed configuration. For instance:

Unreported bugs can sometimes show up. Besides reporting the bug I can 
understand the impact of the bug and plan for a workaround or other 
measure given that the bug may not be a priority. An application may be 
retired or have a new version that is delayed. Such situations can lead 
to the deployment being delayed or working with users to decide if we 
might need to be tolerant of a bug or picking a new application.

A Gnome setting (gsettings) may work differently or no longer be 
available. Their may be new settings available

I would guess that most folks that deploy new Fedora Workstation 
releases for a group of users do something similar. So why then have a 
test day for this? I see the following benefits:

On the test day results pages each tester can report the number of users 
they support and list by number any new bugs or issues they found that 
were seen after their as deployed configuration, but not with with the 
base anaconda installed configuration. This provides an indication of 
the impact of the bugzilla bugs and Gnome issues that were found.

They can be encouraged to post on Fedora Discussion about any new or 
different gsettings or service configurations they found. This will 
raise visibility of new, changed, and removed settings. They can tell 
about replacement application(s) they are using in place of ones that 
are retired or otherwise not available.

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Re: Thoughts welcome: interface between automated test gating and the "critical path"

2022-10-18 Thread

On 10/17/22 8:45 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Fri, 2022-09-02 at 10:26 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:

If we don't think it's worth doing that work, then we're kinda stuck
with openQA glomming onto the critpath definition to decide which
updates to test and gate, because I don't have any other current viable
choices for that, really. And we'd have to figure out a critpath
definition that's as viable as possible for both purposes.

BTW, one other thought I've had in relation to all this is that we
could enhance the current critpath definition somewhat. Right now, it's
built out of package groups in comps which are kinda topic-separated:
there's a critpath-kde, a critpath-gnome, a critpath-server, and so on.
But the generated critical path package list is a monolith: it doesn't
distinguish between a package that's on the GNOME critpath and a
package that's on the KDE critpath, you just get a big list of all
critpath packages. It might be nice if we actually did distinguish
between those - the critpath definition could keep track of which
critpath topic(s) a package is included in, and Bodhi could display
that information in the web UI and provide it via the API. That way
manual testers could get a bit more info on why a package is critpath
and what areas to test, and openQA could potentially target its test
runs to conserve resources a bit, though this might require a bit more
coding work on the gating stuff now I think about it.

That sounds useful. We only need a volunteer to figure out the details
and do the work ;)

I actually did a huge rewrite of the thing that generates the critpath
data this week, and it probably wouldn't be to much work, honestly.
The most annoying bit would be the Bodhi frontend stuff, but that's
because I'm bad at frontend dev in general. :P But yeah, this is
definitely off in sky-castle land. I'll add it to my ever-growing list
of sky-castle projects to do when I get a couple of years of spare

So, an update on this whole area!

First off, I'm actually finding the time to do the sky-castle work. The
releng critpath script now outputs critpath data by group:

Bodhi (git HEAD Bodhi, anyway) can now read data in that format:

and when this PR is merged, it will be able to mark updates as critpath
by groups:

This has the handy bonus effect of enabling us to remove one of our
remaining uses of PDC. Once the Bodhi work is merged, I can send a PR
for the releng ansible repo to define per-group greenwave policies, run
the script nightly on the Bodhi boxes, and switch to the
'json' critpath type in Bodhi config, and finally I can then enhance
the openQA scheduler to only run the necessary tests for each update.

Second, since nobody really opposed the idea of extending the critpath
definition slightly, here's a formal proposal to implement that. I want
to edit the wiki critpath page:

and change it as follows:

1. Under Background, change "The packages required to sustain these
actions make up the critical path." to:

"The packages required to sustain these actions initially made up the
critical path. Later, it was agreed that the maintainers of Editions,
spins, and labs can also declare packages that provide other key
functionality to be part of the ''critical path'' for that Edition,
spin or lab."

2. Under Actions, change the first two sentences to read:

"Packages required to perform the most fundamental actions on a system
are always considered part of the ''critical path''. Those actions
include: "

Does anyone object to these proposed changes? Thanks!

I think this is a great improvement over what we had.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Video issue

2022-10-15 Thread

This is something I first saw at first branch and I have continued 
monitoring it since. There has been no change.

The problem is that MP4, and AVI videos will not play on Totem. This is 
probably not a blocker based on the current criteria. I doubt that a bug 
report is even a proper thing to do.  However this seems likely to cause 
some discontent and commentary.

My current clean install is from Fedora-WS-Live-37-20221013-n-0. It is 
fully updated. I have also loaded the Free video codecs from In Software --> Codecs when I try to install the the 
gstreamer-libav Software says it's not available. So it can't be 
installed. I've looked for it on with no luck. I found 
gstreamer1-plugin-libav in the fedora repo then installed in and did a 
reboot. This solved the problem. MP4, and AVI videos now play in totem. 
Software --> Codecs still says that gstreamer-libav is not available.

I think this either needs to be installed by default and remove it from 
Software --> Codecs or put it back in where it can be 
installed the way users are used to. For now I'll just add it to my 
install script.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Extensions information

2022-09-21 Thread

Good morning everyone,

I know Gnome Shell Extension issues are not considered bugs. This is 
just information.

Earlier when the discussion was going on about not being able to install 
extensions I sent an e'mail to this list that mentioned this and said I 
would check it out more when Gnome had a version number. Now that Gnome 
is 43.0 I went ahead with my checks.

Three of the extensions used here are Freon, NetSpeed, and System 
Monitor. To this point these would not run reporting an error of not 
being compatible with the current Gnome version. Today I patched that 
and verified the patches as follows:

sudo sed -i 's/40.0/43.0/g' 

sudo sed -i 's/42/43.0/g' 

sudo sed -i 's/42/43.0/g' 




Now Freon and Net Speed seem to be working fine. If someone could update 
the Gnome version in their metadata.jason files in the RPM they should 
be fine as installed. Should these be reported as Gnome issues?

System Monitor now shows a different error "StatusArea aggregateMenu is 
undefined". Is this a Gnome Issue or do extension issues get reported at 
another location?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Release criteria proposal: require GNOME Shell extension install/remove to work

2022-09-12 Thread

On 9/12/22 3:35 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

We have a handful of extensions packaged, though I'm not sure how well
they're kept up to date. Aside from those, I don't know of any other
really practical way for regular users to install extensions besides . Is there one?

My uers and I need Gnome extensions.

The ones used here are in the Fedora 37 repo, that's where I get them, 
but there are some that won't run. The Extensions app. says they are not 
compatable with the current version of Gnome. I've looked into this for 
the Extension Freon. Freon actually queries the Gnome verion and 
compares it to the version in a file that comes with the extensiion. 
I've been able to fix the issue for F36 with:

sudo sed -i 's/40.0/42.2/g' 

I've been waiting to see what the Gnome version in F37 will be.

This may be the problem with the others that won't run, but I haven't 
had a chance to look into that yet.

I think the intension of this is to ensure that someone has tested the 
extension to be sure it works then they put the current Gnome version in 
the file to enable it to work. Of course this little patch bypasses that 

Have a Great Day!

Pat tablepc

Assuming for now that there isn't, I'm gonna propose this as a Final
release criterion to see how people feel about it, to come after
"Default panel functionality":


=== GNOME extensions ===

On Fedora Workstation, it must be possible to install and remove
extensions by visiting in the default web
browser, after installing the required browser extension.


Do folks think this is important enough to block Final release on?
Desktop folks, do you consider it "supportable"?


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Thoughts welcome: interface between automated test gating and the "critical path"

2022-08-30 Thread

On 8/29/22 6:50 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

Hi folks!

I have one of those definitional quandaries and I figured I'd throw it
at the lists for some input.

I spent some years as a project manager and I have lots of experience 
with schedules. The term Crital Path was formalized in the business 
world when project managers learned to use Gantt Charts for their 
scheduling. The Critical Path was fluid and changed as various task 
dependancies were actually or potentially impacting the project 
completion date. The tasks and resources on the critical path got 
special attention to mitigate the delay. This usually led to changes in 
the critical path or new a critical path would come up. Redefining the 
term is is not a clean solution ot this problem.

First, I think the terminology needs to change. I propose having a 
critical package list. The critical package list would be defined as 
something along the lines: "These packages should be working in Fedora 
as released as Beta or Final. Failing packages must have blocker bugs 
and/or freeze exceptions." Notice the should gives room for making 
exceptions as packages fail near release time.

After that all critical packages should be tested and evaluated with 
openQA and Gating.

To adopt this approach their two tasks:

First decide what packages are on the Critical Package List. The reasons 
will be many and I don't see a need to document the reasons. A small 
group of people can make up the list and put it before the comunity for 

Second change the testing and gatiing so they work from the list

Have Great Day!

Pat tablepc
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Testing FWS F37 branched 20220816.n.0

2022-08-17 Thread

Good day everyone,

Testing FWS F37 branched 20220816.n.0.

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and passed then loaded to a thumb drive using Media 
Writer. The test machine booted to Live normally when the (start F37 
live) was selected in Grub. Anaconda started normally. Options to delete 
all and reclaim space were selected for the hard drive. Install ran 
normally. The reboot to the hard drive was normal. Part two of the 
install was normal.

When the (test media then start F37) was selected in Grub the media test 
would not run due to lack of files "[   5.973632] dracut-pre-udev[501]: 
sh: line 1: /sbin/sysctl: No such file or directory The media check is 
complete, the result is: NA. No checksum information available, unable 
to verify media". this has been the case since I started testing F37 
branched. I did not file a bug report since I think this is probably 
already receiving lots of attention.

From my results F37 seems in rather good condition at this stage. I'm 
particularly please by the fact that my HL-L6200DW printer installs 
during the Fedora install process and the only thing I have to do is set 
double sided printing. It even works with Firefox.

The only unique problems (don't already have a bug report) I found had 
to do with things that aren't in the repository yet so I can't install 
them. These were codecs and OBS-Studio. The packages for F37 seem to be 
available, but aren't in the F37 repo yet.  Not a problem at this stage.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Test request: Gnome Text Editor infinite loop (RHBZ 2071228)

2022-04-26 Thread

On 4/26/22 09:52, Ben Cotton wrote:

Hi folks,

I saw RHBZ 2071228 [1] proposed as a freeze exception, but it looks
blockery to me. The report specifically mentions the fa_IR locale. It
would be very helpful for the purposes of blocker decision to know if
the problem is specific to that locale or if others are affected.

I've tried to reproduce it using the steps in the bug, but I haven't
been able to. That could be entirely a Me Problem™ though.


A bit more data I didn't set fa_IR but using my usual US English 
settings I opened a file made some edits and click the x in the windpr 
cprner to close gedit without saving and it came up with the warning 
asking me if I wanted to save first. I clicked discard and it closed 
normally. When I reopened the file the edits were not present as I would 

Have a Great Day!

tablepc Pat
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Re: Proposal: revise "Default application functionality" final criterion to be clearer

2022-01-21 Thread

On 1/20/22 19:08, Adam Williamson wrote:

Hi folks! So I've had this action item at meetings forever now:

"adamw to try and clarify intent of "default application functionality"
criterion regarding arches"

For all release-blocking desktop / arch combinations, the following
applications must start successfully and withstand a basic
functionality test:

* web browser
* file manager
* package manager
* image viewer
* document viewer
* text editor
* archive manager
* terminal emulator
* problem reporter
* help viewer
* system settings

If there are multiple applications of the same type (e.g. several web
browsers), the primary/default one must satisfy the requirements. If
the primary/default application can't be determined, at least one of
said applications must satisfy the requirements.

Additionally, for Fedora Workstation on the x86_64 architecture,
'''all''' applications installed by default must meet this requirement.


Thoughts? Is this an improvement? Anyone have a better idea? Thanks!

I like it! It's straight forward, understandable, and brief. There will 
be lots of different opinions on what a "basic functionality test" is so 
they'll get tested lots of ways and that's a good thing.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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In regard to testing Fedora 36 Rawhide 20220114.n.0

2022-01-14 Thread

Testing for Fedora 36 Rawhide 20220114.n.0 has started out a bit rough. 
I booted the install media and the check passed, but while it was 
booting the live I got the "Oh no!" sad face. I just waited for a while 
then clicked the "Log Out" and after a bit the Anaconda started as a 
very small window in the upper left corner of the sad face screen. 
Anaconda is currently running the install so I'll see what else 
interesting happens.

Is this known or should I file a bug?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: F35 retrospective follow-up: proposed actions

2021-11-27 Thread

On 11/26/21 19:04, Adam Williamson wrote:

3. "Ahmedalmeleh - Bugzilla is challenging to me and still getting used
to it. I wish I was able to learn how to operate OpenQA's automated
tests, in the given timeframe and was given guidance sooner.", also
Ahmed's 'wishlist' item and Matt's item - I'll plan to file a ticket
for improved guidance on using Bugzilla, and ask Ahmed for specific
input on what might help. I wonder if it might be a good idea to drag
ourselves into the 21st century and record some videos covering common
QA activities too, that might be something some folks would appreciate
more than text instructions? For openQA, I'll ask Ahmed for more detail
on specifically what he'd like to do with it here, as "operating" the
tests isn't something we envisage most contributors typically needing
to do.

From the "helper's" point of view I find videos to be very good. I use 
OBS-Studio. When I have "how do you" questions from a user, I use 
OBS-Studio to record the screen and my voice as a short video while I do 
a "show and tell" of how to do whatever it is they want to do. The added 
benefits are that I rarely get followup questions and I can answer any 
repeat or duplicate questions very quickly.

How does this sound to everyone? Please add any suggestions you have!
And there's still time to add new items to the retrospective itself, if
any new ones show up, I'll update this list of proposed actions.

To begin with this will be a bit off topic. I've spent most of my free 
time in the last year learning about servers. The application is "home 
servers" Most of the folks I know have multiple devices they use but 
they don't have storage to hold all the documents, code snips, images, 
etc. they may want to access from a given device at a given time. A home 
server is a good answer

The folks on Ask Fedora were very helpful. I summarized the initial 
results in this post:

The hurtles for setting up a home server are daunting for the 
uninitiated. I estimate that I spent around 200 hours in the last year 
looking for doc's, asking questions, understanding the answers, trying 
things, etc. I expect that this is due to the expectation that servers 
are for businesses that hire people with specific skills and training to 
setup and manage servers.

I'm hoping, that when it's done, the information presented in my follow 
up posts will lower the time investment and pre-answer many of the 
questions involved with such an effort.

Getting more people familiar with more ways to use fedora and provide 
them with a trail of bread crumbs to follow seems like a good thing to 
me. We probably have more opportunities to lower the hurtles for people 
to use various Fedora offerings.

Have a Great Day!

tablepc Pat
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Blocker on Cockpit Machines

2021-09-27 Thread

In regard to the blocker I proposed on Cockpit Machines:

Martin Pit  has added a note to the bug: "This was 
fixed upstream a few days ago. It will be part of Wednesday's c-machines 
253 release."

I suggest we punt this one until next time; so the new version can be 

I won't be able to attend the blocker meeting today.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: [Test-Announce] 2021-09-27 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora 35 Blocker Review Meeting

2021-09-27 Thread

On 9/24/21 20:30, Adam Williamson wrote:

# F35 Blocker Review meeting
# Date: 2021-09-27
# Time: 16:00 UTC
# Location: #fedora-blocker-review on

In regard to the blocker I proposed on Cockpit Machines:

Martin Pit  has added a note to the bug: "This was 
fixed upstream a few days ago. It will be part of Wednesday's c-machines 
253 release."

I suggest we punt this one until next time; so the new version can be 

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Basic criterion proposal: g-i-s shouldn't take 2 minutes to launch

2021-09-17 Thread

On 9/17/21 07:29, Lukas Ruzicka wrote:

What if we replaced the "10 seconds" with something like "reasonably fast".
With different machines people could have different expectations, so
somebody could consider 10 seconds a long time, while others could take 20
for normal.
This could make more room for usual experience and expectations.

On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 1:13 PM Ben Cotton  wrote:

Providing for the varied experience and expectations also provides room 
 for more bug reports. Some of those reports will likely be for times 
we either can't or won't fix. Personally I like having a number. I start 
noticing a restart taking longer than expected when there are no signs 
of progress and around 10 seconds have passed. I start thinking "this is 
taking too long at around 20 seconds, and by 30 seconds I start thinking 
this needs a bug report.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 3:35 AM Kamil Paral  wrote:

But I also missed his announcement, and when this discussion was

renewed, I thought the criterion still wasn't finalized and in effect. It
seems I wasn't the only one :o)

I also forgot that I had done it when the discussion picked back up.
But yeah, I'm definitely flexible on the timing. I think the reason we
went with a number was to avoid getting bogged down in what
"reasonable" meant. But the existing criterion has its own ambiguity,
so if we can make it better*, we should.

* But what does "better" mean?! :-D

Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
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Re: Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-35-20210908.n.0 issue

2021-09-09 Thread

On 9/9/21 20:14, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Thu, 2021-09-09 at 15:19 -0400, wrote:

In regard to: Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-35-20210908.n.0

Today I thought I would see if the old issue with wireless networking
not being available in Fedora Linux Server is making progress toward
being resolved.

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The
test machine booted, ran the media check and started Anaconda normally.

There was no wired connection to the system, but the system has wireless

The network link on the main Annaconda page showed that there was no 
network connection. I did open the Network page in the installer. The 
only thing it showed was the eno1 port. There didn't seem to be a way to 
add the wireless. It showed adding Bridge, Team, etc. I couldn't get the 
wireless connected. I tried Configuration and couldn't see a way to 
connect the wireless there.

After Server was installed and rebooted, I logged in and tried "sudo dnf
upgrade --refresh" and got the errors about it couldn't get the mirrors.

This, for me, demonstrated that the wireless was not working.

Then I connected the PC to a wired internet connection. Well, the server
can't access the wired connection now; so I guess that has to be set up
manually now.

After I got the wired network running I ran the updates (wanted to save
time). I just wanted to see if we are getting closer to wireless working
on Server. After the updates and reboot the wireless was available and
worked. I checked and both NetworkManager-wifi and wpa_supplicant were

My theory is that the wpa_supplicant was loaded during the updates. The 
old bug said that for F34 Server the NetworkManager-wifi was installed, 
but wpa_supplicant was not. The plan was to make sure it all worked in 
F35 Server.

I'm hoping that by Beta for Server that the installer will connect to
wireless when that is all that is available so it will work with server
after the install and reboot are done; just like it does with wired. Is
that likely or am I having a peasent dream?

I'm having trouble parsing your email, but as far as I can tell, it
reads like at no point did you actually try to connect to a wireless
network in the installer. But then your conclusion is that it doesn't
work. I'm a bit confused? Sorry!

Sorry, I had some distractions while writing this.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-35-20210908.n.0 issue

2021-09-09 Thread

In regard to: Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-35-20210908.n.0

Today I thought I would see if the old issue with wireless networking 
not being available in Fedora Linux Server is making progress toward 
being resolved.

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted, ran the media check and started Anaconda normally.

There was no wired connection to the system, but the system has wireless 

After Server was installed and rebooted, I loged in and tried "sudo dnf 
upgrade --refresh" and got the errors about it couldn't get the mirrors.

Then I connected the PC to a wired internet connection. Well, the server 
can't access the wired connection now; so I guess that has to be set up 
manually now.

After I got the wired network running I ran the updates (wanted to save 
time). I just wanted to see if we are getting closer to wireless working 
on Server. After the updates and reboot the wireless was available and 
worked. I checked and both NetworkManager-wifi and wpa_supplicant were 

I'm hoping that by Beta for Server that the installer will connect to 
wireless when that is all that is available so it will work with server 
after the install and reboot are done; just like it does with wired. Is 
that likely or am I having a peasent dream?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Testing Fedora 35 Branched 20210831.n.1

2021-09-03 Thread

With F34 Workstation, I've been using a VM I set up with Cockpit to run 
F34 Server. Here are then packages I install and settings I did to do this.

sudo dnf install cockpit
sudo dnf install cockpit-machines
sudo dnf install virt-viewer
sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

I download the F34 Server ISO and put it in /var/lib/libvirt/

I set up a bridge and then I setup a VM with F34 server. Everything 
works fine.

Today I decided to try this with F35 Workstation. I did everything that 
same way as with F34, but when I started to set up a VM I got 
"Virtualization service (libvirt) is not active" as soon as I clicked on 
the "VirtualMachines" in cockpit. I tried starting it with the button in 
the Cockpit VM screen, but it would not start. I looked and saw that 
libvirtd was not installed so I installed it. at lot of other virt items 
got installed with it. I tried the cockpit button again and it failed to 
start, I tried starting libvirtd.service with systemctl and that did not 
work. When I click the "troubleshoot" link on the Cockpit VM screen, it 
shows that there apparently several virt related items not running.

Is this a bug or do I need to install more/different things to geting 
this to work?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Basic criterion proposal: g-i-s shouldn't take 2 minutes to launch

2021-08-25 Thread

My guess is that we start counting when the wall paper is up and the top 
bar is displayed.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

On 8/25/21 06:43, Kamil Paral wrote:

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 12:00 AM Adam Williamson 

On Sun, 2021-03-14 at 11:13 -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:

In the wake of the BZ 1924808[1] discussion in Thursday's Go/No-Go
meeting[2], I am proposing an addition to the Basic Release
Criteria[3]. This would go into Post-Install Requirements -> Expected
installed system boot behavior -> First boot utilities (appended after
the existing sentence):

If a utility for creating user accounts and other configuration is

configured to launch, it must be visible within 10 seconds of the first
boot reaching the launch point.

I'm not exactly clear on what "the launch point" is, i.e. when I should
start counting.

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packages are in bad shape issue 131

2021-04-05 Thread

I've just read through:  #131 Red Hat Bugzilla: GNOME packages are in 
bad shape.

I always like to know the background of people who are talking to me so 
here's a little, appropriate to this topic, background on me.

I'm one of those who help out with testing. My involvement with RHBZ 
bugs is filing them and providing information to help with trouble shooting.

I've been an engineer working on hardware design and software for my 
whole career. I'm very familiar with the processing of bug and reports 
with other titles that basically said either I or someone else had a 
problem to solve. I fully understand many bugs are never resolved and 
the reasons why. I've attended and led many meetings where bugs were 
discussed, prioritized, etc.

That was hard enough to manage, in the context of a company where 
everyone was an employee working on a single project, but as I consider 
the number of teams of people and individuals who are involved with the 
software in Fedora Linux I am greatly impressed that the bug systems 
involved work as good as they do.

I agree though, that improvements can be made. One advantage that the 
company environments have is that when a bug is not going to be worked 
on, everyone knows it and why. In RHBZ or GitLab Issues bugs just hang 
around. Perhaps this could be improved by requiring all bugs to be 
triaged at least to the extent where it can be determined if it will be 
worked on and if not give a reason such as "no bandwith for this release 
please reassign to Rawhide", "Please file upstream". This initial triage 
could probably be best done by the person that a bug is initially 
assigned to.

I understand that their are likely hundreds of new bugs filed each 
release cycle. If other fedora folks could be invested with the general 
reasons why bugs don't get worked on they could help with this initial 
triage and avoid filing such bugs. One thing I've learned is not to file 
bugs on applications that are not installed by Anaconda in RHBZ. Even 
for those installed by Anaconda it seems best to only file bugs on 
"system" items rather that those that are "general user". These might be 
triage points. Another suggestion is that at the beginning of a cycle 
someone could check the groups to see what sort of bugs they will or 
won't have bandwidth for. This sort of approach might be more achievable 
than trying to get the report systems to work together. I suspect that a 
major problem for the bug / issue database clutter is lack of person 
hours. So quick, but intelligent sort outs may help. Even an automated 
system could check for "Is this bug against something Anaconda installed?"

Yes, I agree, closing bugs for such reasons might be harmful to moral of 
those filing bugs. However, having their bugs just hang around with no 
apparent action isn't good for moral. At least the early sort out keeps 
the database cleaner so developers don't need to have so many sorts on 
their view of RHBZ, let folks know status, and maybe some bugs get fixed 
that wouldn't have been seen due to view sorts in RHBZ.

I have tried filing bugs in both directions (RHBZ and GitLab Issues) 
with mixed results.

I have one I have been watching for a while now (over a year). I filed 
the bug with RHBZ and I have considered filing a report with upstream 
with Firewalld. I'm not a member of any of their teams so I doubt I 
could even file a report. My experience with trying to file reports with 
other upstream teams has not been good; so I've been ambivalent about 
trying it with the Firewalld team.

I have from time to time, when I have bugs that have been hanging around 
for two or more revisions, just closed them. I don't like cluttering up 
databases with reports that are of no value to the team. I have been 
able to find other ways to accomplish what I need to do; so I can live 
without software that has the unresolved bug.

Please let me know if there are things I can do to help. Also, please 
let me know if this kind of input is useful.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

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Re: Wayland apparently not compatible with new UHD Graphics CPUs

2021-04-03 Thread

On 3/17/21 21:03, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Wed, 2021-03-17 at 15:59 -0400, wrote:

I know I'm the one who always runs the old PCs, but I recently decided I
should have one new one in the mix. The one I got has an ASUS Z590-A
motherboard and an Intel i5-10400 processor. Well Fedora won't run a
Wayland session on it. It will only run a Gnome-xorg session.  I even
had to run the install from Basic Graphics mode. I asked about it on
AskFedora. I have no useful response yet, but another person wrote about
a similar experience, but different motherboard; the processor was
different, but the same gen and also a UHD type. This needs to be
addressed as all the Intel processors have been UHD for quite a while
now. I'm thinking I should be writing a bug against mutter. Please let
me know if you think I've got something wrong.

In general marketing terms like "UHD" aren't important. If you have a
graphics adapter that isn't properly supported, you know one thing:
that graphics adapter isn't supported. :D Between you and that other know that the two models you have don't work.

I'd recommend you file a bug, not against mutter, but against probably
the kernel (and then CC or xorg-x11-drv-intel (which
isn't technically correct but should find the right people). Include
the information requested in

I promised an update on the resolution. As it turns out I won't be 
filing a bug report. I bypassed the earlier problems.

I've kept the Intel i5-10400 processor, but exchanged the ASUS Z590-A 
mother board for an MSI MPG Z490 motherboard.

There was another issue with this board; it had non-intel network. I 
bought an intel based PCI-e to network card and it works great.

Problem solved. I now have an up to date PC and it's working fine. It's 
noticeably faster than the 3Ghz Core Duo it replaced :-)

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Shotwell question

2021-03-28 Thread

On 3/28/21 11:30, David wrote:

I just installed Shotwell on a Rawhide WS install.

I assume the first mirror it tried to contact ( twice ? ), and then went to
look in a different mirror ??

Here is a partial readout:

Downloading Packages:
[MIRROR] shotwell-0.31.3-5.fc35.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 404 for
[MIRROR] shotwell-0.31.3-5.fc35.x86_64.rpm: Status code: 404 for
shotwell-0.31.3-5.fc35.x86_64.rpm   175 kB/s | 3.6 MB 00:21

Total   172 kB/s | 3.6 MB 00:21

Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
   Installing   : shotwell-0.31.3-5.fc35.x86_64
   Running scriptlet: shotwell-0.31.3-5.fc35.x86_64
   Verifying: shotwell-0.31.3-5.fc35.x86_64



Is that helpful information to anybody ?

David Locklear

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THe mirrors are servers that make software available. their are LOTs of 
them. As far as I know they all do it voluntarily. The mirrors spread 
the traffic so no server or group of servers get overloaded.

This mirror is one which hasn't been available much lately from my 
experience. Several mirrors have either stopped service or have been 
less available since COVID. Many are hosted by colleges and 
universities. With no students and few others on hand the mirrors don't 
get much attention.

You seem to have gotten the software you wanted:
>  Installed:

Though it doesn't show it, DNF just got the software from the next 
mirror in the list.

So life is good.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

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Re: Wayland apparently not compatible with new UHD Graphics CPUs

2021-03-18 Thread

On 3/17/21 21:03, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Wed, 2021-03-17 at 15:59 -0400, wrote:

I know I'm the one who always runs the old PCs, but I recently decided I
should have one new one in the mix. The one I got has an ASUS Z590-A
motherboard and an Intel i5-10400 processor. Well Fedora won't run a
Wayland session on it. It will only run a Gnome-xorg session.  I even
had to run the install from Basic Graphics mode. I asked about it on
AskFedora. I have no useful response yet, but another person wrote about
a similar experience, but different motherboard; the processor was
different, but the same gen and also a UHD type. This needs to be
addressed as all the Intel processors have been UHD for quite a while
now. I'm thinking I should be writing a bug against mutter. Please let
me know if you think I've got something wrong.

In general marketing terms like "UHD" aren't important. If you have a
graphics adapter that isn't properly supported, you know one thing:
that graphics adapter isn't supported. :D Between you and that other know that the two models you have don't work.

The graphics are the native on the motherboard standard intel graphics 
as supported by the processor and the chip set. Here are the links to 
the Intel documents:

The chip set number is why ASUS named their motherboard  PRIME Z590-A. 
Here the link to the motherboard:

I'd recommend you file a bug, not against mutter, but against probably
the kernel (and then CC or xorg-x11-drv-intel (which
isn't technically correct but should find the right people). Include
the information requested in
(more or less; that hasn't been updated for a while, but it's the best
reference we've got). At least include the system journal and the lspci
-nn output.

Well, I got things a bit out of order. I actually returned the PC to the 
local company that assembled it for me last Thursday. They are going to 
get a motherboard with different chip-set and try it with the F33 WS 
Live install. If it turns out they can't get a combination that will run 
a Wayland session. I will take it back and and run it with Gnome-xorg 
until Fedora is more up to date.

As for filing the bug: Though I can't provide the technical items (logs, 
journals, etc) since I don't currently have the PC. I am still inclined 
to file the bug. with just the information I have in this e'mail chain; 
so the appropriate folks can have a heads up. Please let me know if you 
think I should wait.

Well at least I can still run Wayland on my test machine.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Wayland apparently not compatible with new UHD Graphics CPUs

2021-03-17 Thread

I know I'm the one who always runs the old PCs, but I recently decided I 
should have one new one in the mix. The one I got has an ASUS Z590-A 
motherboard and an Intel i5-10400 processor. Well Fedora won't run a 
Wayland session on it. It will only run a Gnome-xorg session.  I even 
had to run the install from Basic Graphics mode. I asked about it on 
AskFedora. I have no useful response yet, but another person wrote about 
a similar experience, but different motherboard; the processor was 
different, but the same gen and also a UHD type. This needs to be 
addressed as all the Intel processors have been UHD for quite a while 
now. I'm thinking I should be writing a bug against mutter. Please let 
me know if you think I've got something wrong.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Basic criterion proposal: g-i-s shouldn't take 2 minutes to launch

2021-03-15 Thread

On 3/15/21 11:57, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 11:13:45AM -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:

In the wake of the BZ 1924808[1] discussion in Thursday's Go/No-Go
meeting[2], I am proposing an addition to the Basic Release
Criteria[3]. This would go into Post-Install Requirements -> Expected
installed system boot behavior -> First boot utilities (appended after
the existing sentence):

If a utility for creating user accounts and other configuration is configured 
to launch, it must be visible within 10 seconds of the first boot reaching the 
launch point.

Why 10 seconds? Why not? That sort of feels like the maximum length of
time someone could reasonably be expected to wait. A shorter time
might be better.

I don't particularly love the wording here, but I wanted to make it
clear that it's not 10 seconds from power on, but 10 seconds from the
time the boot up reaches the state where we expect gnome-initial-setup
or its counterparts to appear.

Sounds reasonable to me. +1

I mean, I'd be fine changing the time a little or wording, but I agree
with the general gist of it.


I agree. Speaking as someone who restarts often; especially when running 
tests. That extra time was becoming very annoying.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Basic criterion proposal: g-i-s shouldn't take 2 minutes to launch

2021-03-15 Thread

On 3/15/21 10:45, Ben Cotton wrote:

On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 10:41 AM Brandon Nielsen  wrote:

Can we also add a "and displayed without error" clause, or maybe
"completes with no visible error"? Something to explicitly capture the
"sad face" bug[0].

[0] -

I thought about that and decided to leave it off as a Basic criterion.
I'd be fine with it for Final, but I was worried it would be too
strict for Beta, where we expect some degree of sad face from time to
time. But maybe this isn't one of those cases? If the consensus is to
include a "no errors!", I won't object.

A Beta is something that we release to the general public. I don't think 
it's good for Fedora's reputation to have the Oops sad face screen show 
up during the installation / setup.

Sure there will be bugs in a Beta. I and I think most folks expect to 
see a small number of SE alerts and/or Abrt notifications, but not 
something that Shouts "I'm Broken!"; especially during install / setup. 
Perhaps a middle position would be to say the sad face screen can't be 

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Testing F34 WS Beta candidate 1.2

2021-03-14 Thread

In regard to testing F34 WS Beta candidate 1.2:

I was glad to see the white screen sad face gone. Everything went fine 
through testing the SA basics. I did see the continuing SELinux bugs, 
but I figure those are being worked on.

I set up a second user and logged the account in using Gnome-xorg. After 
the desktop was up I saw the SE Alerts and their is a new one:

I'm not halfway with y testing yet. I'll write again if I find anything 
more that's new.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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video problem

2021-03-12 Thread
I've been trying to load F33 in a machine with an i5-10400 processor 
(UHD graphics). The video only works in Gonme xorg mode. I have to run 
the install from Basic Graphics mode. Is that a known problem?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Reboot Unmount test case

2021-03-01 Thread

On 2/28/21 16:24, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 9:37 AM

I noticed that the QA Basic test case for reboot unmount has apparently
been removed. Is this no longer necessary with btrfs?

When I go to:

QA:Testcase_base_reboot_unmount is listed 7 times, and 5 times it's as
milestone basic.

There is a btrfs specific portion of that test case that likewise lets
us know if previous reboots involved an unclean unmount, thus
indicating some kind of reboot problem.

Sorry I grabbed an old link to the QA Basic by mistake. When I read your 
email I cleaned out my old links. Back when I first joined the QA group 
I saved links to the test cases. At the time, my thinking was that they 
would be quite stable. Well I learned better, but I never cleared out 
the old links. Well they're all gone now. I will only look them up from 
the reference links on:

From now on. Even if this page changes I think the links will stay 
current. If I'm wrong about this please let me know.

Sorry to bother you with such a silly mistake.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Reboot Unmount test case

2021-02-27 Thread

I noticed that the QA Basic test case for reboot unmount has apparently 
been removed. Is this no longer necessary with btrfs?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: when to btrfs scrub, was: Need help with btrfs.

2021-02-27 Thread

On 2/26/21 14:53, wrote:

On 2/25/21 15:24, Chris Murphy wrote:

An alternative is 'btrfs scrub start -BdR' which will not background
the scrub, and will give a detailed report upon completion.

Well I think tried all the combinations of scrub status with and without 
-B, -BdR, -dR to try and get status to report while scrub was running. I 
was trying to make a combined command (with the &&) that included both 
the scrub start and the status. I was just going to make it an alias. I 
couldn't get it to work. scrub would run, but I never got the status. At 
the end I just made a little script:


sudo btrfs scrub start -BdR /mnt

sudo btrfs scrub status -dR /mnt

then I made an alias to the script. Now when I type the alias scrub runs 
and when its done I get the results. I don't get any progress, but 
That's better than what I was doing. I don't plan to run it often, but 
now I can run it easily and at the end know what the results are.

Related: We don't seem to be using the drive dismount test in the QA 
Basic tests any more. At least I didn't see it there. Is that no longer 
necessary with btrfs?

Okay today I noticed that I was getting two reports and the end of 
scrub. Then it occurred to me that I hadn't tried:

sudo btrfs scrub start -BdR /mnt

by itself. Sorry, I'll chalk it up to distractions. It works fine. Thank 

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Re: when to btrfs scrub, was: Need help with btrfs.

2021-02-26 Thread

On 2/25/21 15:24, Chris Murphy wrote:

An alternative is 'btrfs scrub start -BdR' which will not background
the scrub, and will give a detailed report upon completion.

Well I think tried all the combinations of scrub status with and without 
-B, -BdR, -dR to try and get status to report while scrub was running. I 
was trying to make a combined command (with the &&) that included both 
the scrub start and the status. I was just going to make it an alias. I 
couldn't get it to work. scrub would run, but I never got the status. At 
the end I just made a little script:


sudo btrfs scrub start -BdR /mnt

sudo btrfs scrub status -dR /mnt

then I made an alias to the script. Now when I type the alias scrub runs 
and when its done I get the results. I don't get any progress, but 
That's better than what I was doing. I don't plan to run it often, but 
now I can run it easily and at the end know what the results are.

Related: We don't seem to be using the drive dismount test in the QA 
Basic tests any more. At least I didn't see it there. Is that no longer 
necessary with btrfs?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: when to btrfs scrub, was: Need help with btrfs.

2021-02-25 Thread

On 2/24/21 20:48, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 2:26 PM

I recall a long and detailed discussion on this list before F33 was
released concerning what disk maintenance would be required with BTRFS.
As I recall, the final word was along the lines the running Scrub and
the other BTRFS utilities wouldn't be necessary since it was being set
up so maintenance shouldn't be needed.

Correct. Most of the time, for most users, what's provided is self
maintaining in Brfs kernel code. If there's necessary maintenance not
provided by the kernel, then it should be scheduled, e.g. a systemd
timer kicks off a service unit.

Out of curiosity I ran scrub on the four machines I have handy here. I 
always do clean installs so the btrfs doesn't have a lot of time on it; 
just since F33 was released.

Scrub gives no indication that it's running other than the PID. Nor does 
it indicate when it's complete; so I had to monitor the PID to know when 
it was done. Then I had to run:

sudo btrfs scrub status -dR /mnt

to find the results. Do you know if anyone has some code that runs scrub 
and gets the status and reports it after scrub is complete?

None of the four machines showed any problem.

Running scrub and getting the status  might be good for people who do 
upgrade instead of doing clean installs. Maybe even a before and after 
upgrade might be revealing. Perhaps a special test day for machines that 
have been running the prior version for 6 months.

There was also some hesitancy to
call for running scrub because, depending on how often it's run Scrub
can be hard on SSDs (they wear out faster).

Scrub is mostly a read-only operation involving the verification of
checksums for all file system metadata and file data. There's no
concern on wear, you could run it every day if you wanted to.

I thought sure that there was one of the btrfs utilities that was hard 
on SSDs if run regularly. Please refresh my memory.

But other considerations are how long it will take, how much CPU is
used, and will it slow down the computer until it completes?

Yes hence the need to know when it's done. Progress indication might be 
good too. One of the machines I ran it on yesterday was an old Core Duo. 
Running scrub wasn't noticeable, but the FS content is small on that 
machine, the run time was seconds. On an AMD machine with 8 cores, but a 
big (not huge) FS content took minutes maybe 3.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Need help with btrfs.

2021-02-23 Thread

On 2/23/21 10:58, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 10:18:13AM -0500, Neal Gompa wrote:

sudo btrfs scrub start /mnt

It's kind of unfortunate that we also have a command (in the distro since
2007) called just "scrub" which will destroy al of your data. :-/

Not going to lie, it took three tries to read this to understand what
was being said here. :)

Sorry, just... don't accidentally leave "btrfs" out of the above command. :)

We *do* have btrfsmaintenance[1] which provides what you're asking
for. However, we don't install it by default or have presets set up
for the timers. There were arguments for and against shipping and
enabling them by default[2].

Ah, thanks.

I recall a long and detailed discussion on this list before F33 was 
released concerning what disk maintenance would be required with BTRFS. 
As I recall, the final word was along the lines the running Scrub and 
the other BTRFS utilities wouldn't be necessary since it was being set 
up so maintenance shouldn't be needed. There was also some hesitancy to 
call for running scrub because, depending on how often it's run Scrub 
can be hard on SSDs (they wear out faster).

Hmmm... Now that seems to be changing. I guess we better revisit the 
BTRFS maintenance issue again. The first part is: Was this a surprise 
one-off due to operator error or similar? Do we have a problem and BTRFS 
maintenance will be required?

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Blocker bugs

2021-02-22 Thread

On 2/21/21 16:18, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 6:18 AM

I'm sitting here thinking about F34 Beta being just two days away and
what I have observed in my testing. I must admit being more than a
little concerned.

Beta freeze starts Tue 2021-02-23. Beta Release (Preferred Target) is
Tue 2021-03-16. We've got 3-4 weeks to stabilize before we'd be out of
the lane.

Yes, I understand, but Tuesday is the Freeze. During the Freeze, the 
only things that can be changed are Exceptions. None of those I 
mentioned are Blockers or Exceptions.

Oh, From what I can see 0221 is in the same state as the prior drops.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: [Test-Announce] 2021-02-22 @ 17:00 UTC - Fedora 34 Blocker Review Meeting

2021-02-22 Thread

I wholeheartedly agree with the proposal this needs to be approved. I 
just added my encouragements to the discussion. We must not let the 
approval for this get stalled. The words can be tweaked later if it 
turns out to be necessary.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

On 2/22/21 03:56, Kamil Paral wrote:

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 10:18 PM Chris Murphy 

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 12:24 PM Tom Seewald  wrote:

If Gnome is still hanging for 2 minutes on reboot [1] then I think we

may want to consider that a blocking bug for F34. I can at least confirm
that this bug is still affecting Rawhide.


Under what criterion would it be a blocker?

Never got approved :-/ Perhaps it's time to re-ignite the discussion?

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Blocker bugs

2021-02-21 Thread

I'm sitting here thinking about F34 Beta being just two days away and 
what I have observed in my testing. I must admit being more than a 
little concerned.

I have watched the blocker bugs and my concern stems from the fact that 
I don't see some troubling ones listed there. Also there doesn't seem to 
have been any discussion about these. Even if these don't technically 
qualify as blockers, if they are not fixed. they will certainly send a 
message to those those installing F34 Beta.

I know the white screen with the sad face at least appears to be 
cosmetic, but do we really want that.

This is apparently one of the alerts that if a user has installed 
setroubleshoot, they get alerts about every 2 seconds. Even if 
setroubleshoot was not installed my guess is that the SELinux violations 
are still occurring.

GCC has had trouble for the last three drops. Excuse me, I still have to 
download 0221 for testing.

Our beta's are usually pretty sound, but from what I see these may 
change that impression.

If I have gotten something wrong or missed something please let me know 
if I am worried for no good reason.

Have a Great Day!

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F34 WS Beta testing

2021-02-20 Thread
In regard to my continued testing of F34 Workstation Beta. I am 
currently at drop 0220.n.0

These are bare metal installs on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted to Live normally. Anaconda started normally. Options 
to delete all and reclaim space were selected for the hard drive. 
Install ran normally. I have NOT seen boot from thumb drive problems for 
a few drops now.

During First Boot, I still get the white screen sad face coming up then 
the window to complete the install appears and the install can be 
completed. The sad face disappears when Start Using Fedora is clicked.

For the last three drops GCC has not run reliable. It either won't start 
or it crashes when a tab is clicked.

I tried to use text editor, but it crashed on start.

I'm still seeing the long delays for restarts and shutdown.

Have a Good Day!

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testing ws beta

2021-02-16 Thread

In regard to testing F34 WS Beta 0214.n.0:

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted to Live normally. I haven't seen any No Boots for a 
couple of drops now.

Anaconda started normally. Options to delete all and reclaim space were 
selected for the hard drive. Install ran normally. The reboot to the 
hard drive for completing the install started fine, but after the gnome 
desktop appeared, there was a long pause. Then the White sad face screen 
appeared. Then after another delay the window to start the complete 
install appeared on top of the white screen. After the complete the 
install steps were done and the start using Fedora appeared and was 
clicked. The white screen disappeared and the normal gnome desktop 
appeared and works normally. The white sad face screen has been a 
feature of several prior drops.

Following up on some SELinux problems I had seen in prior drops I 
installed (sudo dnf install setoubleshoot). Alerts started popping up at 
a rapid rate. I opened the SELinux Alert Browser. I listed the alerts 
and reported the bugs (1928560, 1928561, and 1928563) were preexisting, 
but 1928565 was new. I have removed the setroubleshoot so I can continue 
testing. I do however install setroubleshoot as part of my as deployed 
configuration for all PCs I support.

In regard to the prior drops that would not boot from the thumb drive. I 
did additional testing and I am convinced that the thumb drive was not 
the problem. Which is re-enforced buy the good boots I am getting from 
the last two drops with the same thumb drive.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: so.... how solid is the f34 branch at branch time?

2021-02-14 Thread

I'm still seeing this on every restart or shutdown. Currently 0212.n.0 
WS Beta. Bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU,

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

On 2/13/21 20:35, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 12:29 PM Adam Williamson

On Sat, 2021-02-13 at 03:01 +0100, AV wrote:

On Fri, 2021-02-12 at 17:02 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Wed, 2021-02-10 at 11:30 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:

Last few releases, I've aggressively updated my systems to the
branch very
shortly after branching, and I have (mostly) not regretted it. If I
do that
with F34 this week... how's it looking?

Well, it has the same somewhat-quirky early build of GNOME Shell /
mutter that you already provided notes on from the COPR, so there's
that. Aside from that it shouldn't be too bad right now.

There are some minor quibbles but there is one very irritating
problem: very long ( > 4 minutes ) waiting times till shutdown or
restart (whatever method is used) on a bare metal install on 2
different laptops.

Well, there's a known bug (though I don't have the number to hand) for
something that delays 90 seconds on shutdown (it doesn't stop properly
and the timeout is 90 seconds). 4 minutes is a lot though, so you might
be seeing something else as well?

This is the one I'm experiencing.

With recent updates it's become transient, but still happens often.

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Useful tip from the electronics industry

2021-02-13 Thread

All connectors both for power and signal have a finite life for mating 
and de-mating. This is because the actual mating surfaces abrade each 
other as they slide against each other. Also, any spring features in the 
connector that keep the mating contacts together loose their tension 
over repeated cycles. Connectors intended for high reliability specify 
the number of mate / de-mate cycles. Connectors used in "consumer" 
products are generally not specified for mate / de-mate cycles. Such 
connectors can be made at lower cost which is generally a high priority 
for any consumer product. Such connectors generally are designed so they 
will have a mate / de-mate life greater than the number of cycles a 
"typical" consumer will use.

In the electronics business there are some products that are tested 
extensively prior to shipment to the customer. Sometimes these test 
involve the item being connected to and disconnected from systems used 
for testing several times.

In these cases "connector savers" (sometimes called "socket savers" are 
employed. Savers are connected to all the connectors on the product 
before any testing begins and are maintain installed on the product 
until just before shipping.

The saver is connector set that mates with the connector on the product. 
and provides a connector identical to the one on the product where test 
equipment can be plugged in. In this way the saver bears all the wear 
from the multiple mate / de-mate cycles. While the product only has one 
mate /de-mate cycle.

I think many of us in the test group mate and de-mate  USB connections 
with our test machines a lot. Some years ago when I first started using 
USB as the interface for the custom electronics I design. bought some 
short (15CM) USB extension cables for use as socket savers. They served 
me well. Over the ensuing years they have developed actual socket savers 
for USB with a length of about 5 to 7 CM (varies with brand).

If you search on "USB connector saver" and "USB socket saver" you should 
be able to find some. In appearance they have the body of a connector 
with a male connector on one end and a female connector on the other. 
Just plug them into your test machine and leave them there. Let the 
saver take the wear.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Failure to boot Workstation live install images

2021-02-09 Thread

On 2/9/21 18:11, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 3:29 PM

As I understand f3 it just writes files to the flash and reads them back
checking for errors. I'll go ahead and try f3 on the same thumb drive.

It can distinguish between different kinds of problems.

I have no doubt, but the granularity of detecting faults on a formatted 
and mounted storage device by writing files must be less than a pattern 
test that does not use any preexisting disk data structure and the disk 
is even dismounted when the test is run.

Well I only use Flash from reputable manufacturers and though I never
trust any single flash drive with anything important they have provided
good results for me. Also, it's not clear that the flash drive is the
problem in this case.

The fake flash folks have gotten very good at faking seemingly legit
hardware down to the packaging. It's not so much reputable brand as it
is reputable reseller.

Yes, I fully understand and I always buy from the same reputable 
retailer. The good news is that the thumb drive I use for installing 
images for test passed both the f3 tests and the badblocks test.

Way beyond flash drive fraud. Flash drives, especially the NOR types
which seem to be the most common have a few error modes. Though some
manufacturers advertise they have new designs good for millions of write
cycles. Most of those available now only do about 100K cycles. Following
my de-rating rules I never implement flash in any case where more than
50K cycles will be required. An install ISO puts a lot of data on the
thumb drive. Then there are the wear leveling strategies to take into
account to work out how all the spare blocks get used etc. Estimating
the number of Live install cycles a thumb drive should be relied on will
be hard and mostly guess work. Even so I would think they should be good
for a thousand installs. This thumb drive only has about a hundred on it.

Well it's a bit needle in a haystack trying to track down transient
boot problems.

Well I certainly understand the problems with flash. However I don't 
think they are quite as bad as that.

Side note: With 0207 I once again encountered the white screen sad face.
when I rebooted after the initial install to do the complete the install
tasks. The complete the install windows popped up on top of the sad face
and I was able to coomplete the install. I did a restart after
completing the install. The restart ran normally and I have seen no
problems. Though I havent tested 0207 extensively. I'll get started
again when Branched F34 is available.

This could also be transient corruptions on read. USB sticks
notoriously do not report discrete read errors, they just return bad

Well I don't have my thumb drive plugged into my test machine when power
up or down. Restarts do not change the power supply state. At least
that's the case on my Lenovo machines. My work area is fully static
protected. I really doubt the +5VDC supply in my test machine is
producing any transients. There would be other highly observable
effects. Though with some trouble I could get a scope and monitor it if
someone believes that might be the trouble.

Oh I thought  you were booting from that same stick, but it had been
imaged with a different ISO. If the media is failing, the
manifestation of the failure can be different between uses.

I have one machine I use for testing (Lenovo M83 with i5-4570). I always 
use that machine and I have been using the same thumb drive (Sandisk 
16GB USB 3). As I said before I would guess that it has about 100 Fedora 
Workstation Live install cycles on it. That's all that thumb drive gets 
used for. There are no power cycles involved during an install. I do a 
restart to get from the currently installed version on the system to 
running from the new version on the thumb drive. When the Live part of 
the install is complete, I use a restart to get from running Live to 
running the newly installed version on the hard drive to complete the 
install. I just pull out the thumb drive after Live is done and the 
machine is getting ready to start BIOS/UEFI for the boot. My clue is the 
monitor indicates that BIOS/UEFI has found the monitor but has not found 
the disk drives yet. This is the procedure I have used since we started 
using thumb drives with no issues. Come to think of it I used the same 
procedure back when we used DVDs and again with no problems.

I have new thumb drives of the same make and model on hand. If I find 
time, I will retrain myself to use "dd" in the CLI to write the ISO to 
the thumb drive. I seem to recall it can be used for that. As long as I 
see these failures to boot I will keep working on it to see if I can 
come to a conclusion as if I need to change thumb drives more often, 
report a bug against Media Writer, or report a bug against the ISO images.

A couple questions if I ma

Re: Failure to boot Workstation live install images

2021-02-09 Thread

On 2/9/21 13:19, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 10:23 AM

I've seen several ISOs lately that after they were written to a thumb
drive using media writer they wouldn't boot. I won't be recounting the
details I sent in prior motes to @test, but  here is a little more

The last one I tried was Workstation Live 0207.n.0. It failed to boot
initially, but I rewrote the same downloaded image to the same thumb
drive with Media Writer again. After that it would boot. This might
raise the possibility that Media Writer is involved with the boot
problems. I guess I'll just keep track of this from now on.

I have been using the same thumb drive plugged into the same USB port
all along. Today just for grins I ran badblocks on the thumb drive and
no bad blocks were found. "badblocks -w -s -o Thumberror.log /dev/sdb)"

I would use f3. The gist is format the USB stick (file system doesn't
matter) and mount it. Then

sudo f3write /mnt
sudo f3read /mnt

Actually f3 is part of the Fedora repos now. I decided to use badblocks 
because I understand it's tests. It's the same basic tests I run on a 
new board prototype when there is ram or flash on the board. Besides 
testing the memory, it allows me to check the address and data buses 
too. Though this does not apply when testing a USB Flash decvice.

As I understand f3 it just writes files to the flash and reads them back 
checking for errors. I'll go ahead and try f3 on the same thumb drive.

I see that the file size is constant at 1.1GB except for the last one 
where it just uses up the left over space. There are 14 files of 1.1GB 
and 1 file of 5xxMB. so the size checked out. I'm wondering if they pick 
the file size based on the flash block size. That can make a difference 
testing flash. I checked out github to see if there is more info there. 
From what I read f3 seems to only verify size and basic functionality. 
I think badblocks with it's pattern testing is more likely to find 
problems. In any case f3read has finish running and pronounced my thumb 
drive I use for installs to be free of problems. The same result I got 
from badblocks.

But the thing is, transient errors from USB sticks is a real thing.
Also, I once had a USB stick that would transiently corrupt on writes
if the dd bs size was too high. I forget the value. But somehow it'd
either lose writes or reorder them, and I'd get a completely bootable
USB stick but it'd spew piles of file system errors during the

Well I only use Flash from reputable manufacturers and though I never 
trust any single flash drive with anything important they have provided 
good results for me. Also, it's not clear that the flash drive is the 
problem in this case.

Way beyond flash drive fraud. Flash drives, especially the NOR types 
which seem to be the most common have a few error modes. Though some 
manufacturers advertise they have new designs good for millions of write 
cycles. Most of those available now only do about 100K cycles. Following 
my de-rating rules I never implement flash in any case where more than 
50K cycles will be required. An install ISO puts a lot of data on the 
thumb drive. Then there are the wear leveling strategies to take into 
account to work out how all the spare blocks get used etc. Estimating 
the number of Live install cycles a thumb drive should be relied on will 
be hard and mostly guess work. Even so I would think they should be good 
for a thousand installs. This thumb drive only has about a hundred on it.

Another failure mode is that reads in adjacent cells can flip bits in 
other cells. They can also be sensitive to x-ray, and em fields 
depending on flux density.

We could go back to using DVDs for testing or perhaps use net install. I 
think I'd pass on both of those.

If it turned out that thumb drives were the issue. I guess we'd just 
have to change to a new thumb drive more frequently, but right now with 
the good test results I got on my thumb drive I don't think that will be 
necessary. I guess the two suspects for now are the ISO image's boot 
stuff, and Media Writer.

Side note: With 0207 I once again encountered the white screen sad face.
when I rebooted after the initial install to do the complete the install
tasks. The complete the install windows popped up on top of the sad face
and I was able to coomplete the install. I did a restart after
completing the install. The restart ran normally and I have seen no
problems. Though I havent tested 0207 extensively. I'll get started
again when Branched F34 is available.

This could also be transient corruptions on read. USB sticks
notoriously do not report discrete read errors, they just return bad

Well I don't have my thumb drive plugged in

Failure to boot Workstation live install images

2021-02-09 Thread

I've seen several ISOs lately that after they were written to a thumb 
drive using media writer they wouldn't boot. I won't be recounting the 
details I sent in prior motes to @test, but  here is a little more 

The last one I tried was Workstation Live 0207.n.0. It failed to boot 
initially, but I rewrote the same downloaded image to the same thumb 
drive with Media Writer again. After that it would boot. This might 
raise the possibility that Media Writer is involved with the boot 
problems. I guess I'll just keep track of this from now on.

I have been using the same thumb drive plugged into the same USB port 
all along. Today just for grins I ran badblocks on the thumb drive and 
no bad blocks were found. "badblocks -w -s -o Thumberror.log /dev/sdb)"

Side note: With 0207 I once again encountered the white screen sad face. 
when I rebooted after the initial install to do the complete the install 
tasks. The complete the install windows popped up on top of the sad face 
and I was able to coomplete the install. I did a restart after 
completing the install. The restart ran normally and I have seen no 
problems. Though I havent tested 0207 extensively. I'll get started 
again when Branched F34 is available.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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rawhide (F34) WS 0206.n.0

2021-02-06 Thread

For rawhide (F34) WS 0206.n.0 I am back to: It will not boot the Live 
install thumb drive with no indication of why on my test machine (Lenovo 
M83 i5-4570). The download, check sum, and mediawriter transfer to the 
thumb drive showed no issues.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128

2021-02-05 Thread

On 2/4/21 16:07, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 6:16 AM

I have noticed that during a restart, the thermal daemon apparently
doesn't respond to the stop and the system has to kill it after the 2
minute timeout. This makes restarts very slow. Is this a bug or just how
things work now?

It's not stuck on thermald, it's stuck on the user manager service.
It's best evaluated following a reboot, and then looking at the
previous boot with `journalctl -b -1`

Feb 04 10:06:39 systemd[1]: Stopped Thermal Daemon Service.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: State 'stop-sigterm'
timed out. Killing.

See the 2 minute gap? There are a bunch of user services that didn't
quit when SIGTERM was issued, for reasons we don't know. There is a 2
minute timer at which point systemd issues a SIGKILL to everything
that's part of the user session. Those are:

Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 1323
(systemd) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 2176
(dbus-broker-lau) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 2178
(dbus-broker) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 1733
(pipewire) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 1856
(pipewire-media-) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 1858
(pipewire-media-) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 1571
(pipewire-pulse) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Main process exited,
code=killed, status=9/KILL
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Killing process 1856
(pipewire-media-) with signal SIGKILL.
Feb 04 10:08:37 systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.

Should bugs be filed? I honestly don't know, because they might
legitimately be waiting on something else. But I'd probably start with
filing a bug against pipewire. It might be hanging on because some
unlisted application refuses to quit. But in that case, either
pipewire or systemd needs to include in the journal the reason why
pipewire is not responding to SIGTERM, so that we can trouble shoot

I suspect that dbus-broker isn't quitting because pipewire isn't
quitting. Should there be a bug for dbus-broker? I don't know. Maybe.

Thank you. This and the WS issue #163 were very informative. I never 
would have guessed the SIGTERM and SIGKILL operate completely open loop. 
I never would have guessed that it would be at all acceptable for a 
process to simply ignore SIGTERM.

I would have thought that at least processes where data loss might be 
involved would have brief (conversations) with systemd about things like 
"need more time", "proccess  is blocking my completion", or at least 
a simple ACK or NAK. In cases where data loss my be involved a popup 
would presented to the user with a brief explanation and options. Then 
just put a hold on the restart or shutdown until the user took action.

Given that the above is highly unlikely to be implemented, perhaps an 
easier solution would be to do two things. First shorten the time out 
and most importantly modify the Gnome software that receives the click 
for shutdown or restart so the code checks for incomplete transactions 
for storage and network. If a problem is found inform the user of a 
delay and and reason. After the situation is resolved Gnome can sent the 
usual signal for shutdown or reboot.

In any case thanks for the insight.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)
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Re: Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128

2021-02-03 Thread

On 2/2/21 21:23, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Tue, 2021-02-02 at 13:30 -0500, wrote:

I forgot to mention in my last reply that my test PC is set up so it
tries to boot BIOS mode first then tries UEFI. Secure Boot is disabled
in the firmware setup of my test machine.

Hum, well I tested a bit more and actually the box I have issues with
isn't booting in UEFI native mode all the way back to F33 Final. So
there must be something odd about that specific system, I guess,
probably not the same issue you're seeing.

It'd be good if everyone having boot issues could tell what's the most
recent image they have that actually boots, and whether they're hitting
problems in BIOS mode, UEFI native mode, or both. Thanks!

I just tested 0201--- n.1 booting in BIOS mode and again in UEFI mode. 
The thumb drive booted fine in both modes the media check ran fine and 
the Live started with no problems.

Is their a problem with the test list? Lately when I reply I don't get 
the reply sent back to me. I suppose this might be on purpose to save 
server bandwidth, but I thought I would check.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128

2021-02-03 Thread

Yesterday afternoon I downloaded (F34 WS) 0201...n.1) instead of n.0.
The checksum passed. I loaded it to the same thumb drive with 
Mediawriter and that ran fine. I booted my test system to the thumb 
drive and it booted, the media test passed and Live Started. All without 
issues. I started Anaconda and it came up ready to install and I ran the 
install. The install ran with no issues. I seems something changed on 
0201 between n.0 and n.1.

My test system can run with just BIOS boot or UEFI boot instead of try 
one then try the other. I will do that in a bit to see if either fails 
and report the results.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

On 2/2/21 21:23, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Tue, 2021-02-02 at 13:30 -0500, wrote:

I forgot to mention in my last reply that my test PC is set up so it
tries to boot BIOS mode first then tries UEFI. Secure Boot is disabled
in the firmware setup of my test machine.

Hum, well I tested a bit more and actually the box I have issues with
isn't booting in UEFI native mode all the way back to F33 Final. So
there must be something odd about that specific system, I guess,
probably not the same issue you're seeing.

It'd be good if everyone having boot issues could tell what's the most
recent image they have that actually boots, and whether they're hitting
problems in BIOS mode, UEFI native mode, or both. Thanks!

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Re: Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128

2021-02-02 Thread

On 2/2/21 10:42, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 4:39 PM Adam Williamson

On Mon, 2021-02-01 at 17:00 -0500, wrote:

As discussed in today's QA meeting I tried loading and installing
Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128.

This was done on my test machine: This was an attempted bare metal
install on a Lenovo M83 desktop with an i5-4570 CPU. The ISO was check
summed and passed Then the ISO was loaded to a thumb drive using Media
Writer. This was also successful.

Then at attempt was made to boot the test system to the thumb drive. The
boot to Live was not successful. The system fell back to booting to the
system hard drive. This indicates that the thumb drive was not bootable.
This entire process was repeated with the same result.

The process was then repeated with the F33 WS Final ISO written to the
same thumb drive with Media Writer. The media check ran normally and
Live booted normally. I started Anaconda and it came up normally ready
to start the install.

I believe the 1028 ISO for F34 WS does not allow Media writer to produce
a bootable thumb drive.

Yeah, I'm actually seeing the same here on my test box with the
20210201.n.0 Workstation live. It boots as an ISO attached to a VM, but
doesn't boot when dd'ed to a USB stick.

Summary of my IRC jabber:

I can boot baremetal Apple EFI and non-Apple UEFI from a dd'd USB
stick with 20210201 Workstation image.

And qemu-kvm both UEFI and BIOS, whether attached using the SATA CDROM
or VirtIO drive. Since I'm unable to reproduce the problem, and I'm
not sure from above reports so far, whether the failure is on UEFI
(Secure Boot or not), or BIOS, and how the failure manifests on-screen
if at all, I'm a bit lost where to keep looking.

I'm not seeing anything unusual about LBA 0 where part 1 of the
isolinux bootloader is located, or the EFI system partition.

I forgot to mention in my last reply that my test PC is set up so it 
tries to boot BIOS mode first then tries UEFI. Secure Boot is disabled 
in the firmware setup of my test machine.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128

2021-02-02 Thread

On 2/1/21 21:32, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Mon, 2021-02-01 at 15:39 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Mon, 2021-02-01 at 17:00 -0500, wrote:

As discussed in today's QA meeting I tried loading and installing
Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128.

This was done on my test machine: This was an attempted bare metal
install on a Lenovo M83 desktop with an i5-4570 CPU. The ISO was check
summed and passed Then the ISO was loaded to a thumb drive using Media
Writer. This was also successful.

Then at attempt was made to boot the test system to the thumb drive. The
boot to Live was not successful. The system fell back to booting to the
system hard drive. This indicates that the thumb drive was not bootable.
This entire process was repeated with the same result.

The process was then repeated with the F33 WS Final ISO written to the
same thumb drive with Media Writer. The media check ran normally and
Live booted normally. I started Anaconda and it came up normally ready
to start the install.

I believe the 1028 ISO for F34 WS does not allow Media writer to produce
a bootable thumb drive.

Yeah, I'm actually seeing the same here on my test box with the
20210201.n.0 Workstation live. It boots as an ISO attached to a VM, but
doesn't boot when dd'ed to a USB stick.

netinst images seem to have the same issue.

If you still want me to try running 0128 in a VM I will. I just have to 
enable virtualization in the BIOS/UEFI on my test machine.

`   Have a Great Day!

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Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128

2021-02-01 Thread

As discussed in today's QA meeting I tried loading and installing 
Rawhide (F34) Workstation drop 0128.

This was done on my test machine: This was an attempted bare metal 
install on a Lenovo M83 desktop with an i5-4570 CPU. The ISO was check 
summed and passed Then the ISO was loaded to a thumb drive using Media 
Writer. This was also successful.

Then at attempt was made to boot the test system to the thumb drive. The 
boot to Live was not successful. The system fell back to booting to the 
system hard drive. This indicates that the thumb drive was not bootable. 
This entire process was repeated with the same result.

The process was then repeated with the F33 WS Final ISO written to the 
same thumb drive with Media Writer. The media check ran normally and 
Live booted normally. I started Anaconda and it came up normally ready 
to start the install.

I believe the 1028 ISO for F34 WS does not allow Media writer to produce 
a bootable thumb drive.

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for qa meeting

2021-01-18 Thread

Some points for today's QA meeting:

Does Gnome have anything like the Fedora new version Change Proposals? 
If so do we have access to them?

I know there are some Fedora folks that also work on Gnome. I have no 
doubt that they look out for potential issues, but that's not very 

I recall seeing discussions way late in our release cycle as to if the 
latest Gnome should be included in the pending Fedora release. I would 
venture that should be determined earlier in the release cycle. Say back 
when we are having Change Checkpoints.

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Re: Rawhide F34 observation

2021-01-14 Thread

On 1/14/21 03:22, Harold Dost wrote:

Essentially 4.0 === 40 and 40 is the new major version.

On Thu 14 Jan 2021 at 00:25, Adam Williamson 

On Wed, 2021-01-13 at 13:24 -0500, wrote:

On 1/13/21 12:15, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 09:51:50AM -0500, wrote:

While testing Rawhide F34 I have observed that the gnome-tweaks
application is missing the Extensions, Top Bar, and Workspaces
setting windows. Is this a bug of omission or are these settings
being removed or added to GCC? I don't see them in GCC.

I expect that this is related to the upcoming GNOME redesign which

affects these


Wow, That is a big move especially since Gnome 4.0 seems to be currently
set to release in March when F34 is set to release in April. I know we
always seem to get the latest Gnome at the last minute, but this seems
to be a much bigger change than usual. On the surface this seems like a
potential for late F34 or other issues. I hope they have a fallback
planned. It seems a bit early for them to be starting to take things out
that people use. Rawhide F34 still shows Gnome as 3.38.2 (the same as
F33). Yes I know gnome-tweaks is a separate package, in fact a few years
back I suggested that it would be nice if GCC and gnome-tweeks were
combined into a single tool, but this is an important setting tool and
it's being changed well before Gnome 4 is a sure thing. We don't even
know that such an integration of these tools is planned for Gnome 4. I
hope someone has their arms around this.

Saying it's "related" doesn't mean they're gone forever. It may just be
that they need reworking for the new GNOME design, and have been taken
out so they don't do anything weird or surprise people by not working.
I'm not sure, honestly, but asking on desktop@ would probably be

Wow! a Whole order of magnitude increase (40 instead of 4.0). I expect I 
will be able to talk with my PC and it will talk back when using the 
command line :)

Seriously though, will we start seeing elements of G40 before we get to 
Branched or Beta?

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Re: firewall applet bug

2021-01-14 Thread

On 1/14/21 03:49, Samuel Sieb wrote:

On 1/14/21 12:30 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 14/01/2021 16:22, Samuel Sieb wrote:

On 1/13/21 11:07 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 14/01/2021 13:54, Samuel Sieb wrote:
Application icons stopped being generally supported in Gnome a few 
releases ago.  Have you tried installing 

FWIW, it took me 2 minutes to find that does work for Xorg but not 
for a Wayland session.

Strange, it works for me in Wayland.  (not the firewall applet which 
I've never used, but other ones)

I don't use Gnome all that much.

I'm a bit confused by the wording of your comment.  I think you're 
saying other items which should appear
on the upper bar do show in both Xorg and Wayland sessions.  But, not 
the firewall applet.

Which you to have tried?

I'm saying that other icons from various other applications do show up, 
but I haven't tried the firewall applet.

So, maybe

QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread

This one I've seen elsewhere, I don't think it's relevant to this issue.


No idea where that comes from.

QObject::connect: No such signal 

is significant in the Wayland case?

That one is possible, since by the name, it's related to the system tray.

I will update the existing bug today. in the mean time, here is a little 
more information I will also add to the bug.

Installing topicons-plus makes no difference.

Also firewall applet has two main functions. One is the icon in the top 
bar that provides quick access to a menu firewall functions. The other 
is that it provides notifications in the notification area when a 
network connection is established or lost. On an inTel machine neither 
the icon or notifications work. On an AMD machine (A10-7800), though 
there is no icon on the top bar there are notifications in the 
notification area when a network connection is established or lost.

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Re: Rawhide F34 observation

2021-01-13 Thread

On 1/13/21 12:15, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 09:51:50AM -0500, wrote:

While testing Rawhide F34 I have observed that the gnome-tweaks
application is missing the Extensions, Top Bar, and Workspaces
setting windows. Is this a bug of omission or are these settings
being removed or added to GCC? I don't see them in GCC.

I expect that this is related to the upcoming GNOME redesign which affects these

Wow, That is a big move especially since Gnome 4.0 seems to be currently 
set to release in March when F34 is set to release in April. I know we 
always seem to get the latest Gnome at the last minute, but this seems 
to be a much bigger change than usual. On the surface this seems like a 
potential for late F34 or other issues. I hope they have a fallback 
planned. It seems a bit early for them to be starting to take things out 
that people use. Rawhide F34 still shows Gnome as 3.38.2 (the same as 
F33). Yes I know gnome-tweaks is a separate package, in fact a few years 
back I suggested that it would be nice if GCC and gnome-tweeks were 
combined into a single tool, but this is an important setting tool and 
it's being changed well before Gnome 4 is a sure thing. We don't even 
know that such an integration of these tools is planned for Gnome 4. I 
hope someone has their arms around this.

I don't recall reading anything like this in the F34 change proposals. 
Seems like it might be good to have a big Gnome change like this in our 
change proposals so that Fedora folks can give it some thought and 
decide what's best for Fedora.

If we do go with whatever comes in Gnome 4 we may have to release F34 
with the prior version of gnome-tweaks in the F34 repo so users will 
still have the functionality they need. I guess one fallback could be to 
make sure that the prior version of gnome-tweaks will work with F34/Gnome4.

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Rawhide F34 observation

2021-01-13 Thread
While testing Rawhide F34 I have observed that the gnome-tweaks 
application is missing the Extensions, Top Bar, and Workspaces  setting 
windows. Is this a bug of omission or are these settings being removed 
or added to GCC? I don't see them in GCC.

Have a Great Day!

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Bug 1888005

2021-01-13 Thread
I filed a bug on an an application (kiten) on F33 Workstation back in 
October. The application worked fine in F32 WS and it is now working 
fine in Rawhide F34 WS, but the bug is still present in F33 WS on a 
fully updated system. I checked and F34 WS is using a newer version of 
kiten I checked Bodhi and added the following note to the bug report:

(As of 01/13/2021 in fully updated F33 Workstation, Kiten still shows 
this bug. However Kiten works fine in Rawhide F34, but Kiten is a newer 
version in the Rawhide F34 repo (kiten-20.08.3-1.fc34) instead of 
(kiten-20.08.0-1.fc33) which is still in the F33 repo. Perhaps the 
solution is to update the version of Kiten in the F33 repo. Bodhi say 
the newer version was submitted for stable 2 months ago, but apparently 
it is not their yet. I would be will to help with whatever needs to be 
done, but I don't know what to do.)

Any ideas on what I can do to help this along?

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firewall applet bug

2021-01-13 Thread
The firewall applet bug I originally posted about a year ago hasn't 
received much attention except for the Fedora version being updated. At 
this point the bug report is a bit messy.

Today I decided to look around a bit and see if I could find some more 
information. The basic problem is that it doesn't show up on the screen 
though System Monitor shows the process running and it doesn't cause any 
Abrt errors. Today I poked around in the logs a bit and found the following:

Jan  9 07:36:56 firewall-applet: QObject::connect: No such signal 
Jan  9 07:36:56 firewall-applet: QObject::connect: No such signal 

Jan  9 07:36:54 firewall-applet: "/proc/1989/root"
Jan  9 07:36:53 firewall-applet: QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with 
threads started with QThread

My question is: Should I close this bug and write a new one with this 
new information, or just add this to the existing bug. I'm wondering if 
this bug is reported against the correct Fedora component/package/module.

The bug is still present in fully updated F33 Workstation.

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firewall applet bug

2021-01-10 Thread

The firewall-applet bug I originally posted about a year ago hasn't 
received much attention except for the Fedora version being updated. At 
this point the bug report is a bit messy.

Today I decided to look around a bit and see if I could find some more 
information. The basic problem is that it doesn't show up on the screen 
though System Monitor shows the process running and it doesn't cause any 
Abrt errors. Today I poked around in the logs a bit and found the following:

Jan  9 07:36:56 firewall-applet: QObject::connect: No such signal 
Jan  9 07:36:56 firewall-applet: QObject::connect: No such signal 

Jan  9 07:36:54 firewall-applet: "/proc/1989/root"
Jan  9 07:36:53 firewall-applet: QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with 
threads started with QThread

My question is: Should I close this bug and write a new one with this 
new information, or just add this to the existing bug. I'm wondering if 
this bug is reported against the correct Fedora component/package/module.

The bug is still present in fully updated F33 Workstation.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: testcase base update cli

2021-01-04 Thread

On 1/4/21 03:06, Kamil Paral wrote:

On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 2:58 PM 

While running tests on Fedora 34 Rawhide 20210102.n.0

When running test case QA:Testcase base update cli, it used to be that
there was a single file (something not essential as I recall) that would
be found so you could watch the update run and judge if it went okay.
Such a file no longer seem to be available.

If your system is fully up-to-date, there is of course nothing to update.
Try again the next day (or the next day), there will be some updates. Or if
you want to test it *right now*, you can downgrade some unimportant package
(like htop) to a previous version - that's easier on stable Fedora with
main+updates+updates-testing repos, but you can do it even on Rawhide by
manually downloading an older package version from Koji.

I understand. What I'm saying is that I think that an old version of a 
non-essential package was made part of the compose so their would be 
something to update in the case of someone running the test on the day 
the compose was nominated for test.

I haven't found anything in the documentation saying to do that. So my 
guess is that is was something someone was just doing on their own or it 
was a long running mistake in the process of building a compose. I doubt 
this because even though I don't remember which package was updated, I 
do remember that it was always the same package.

In any case it was handy because you didn't have to run the test day 
after day until their was something to update. I'm curious how Coconut 
runs this test when there isn't something to update. Is it happy with 
the Complete Nothing to do?

As a side note, the command used in the test case is "dnf update". As I
recall "update" was deprecated in favor of "upgrade". However, I see
that "update" still works though it doesn't appear to be in the man
pages anymore. Shall I prepare an update to the test case or did I miss

Both 'update' and 'upgrade' keywords are supported and work the same way.

I'm sure I saw that "update" was deprecated so I just checked and in:

I found "Upgrade Command
Command: upgrade
Aliases: up
Deprecated aliases: update, upgrade-to, update-to, localupdate"

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testcase base update cli

2021-01-03 Thread

First!... Happy New Year Everyone. I hope you all had Great holidays.

While running tests on Fedora 34 Rawhide 20210102.n.0, I saw a problem 
that has been present for about a year now. If it's considered a but, I 
am at a loss to understand what category to put it in.

When running test case QA:Testcase base update cli, it used to be that 
there was a single file (something not essential as I recall) that would 
be found so you could watch the update run and judge if it went okay. 
Such a file no longer seem to be available (as I said for a long time 
now) The only result obtained is (complete nothing to do). Is this 
intentional or did that just get lost somehow?

As a side note, the command used in the test case is "dnf update". As I 
recall "update" was deprecated in favor of "upgrade". However, I see 
that "update" still works though it doesn't appear to be in the man 
pages anymore. Shall I prepare an update to the test case or did I miss 

Have a Great 2021 Everyone!

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QA:Testcase base update cli

2021-01-02 Thread

First!... Happy New Year Everyone. I hope you all had Great holidays.

While running tests on Fedora 34 Rawhide 20210102.n.0 today, I saw a 
problem that has been present for about a year now. If it's considered a 
but, I am at a loss to understand what category to put it in.

When running test case QA:Testcase base update cli, it used to be that 
there was a single file (something not essential as I recall) that would 
be found so you could watch the update run and judge if it went okay. 
Such a file no longer seem to be available (as I said for a long time 
now) The only result obtained is (complete nothing to do). Is this 
intentional or did that just get lost somehow?

As a side note, the command used in the test case is "dnf update". As I 
recall "update" was deprecated in favor of "upgrade". However, I see 
that "update" still works though it doesn't appear to be in the man 
pages anymore. Shall I prepare an update to the test case or did I miss 

Have a Great 2021 Everyone!

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Re: F33 WS ISO checksum

2020-10-28 Thread

On 10/28/20 11:44, Ankur Sinha wrote:

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 11:21:07 -0400, wrote:

Are you saying that the warning message about the 19 lines is a don't care
or is their a problem with the way the checksum file is made? Does this mean
that the OK message that comes first is in error?

I guess you could call it a "don't care". That isn't completely accurate
though---sha256sum cares about all lines in the file, but if it they
don't fit the format it can understand it skips them and tells the
user. The format is explained in the man page: `man sha256sum`. It finds
the one line it does understand, uses it to verify the ISO and prints

This is all expected. So, there is nothing wrong with the CHECKSUM file,
and there's nothing wrong with the output.

Try the GPG related steps listed here. Those are what the PGP signature
in the CHECKSUM file is for.

I'm guessing that those extra lines are data needed by a process that 
sha256sum calls (perhaps gpg), but sha256sum doesn't use them directly. 
Otherwise I have no idea what their purpose is.

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Re: F33 WS ISO checksum

2020-10-28 Thread

On 10/28/20 11:07, Ankur Sinha wrote:

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 10:55:28 -0400, wrote:

On 10/28/20 10:16, Ankur Sinha wrote:

I think sha256sum is pointing out the 19 lines related to the PGP
Signature in the CHECKSUM file, which it can't understand.

Perhaps the CHECKSUM files were not previously signed.

Thanks for your reply. The checksum file you sent gives the same OK and
Warning results as above;

Yes, it also includes the 19 lines for the PGP signature, which
sha256sum doesn't understand. So, this is expected.

Are you saying that the warning message about the 19 lines is a don't 
care or is their a problem with the way the checksum file is made? Does 
this mean that the OK message that comes first is in error?

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Re: F33 WS ISO checksum

2020-10-28 Thread

On 10/28/20 10:16, Ankur Sinha wrote:

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 09:32:51 -0400, wrote:

I wanted a fresh copy of the F33 ISO to use for the PCs I maintain. I went
to the site. and downloaded the ISO and CHECKSUM files for F33

When I run:

sha256sum -c Fedora-Workstation-live-33-1;2-x86_64-CHECKSUM

I get:

Fedora-Workstation-live-x86_64-33-1.2.iso: OK

But right under that I get:
she256sum: WARNING: 19 lines are improperly formatted

I went back to koji and downloaded the files for 1.2 that I originally got
for testing 1.2. When I ran the check sum I got the same warning, but I did
not get the worning when I originally downloaded 1.2 for testing.

What's up? Is their a new bug in sha256sum -c?

I think sha256sum is pointing out the 19 lines related to the PGP
Signature in the CHECKSUM file, which it can't understand.

Perhaps the CHECKSUM files were not previously signed.

Thanks for your reply. The checksum file you sent gives the same OK and 
Warning results as above;

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F33 WS ISO checksum

2020-10-28 Thread
I wanted a fresh copy of the F33 ISO to use for the PCs I maintain. I 
went to the site. and downloaded the ISO and CHECKSUM 
files for F33 Workstation.

When I run:

sha256sum -c Fedora-Workstation-live-33-1;2-x86_64-CHECKSUM

I get:

Fedora-Workstation-live-x86_64-33-1.2.iso: OK

But right under that I get:
she256sum: WARNING: 19 lines are improperly formatted

I went back to koji and downloaded the files for 1.2 that I originally 
got for testing 1.2. When I ran the check sum I got the same warning, 
but I did not get the worning when I originally downloaded 1.2 for testing.

What's up? Is their a new bug in sha256sum -c?

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Testing F33 Workstation

2020-09-18 Thread

I've been testing right along, but haven't been reporting since the 
problems I have encountered have been small compared to some of the 
issues currently on the table. I am currently running F33 
Workstation-Live 0916.n.0. As usual my testing is on bare metal. The 
installs have been running fine.

I've seen the printer problems go from bad to worse when I couldn't even 
install a printer with CUPS. Now I'm back to being able to install the 
printer with CUPS, but only using the generic driver. Settings Printer 
and Print Settings haven't been able to install a printer since when F33 
was Rawhide.

I've been trying to break btrfs, but only for cases applicable to my as 
deployed testing installing and uninstalling things trying to fragment 
the disk and doing "user" unfortunate things to files. So far I haven't 
seen any problems with btrfs.

There is one package in the repo that has a problem. It doesn't seem to 
be retired. In fact the the version we are using in F32 is listed as the 
current version for F33. The package seems to be scrambled with items 
that don't seem to belong and some things missing. I don't know how this 
should be reported. The package is "pitivi".

This bug still present, but as I said small issue. I'm wondering if I 
have reported this against the wrong package. Since the Firewall-Applet 
works in non-Gnome desktops should this be reported against one of the 
Gnome components or perhaps Mutter since I suspect this is a Wayland 
issue? I guess this could be an issue where the Firewall folks haven't 
updated this to be Wayland compliant. Clarifications and Suggestions are 

Have a Great Day!

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Re: F33 printer

2020-08-27 Thread


I have a similar issue. Reference the bug below.

Try the following. Set up a root password. On the terminal use (sudo 
passwd). Enter a pass word and then verify it. Close the terminal. Open 
your browser and go to localhost:631 then click Administration. Then 
click Add Printer. Log into CUPS with User = root and your root password 
you just set up. You may need to click Add Printer again. Your printer 
should be listed. Select your printer and Continue. Follow through with 
the rest of the setup procedure to see if CUPS can directly setup your 
printer. If not you should should file a bug report at Bugzilla and an 
Issue at gitlab-gnome.

Have a Great Day!

Pat (tablepc)

On 8/27/20 14:20, wrote:

I have an HP Deskjet 3700 (WiFi).
It is correctly listed when I go to add a new printer, and it works
without any issue on F32 and F31 (Workstation).
On F33 it is automatically discovered, but if I try to add it, I get a
popup stating "Failed to add new printer".

Looking at the logs, I can see

Aug 27 20:05:13 pbale cupsd[1691]: REQUEST localhost - - "POST /
HTTP/1.1" 200 6788911 CUPS-Get-PPDs -
Aug 27 20:05:14 pbale cupsd[1691]: [CGI] Unable to create PPD file:
Could not poll sufficient capability info from the printer
ipp://HPF430B95B976D.local:631/ipp/print) via IPP!
Aug 27 20:05:14 pbale cupsd[1691]: copy_model: empty PPD file
Aug 27 20:05:14 pbale cupsd[1691]: [Client 18] Returning IPP server-
error-internal-error for CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer
(ipp://localhost/printers/DeskJet-3700) from localhost.
Aug 27 20:05:14 pbale cupsd[1691]: REQUEST localhost - root "POST
/admin/ HTTP/1.1" 200 450 CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer server-error-
Aug 27 20:05:14 pbale gnome-control-c[3916]: cups-pk-helper: addition
of printer DeskJet-3700 failed: server-error-internal-error
Aug 27 20:05:15 pbale gnome-control-c[3916]: Installation of the new
printer failed.
Aug 27 20:05:15 pbale gnome-shell[2549]: g_variant_unref: assertion
'value != NULL' failed

However, the printer appears as installed (but it doesn't work).
If I try to go in "Printer details" and "Select from Database...", I
can see the list of manufacturers, but for each of them the right panel
(where printers models should be listed) is always empty.

Does anyone has tested a printer with F33?
I wonder if it is a problem with this specific printer or there is some
bug in cups.


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Testing of Fedora 33 Rawhide 20200811.n.0

2020-08-12 Thread

In regard to my testing of F33 Workstation Rawhide drop 20200811.n.0:

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted to Live normally. Anaconda started normally. For the 
disk, Custome was chosen to install btrfs. The install ran and finished 

I only ran a few of the standard tests since my main objective is to 
exercise btrfs. I concentrated on my as deployed testing. No problems 
were detected with btrfs.

Two long standing bugs persist in this drop:

Firewall Applet not working

Discovered printer won't run

This one has a serious regression which I will will add to the bug 
report after Branch.

I also found one package that would not install. I found another package 
that would not run after and apparently successful install. I will 
pursue both of these after the Branch.

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Rawhide (F33 WS) testing

2020-08-05 Thread

I'm about done with the 0804 drop. Mostly I've been concentrating on my 
as deployed testing to see if btrfs would show a problem. So far though 
I'll say: Everything is Essentially, Virtually, Effectively, good. :) 
There are just a couple of old bugs that are still hanging around.

This one has a major regression. The printer can not be set up at all 
with either "Settings -> Printers" or "Printer Settings". I can set it 
up with CUPS, but it won't work with the Brother "driver". I have to use 
one of the Generic "drivers" (PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/PXLMono). 
that works fine. I'll wait until after the Branch to update the bug 
reports. Since the problem might just be a missing file in the rawhide 

Have a Great Day!

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Re: agenda for todays QA meeting

2020-07-22 Thread

On 7/22/20 12:41, Samuel Sieb wrote:

Most compression algorithms are far more than "removing same value byte 
strings".  Check out "huffman encoding" for example.  I've never had a 
lossless compression program corrupt my data.  Given your extreme 
mistrust of compression algorithms, it seems that you don't realize how 
much compressed data you deal with on a regular basis.

tar.gz, gzip, zip, rpm, initramfs, kernel, web pages, etc.

I know there are a variety of compression algorithms. I know they are 
used in many places and I have seen that there are many algorithms used 
in applications that can be trusted or changes tolerated at very low 
cost. My experience with them has led me to trust them in those 
applications. I also know from experience that their are applications of 
compression where the trustworthiness needs to be at least questioned. 
If this is extreme, well, all I can say is I don't mean to be extreme.

My concern with btrfs Was that it uses compression my data. It could 
cause a lot of work if bits started changing in our files. My concern 
with btrfs has been addressed and I am now fine with it. Though I 
certainly know there are other problems that can cause bits to change. I 
just try to minimize risk where I can. I was trained early on in school 
to not take things for granted. I try to be data driven. Since I don't 
have time to become an expert in compression and have some bad history 
with it I became concerned with this general application, but that's 
over now.

My experience with crc32 was in a hardware implementation. We needed 
good data integrity and the memory controller chip we chose had crc32 
built in. I forget how many bits we added to each word to save the 
check bits, but I think it was four. I can imagine the uproarious 
laughter that would result if someone at a gathering of PC folks 
suggested that new memory modules should include extra bits to support 
hardware crc.

You mean like ECC RAM?

The hardware I mentioned was way back when PC were quite primitive let 
alone any ECC memory modules being available for them. The application 
had nothing to do with a PC. There was a lot going on with computing 
before PCs became popular. The only programmers were EEs that designed 
microprocessors into their boards. The mainframe folks just laughed at 
us and there weren't any folks graduating from school prepared to 
program micro's. They all wanted to program mainframes.

I know ECC RAM is widely used in servers. but I've never owned or seen a 
desktop that had ECC capability let alone included it as the default 
configuration. To be fair though, my users and I use older rehabbed 
Lenovo machines because they are cheap and they work very well for us.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: agenda for todays QA meeting

2020-07-22 Thread

On 7/21/20 18:06, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 3:36 PM

The only ones I've ever seen (not a large population since
I've been a compression avoid-er) that approach lossless don't compress
much and only take out strings of the same byte value.

A very simple example is run length encoding.

That's what I meant by "take out strings of the same byte value". I had 
just forgotten the name.

That is variable depending on the source, but quite a lot of human
produced material has a metric F ton of zeros in it, so it turns out
we get a lot of compressibility. This is used by the current zram
default algorithm, as well as lzo which handles the more complex data.
This is typically a 3 to 1 upwards of 4 to 1 compression ratio in my
testing, with a conservative 2 to 1 stated in the proposal.

Wow... I would have never guessed that the ratios had gotten so high. I 
think I know why. Last holiday time I gave a show and tell to a group 
and part of it was titled File Bloat. I started with a simple text file 
that had a size of 475 bytes. Then I showed them the very same text 
saved as various other file types with very simple formatting and at the 
worst case (.odt) the file was 22KB with the exact same text. I had 
showed them printed and on screen examples of each and they were amazed 
at how little they got at the expense of their storage space. It didn't 
occur to me at the time, but I'm guessing that file bloat is a major 
source of the compression ratios you mentioned above.

zstd is substantially more complex than lzo, or zlib, and produces
similar compression ratios to zlib but at a fraction of the CPU
requirement. You can compress and decompress things all day long for
weeks and months and years and 100% of the time get back identical
data bit for bit. That's the point of them. I can't really explain the
math but zstd is free open source software, so it is possible to
inspect it.

I've never written a compression algorithm; so I don't know anything 
about their innards, but I think I'll take a peak.

JPEG compression, on the other hand, is intentionally lossy.

I'll try to restrain myself from saying much about that particular 
blight on the land. I've talked to lots of folks about it; even walked 
some through it with examples. Most just don't care. It's doesn't seem 
to matter how bad the picture gets as long as they can recognize at all 
what the picture is of it's okay. The main concern seems to be being 
able to save LOTS of pictures.

I am happy that my still camera has the ability to save Pictures as RAW 
or uncompressed TIF(F). I thought it was a sad day when they added 
compression to TIF.

I'm off hand not aware of any lossy compression algorithms that claim

Back when I was working on those compression analyses there were some 
very hot debates going on about lossless claims. I don't recall which 
ones or if they went to court, but I do recall reading some articles 
about it. As I recall it was in the late '80s.

Anyway, short of
hardware defects, you can compress and decompress data or images using
lossless compression billions of times until the heat death of the
universe and get identical bits out. It's the same as 2+2=4 and 4=2+2.
Same exact information on both sides of the encoding. Anything else is
a hardware error, sunspots, cosmic rays, someone made a mistake in
testing, etc.

I really like your description. I see now that if the compression is 
just removing same value byte strings how it really can be truly 
lossless. As someone who has had to deal with it I'll say that the extra 
intense radiation from sunspots really does matter. and cosmic rays are 
ignored only at peril.

I don't think asking questions is silly or a problem at all. It's the
jumping to conclusions that gave me the frowny face. :-)

I try not to, but I have a lot of "buy in" to Fedora. When I read that 
there's a change coming and it's on a topic I've had some bad experience 
with... I apologize for jumping.

What's considered the meta data. Path to file, file name, file header,
file footer, data layout?

In a file system context, the metadata is the file system itself. The
data is the "payload" of the file, the file contents, the stuff you
actually care about. I mean, you might also care about some of the
metadata: file name, creation/modification date, but that's  probably
incidental to the data. The metadata includes the size of the data,
whether or not it's compressed, its checksum, the inode, owner, group,
posix permissions, selinux label, etc.

Thanks I appreciate the help. Though I've written lots of software. this 
is my first time being involved with the innards of an O

Re: agenda for todays QA meeting

2020-07-21 Thread

On 7/21/20 13:11, Chris Murphy wrote:

Yeah, lossy algorithms are common in imaging. There are many kinds
that unquestionably do not produce identical encoding to the original
once decompressed. The algorithms being used by Btrfs are all lossless
compression, and in fact those are also commonly used in imaging: LZO
and ZLIB (ZIP, i.e. deflate) - and in that case you can compress and
decompress images unlimited times and always get back identical RGB
encodings to the original. Short of memory or other hardware error.

At the risk of sounding skeptical,  I've heard that word "lossless" 
applied to lots of algorithms and devices that I didn't think was an 
appropriate usage. As an approximate example, when we were doing that 
testing we were hoping to find something in the neighborhood of 10-6 
probability of a single byte error in a certain structure / size file 
when exercised a certain number of times. Sorry for being so vague. Is 
there any statistical data on these algorithms that is publicly 
available? The only ones I've ever seen (not a large population since 
I've been a compression avoid-er) that approach lossless don't compress 
much and only take out strings of the same byte value.

Since I'm never short of disk space I
prefer not to use compression. I was very excited and pleased when I
found out that btrfs check-sums files. However now I understand that it
is a patch to make up for the compression. It seems like a zero sum gain
to me.

I'm not sure what you mean.

Btrfs has always had checksumming from day 0. It was integral to the
design, before the compression algorithms landed. It is to make up for
the fact hardware sometimes lies or gets confused, anywhere in the
storage stack. The default for metadata (the fs itself) and data (file
contents) is crc32c, it is possible to disable it for data but not
possible to disable it for metadata. Compression only ever applies to
data. It's not applied to metadata. Checksumming has intrinsic value
regardless of compression.

Sorry, I have no knowledge of the history of btrfs; so please forgive me 
when I say or ask silly things.

I know about check-summing and use it manually on files that are 
important. Ya I know about the hardware too. I'm an electrical engineer. 
If reliability really matters for a design one of the first things I 
look for when considering any new chip is to see if the manufacturer has 
any credible reliability data.

The problem here is that anything to do with PCs or servers is largely 
driven by cost and there always has to be a new, better, more exciting 
model tomorrow. That environment produces very little in the way of 
parts with long histories with good proven reliability data. That's why 
I was originally so happy about check-summing being automatic with btrfs.

What's considered the meta data. Path to file, file name, file header, 
file footer, data layout?

Oh I just noticed crc32c. That's acceptable.

Sorry for going on so much.

Thanks and Have a Great Day!

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Re: BTRFS testing Rawhide 0703 WS

2020-07-21 Thread

On 7/20/20 21:34, Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:

That's a misleading log message; see e.g. this discussion

You probably want to use this to check the actual RAID level.

btrfs filesystem df /


Thanks! Now I have new tool to help with my understanding.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: agenda for todays QA meeting

2020-07-21 Thread

On 7/20/20 13:31, Samuel Sieb wrote:

First a bit of background all the PCs (Fedora WS) I maintain are 
bought with lots of ram 8GB is the min. I don't think I've ever seen 
swap move off zero and no one has reported any sort of slowdowns. Yet 
we do lots of memory intensive things. Of course all this is with ext4.

That is surprising.  Usually at least something ends up in the swap.

I'm a convert from that proprietary "we know what's best for you" OS. 
One of the major things that annoyed me about it was that it horded all 
the RAM and Swapped everything. One day while talking with a colleague 
he suggested that I should switch to Linux and he recommended Fedora. I 
got a copy of Fedora 16 WS and loaded it. That fact that swapping was 
non-existent and Fedora didn't hord the RAM was one of the things that 
helped me decide to switch everything here to Fedora.

On these machines Disks says that swap lives at 
/dev/fedora_localhost-live/swap00 and showns no usage. Monitor shows 0 
bytes used for swap. I've never seen these move off zero. I haven't 
changed any of the disk parameters. They are all at their default values 
as installed.

Careful what you're using to measure with.  The only accurate 
measurement is "zramctl".  That will tell you exactly how much RAM > the zram device is using.


You really need to read more about zram.  There is no dedicated space 
for it.  It only uses RAM as swap is needed.  And it uses less RAM than 
the pages that are getting swapped out, so there's a net reduction in 
RAM usage without hitting the disk.

cmurf explained that to me yesterday, but thanks.

These compression algorithms have been tested very hard and are used 
everywhere.  I've never seen mention of any corruption issues.

I must say that all of my compression experience has been with the 
algorithms used to compress images. I won't bore you with the details 
but we wrote software to build various image files with certain 
characteristics in pristine form. We did not use the standard test 
images that are sometimes used. The test files we used were structured 
to see how good a job the algorithms could do preserving data. Then we 
saved and opened them using the various standardized algorithms used for 
the associated file types and analyzed the results. The results were not 
impressive. We concluded that the results were fine for images. If some 
pixel values change, the average user will not notice it; so it's not 
critical. However there are many other kinds of data where such changes 
would be critical. Now I know the algorithms used for images are 
different from those used for general file compression on disk, but 
still, I try to minimize risk. Since I'm never short of disk space I 
prefer not to use compression. I was very excited and pleased when I 
found out that btrfs check-sums files. However now I understand that it 
is a patch to make up for the compression. It seems like a zero sum gain 
to me.

If you really want to disable zram (there's no reason to), I believe the 
simplest method is "touch /etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf".

And it's nothing to do with btrfs.

Yes. I understand now that zram is not part of btrfs. It's just that it 
showed up with btrfs and was yet another thing that raised lot of 
questions. Now that I understand how zram works, I won't be shutting it 
off. I do want to have a swap space, and though it doesn't seem to get 
used, I want it just in case...

Thanks and Have a Great Day!

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Results from install of old drop of WS

2020-07-20 Thread
As promised in the QA meeting today I have installed an old drop of WS 
to find the place in Anaconda I thought was there to turn off or not 
select compression for a disk drive. As it turns out I must have been 
having a pleasant dream or mistakenly remembered the one for encryption 
and There was no such box. It's really strange. I have a strong 
recollection for seeing a box somewhere that had to be check to get data 
on a disk to be compressed. Sorry for the bad data.

Anyway from the discussion, I am under the impression that btrfs uses 
compression by default for user's data files. If I am right will there 
be a way to turn that off?

Have a Good Day!

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agenda for todays QA meeting

2020-07-20 Thread

Let's talk about zram.

I just got around to figuring out what zram is. I see it's automatically 
set up when Anaconda sets up btrfs.

First a bit of background all the PCs (Fedora WS) I maintain are bought 
with lots of ram 8GB is the min. I don't think I've ever seen swap move 
off zero and no one has reported any sort of slowdowns. Yet we do lots 
of memory intensive things. Of course all this is with ext4.

Now I see on my test machine (btrfs) that about 24% (2GB) of the 8GB of 
memory (according to monitor) (4GB according to disks) is dedicated to 
zram0. I imagine the difference in size reported to due to the 
compression used by zram. However there are two issues:

First I can't think of any good reason why I should need or want to have 
any of my ram dedicated to swapping or other things that speed up btrfs. 
We've been very happy with swap being on disk since it's never been seen 
to move off zero.

Second, a few years back, I looked over some of the compression 
algorithms. The probability of loss or corruption was low, but non-zero. 
I'm sure they have improved, but I'll bet those probabilities are still 
non-zero. I was taught back in my early years at school that unnecessary 
risk is foolish risk. So I've always avoided using compression where 
ever I had an option.

If this is necessary to make btrfs work or get reasonable performance 
from it. That is a strike against btrfs.

From this I conclude that to run btrfs on these machines and get the 
performance we're used to I have to up the minimum ram load to 12GB. Ram 
modules have a non-zero cost. Given the above this cost must be assigned 
to btrfs and are born by Fedora users.

I'm hoping someone can tell me I'm wrong and why, or that there's a way 
to opt-out of zram without a hit to performance when using btrfs.

Have a Great Day!

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brtfs by default

2020-07-15 Thread

Over the past few days I have learned a little about btrfs. I have 
provided the links to the posts below: Magazine proposal: (1), 
Discussion: (2), Ticket 2429: (3)

I've done some testing on 0703 with btrfs and I am just getting started 
with 0713 with btrfs. I think the only way to really get confidence is 
to run Workstation with btrfs; So my plan is to run all the drops I can 
between now and Beta Release Readiness with btrfs. I won't be doing any 
rituals, but in these very short cycles I wouldn't expect to see any 
need for such things.

I wholeheartedly agree with cmurf. The need to perform rituals, or 
otherwise babysit an FS is an indication the something needs fixing and 
must be fixed rather than "papering" over the part that needs fixing.

No I'm not an ordinary user, but when I use my computers for the 
non-ordinary things I do, I am an ordinary user in the sense that the FS 
is not on my mind, and shouldn't be. The FS is one of those wonderfully 
crafted pieces of technology "under the hood" that helps make it work 
and I don't have to give it a second thought.

All that being said btrfs seems to be working great so far. I guess I 
won't really know about the babysitting part until after I've been 
running F33 WS for six months with btrfs.




Have a Great Day!

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brtfs by default on F33

2020-07-13 Thread

Over the past few days I have learned a little about btrfs. I have 
provided the links to the posts below: Magazine proposal: (1), 
Discussion: (2), Ticket 2429: (3)

I've done some testing on 0703 with btrfs and I am just getting started 
with 0713 with btrfs. I think the only way to really get confidence is 
to run Workstation with btrfs; So my plan is to run all the drops I can 
between now and Beta Release Readiness with btrfs. I won't be doing any 
rituals, but in these very short cycles I wouldn't expect to see any 
need for such things.

I wholeheartedly agree with cmurf. The need to perform rituals, or 
otherwise babysit an FS is an indication the something needs fixing and 
must be fixed rather than "papering" over the part that needs fixing.

No I'm not an ordinary user, but when I use my computers for the 
non-ordinary things I do, I am an ordinary user in the sense that the FS 
is not on my mind, and shouldn't be. The FS is one of those wonderfully 
crafted pieces of technology "under the hood" that helps make it work 
and I don't have to give it a second thought.

All that being said btrfs seems to be working great so far. I guess I 
won't really know about the babysitting part until after I've been 
running F33 WS for six months with btrfs.




Have a Great Day!

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Re: btrfs testing rawhide 0703

2020-07-11 Thread

On 7/9/20 10:31, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 5:46 PM

However as I look at the journal it's not

clear if this is a problem or if we need to update the testcase for
btrfs. I've attached the journal file for your reading pleasure.

This is a good point. The testcase needs two updates. The one
previously mentioned which is not an fs journal recovery but about
raid6 recovery algorithm, which we can ignore.

The part of this I don't understand is how is btrfs a raid6 on a system 
with only one physical disk drive? I thought raid6 required two separate 
physical disk drives.

But one to add is now
btrfs now indicates it wasn't previously unmounted successfully.

[9.401852] BTRFS info (device vda3): start tree-log replay

Okay so I guess we leave the test alone for those running ext4 and add a 
test in the same test case document for those running btrfs. Is that 
right? Or would we drop the ext4 stuff since it would no longer be the 
"supported" fs and rewrite the test case to be for btrfs only?

I foresee the need to a Fedora Magazine article to help people get 
started doing the btrfs maintenance.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: btrfs testing

2020-07-07 Thread

On 7/6/20 19:53, Neal Gompa wrote:

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:43 PM

I was not
successful in getting the disk configuration set in a configuration that
Anaconda would accept for installation.

Yeah, custom installation is a little bit of a mind-screw. :(

You are too kind. I am a bit embarrassed that I did no see that group of 
buttons at the bottom.

So, what you should try here is go to the Custom view, then select the
existing partition on the left side, then click the "-" button. It
should prompt you about deleting the partition, and provide a checkbox
for deleting all related partitions. Check that, then click "OK". It
should clear them out. If there's any more you want to delete, rinse
and repeat.

Then you can use the drop down menu to select Btrfs and have it create
the layout as you attempted before.

Thank you very much. It was very simple after I noted the "-" at the 
bottom. I am really surprised at myself since I saw the "-" on the 
Advanced Custom. I could delete the existing partitions there but ran 
into other problems. In any case thanks for taking the time to answer 
this silly question.

I now have Rawhide 0703 WS running on btrfs. Let the testing begin :-)

ありがとございました  Gompa さま

Have a Great Day!

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btrfs testing

2020-07-06 Thread

After the QA meeting today, I spent a few hours trying the get  Rawhide 
0703 WS Live installed with btrfs.

I have Rawhide 0703 WS Live on a thumb drive. I know this works fine 
when taking the default for the disk. I was trying to do a bare metal 
install to my test machine (Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU). the boot and 
Anaconda start were normal. For the disk drive I selected "Custom" and 
that's when the problems started. Granted, this was the first time I 
ever attempted using the custom option. It displayed the existing mount 
points from the prior default install (ext4). I selected btrfs, but I 
could not find a way the delete the existing mount points or change 
them. I tried lots of things including the Advanced Custom. I was not 
successful in getting the disk configuration set in a configuration that 
Anaconda would accept for installation. Is this the sort of problem with 
Anaconda that was mentioned in the meeting? Or... I suppose these tools 
are not supposed to be very intuitive to use and I need some reading 

The test day instruction were of no aid. and I found nothing in the wiki 
that was helpful.

Have a Great Day!

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Testing of Rawhide F33 Workstation drop 00620.n.1

2020-06-23 Thread

This is in regard to my testing of Rawhide F33 Workstation drop 00620.n.1:

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted to Live normally. Anaconda started normally. Options 
to delete all and reclaim space were selected for the hard drive. 
Install ran normally. The reboot to the hard drive was normal.

I ran many of the standard tests. They all passed. This included 
printing to my "no driver" (sort of IPP everywhere) printer (Brother 
HL-L6200DW). My test results were registered with relval.

I noted that some of the Desktop tests have been renumbered. This 
resulted in one erroneous entry in relval.

I have run most of my as configured tests and found that the following 
bugs still apply:

Have a Great and Safe Day!

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Re: Curiosity in QA:Testcase base service manipulation

2020-05-13 Thread

On 5/13/20 12:34, Adam Williamson wrote:
I ended up putting

(sudo su) at the top of each script and just ran the commands without
the (su -c). That seemed to work fine.

Is there a critical to the test reason to use (su -c)?

No. It really just means "do this as root". There are various ways you
can indicate this when writing instructions, all with benefits and

Thanks it's nice to have suspicions confirmed.

Sometimes I've wanted to write some kind of template

for it, but never get enough roundtuits...

I know all about the shortage of roundtuits. The change in the test case 
served as inspiration for me to see if I can get this done before F33 
branches :-)

Be Well Stay Safe

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Curiosity in QA:Testcase base service manipulation

2020-05-13 Thread

In regard to: QA:Testcase base service manipulation

Back about a year ago now I started fiddling around with this test case 
to see if I could make it a bit easier to run.

A little background first. After I have my test machine set up and ready 
to start testing a new drop I always do the login tests first. Then I 
set the pass word to "none" and set the account to auto login. I do this 
because I find I end up doing lots of restarts while I am testing and 
prefer to not be bothered with the logins as security on my test machine 
is not an issue. I also set the root pass word, just because I always 
set a root password on my test machine.

Now back to the test case. My approach to the test case is to have four 
(4) bash scripts that do each part of the test and reboot the system. I 
save the results for the commands in a file and have another file to 
keep track of which step last ran so I know which step to run next. I 
still have to write my top level script and write a little python code 
to parse the results file and report.

While I was getting the four individual scripts running I had a problem 
with using the (su -c). I seem to recall that using (su -c) required a 
list being edited to allow the user to use (su -c) I ended up putting 
(sudo su) at the top of each script and just ran the commands without 
the (su -c). That seemed to work fine.

Is there a critical to the test reason to use (su -c)? Is using the 
approach I took a problem for the test?

Is their a better approach I could take to this?

Be Well Stay Safe

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Testing of: Fedora-WS-Live-rawh-20200510-n-0

2020-05-11 Thread

In regard to my testing of: Fedora-WS-Live-rawh-20200510-n-0

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted to Live normally. Anaconda started normally. Options 
to delete all and reclaim space were selected for the hard drive. 
Install ran normally. The reboot to the hard drive was normal.

I ran several of the standard tests and my test results were registered 
with relval. These tests all passed.

I ran many of my as configured tests. RHBZ # 1791860 is still present 
(since F30).

Be Well and Stay Safe

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Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 32 Candidate RC-1.5 Available Now!

2020-04-22 Thread

On 4/22/20 16:54, wrote:

Am 22.04.2020 11:54 schrieb Silvia Sánchez :

 But from *where* do I download the ISO ?

On the wiki page are the download links.

Be Well and Safe!

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Re: Testing of F32 Workstation-Live x86-64 RC1.4

2020-04-21 Thread

On 4/21/20 13:25, Adam Williamson wrote:


These were both retired as they were unmaintained. You can always check
this in dist-git:

generally, the URL is

I would be curious to know what the criteria are for classing something 
as unmaintained. I believe these are just data file used by the stardict 
dictionary application. I see that stardict along with the dictionary 
data files stardict-dic-cs_CZ (Czech) and stardict-dic-hi (Hindi) are 
present in the repo. I would not expect that a dictionary data file 
would need periodic maintenance. It seems like unmaintained is just an 
arbirtary time limit since the last file was presented.

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Testing of F32 Workstation-Live x86-64 RC1.4

2020-04-21 Thread

In regard to my testing of F32 Workstation-Live x86-64 RC1.4:

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted to Live normally. Anaconda started normally. Options 
to delete all and reclaim space were selected for the hard drive. 
Install ran normally. The reboot to the hard drive was normal.

I ran many of the standard tests. They passed with one exception covered in:

My test results were registered with relval.

I have run most of my as configured tests. So far I have found that the 
following packages are missing from the current F32 repo:


Also the following bug still applies:

What list should I be sending missing package items to?

Stay Well and Safe!

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accounts-daemon - sys-nice

2020-04-20 Thread

I've seen that SELinux is still not allowing the accounts-daemon access 
to sys-nice. I see there is a bug filed on this:

There seem to be two lines of thought about a solution. One to change 
SELinux granting daemons access and the other seems to be to change 
daemons so they don't ask for what they don't need.

Authorizations and access seem to be working fine, so I'm wondering why 
accounts-daemon needs to change it's operating parameters.

At first I wasn't really concerned about this since everything seems to 
be working nicely, but from what I've read in other places I'm also 
wondering if this issue and/or it's ultimate solution could be a 
security risk.

By the way what does the Status POST on the bug report mean?

Have a Safe and Healthy Day!

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Re: Proposal to Change: Testcase base service manipulation

2020-04-16 Thread

On 4/16/20 16:48, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Thu, 2020-04-16 at 13:57 -0400, wrote:

It's not about interpretation or not, it's just about a preference for

Test Steps

1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Step 3

Expected Results

1. Expected result 1
2. Expected result 2
3. Expected result 3

versus this:

Test Steps and Expected Results

1. Step 1
2. Expected result 1
3. Step 2
4. Expected result 2
5. Step 3
6. Expected result 3

Our current template really only handles the first style, if you want
to do the second style you have to do some kind of 'hack' like kparal
did. I'm just saying if the second style is clearly better for some
test, we should probably add an alternative template or tweak the
existing template to have a 'mode' which works better for that style.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I think the second format would serve us

1. Step 1
2. Expected result 1
3. Step 2
4. Expected result 2

This makes the test case easier to read with lower chance of confusion.

I think there are cases where each works better, there's no harm in
supporting both.

That's true

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Re: Proposal to Change: Testcase base service manipulation

2020-04-16 Thread

It's not about interpretation or not, it's just about a preference for

Test Steps

1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Step 3

Expected Results

1. Expected result 1
2. Expected result 2
3. Expected result 3

versus this:

Test Steps and Expected Results

1. Step 1
2. Expected result 1
3. Step 2
4. Expected result 2
5. Step 3
6. Expected result 3

Our current template really only handles the first style, if you want
to do the second style you have to do some kind of 'hack' like kparal
did. I'm just saying if the second style is clearly better for some
test, we should probably add an alternative template or tweak the
existing template to have a 'mode' which works better for that style.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I think the second format would serve us 

1. Step 1
2. Expected result 1
3. Step 2
4. Expected result 2

This makes the test case easier to read with lower chance of confusion.

Be Well Be Safe

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Re: Proposal to Change: Testcase base service manipulation

2020-04-16 Thread

On 4/16/20 11:21, Adam Williamson wrote:

If we're gonna write test cases like that, we should probably just have
an alternative template, or an alternative "mode" for the template we
have. I don't like using a template which clearly expects the "Here are
the steps, and here are the expected results" format but actually uses
"Step 1, step 1 expected result, step 2, step 2 expected result..."
format. Writing templates isn't that hard, so I feel like that would be
nicer :)

We certainly have test cases where the results are open to 
interprettation and so the test case results could be centralized and 
allow for that interpretation.

We also have test cases where there are specific steps with specific 
actions that are required to produce specific results. An example is the 
Services Manipulation test case. In a tests like this, it has always 
served me well, to have the Expected Results for each step of the test 
case at the end of each test case step. This eliminates confusion over 
what the results for a step must be and so increases the accuracy of the 
test case results. In a test case like this, I don't think we want 
people interpreting the results.

Two templates might be the right thing to do. One for exact tests and 
one for tests where interpretation is or is likely to be involved.

Stay Well Stay Safe

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Re: Proposal to adjust final criterion for backgrounds

2020-04-16 Thread

The approach the current criteria were intended to back was one where
we would have something like rawhide-backgrounds or development-
backgrounds which contained a background image that was very obviously
a WORK IN PROGRESS kind of thing - picture of Beefy with "PRE RELEASE"
written on it, or something like that - and this would be the
*permanent* default background for Rawhide. 'Final' backgrounds would
then be introduced for each release after it branched from Rawhide.
This would have the happy side effect that if we didn't get around to
doing anything by the Beta release, the Beta release would come out
with the 'development' background, which we figured would be OK for a
Beta, rather than with the same background as the previous release,
which isn't.

Aside from that one, the other advantage of this approach is that it
means you only have to do work in each release branch, you don't also
have to keep changing things in Rawhide.

That sounds good to me. I always found it confusing to have the prior 
release background in the pre-release of the next version. Rawhide 
deserves its own background and as you say it will make it obvious that 
it's a pre-release version.

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Testing of Workstation-Live RC1.3

2020-04-16 Thread

In regard to my testing of Workstation-Live RC1.3:

This was a bare metal install on a Lenovo M53 with a i5-4570 CPU. The 
ISO was check summed and loaded to a thumb drive using Media Writer. The 
test machine booted to Live normally. Anaconda started normally. Options 
to delete all and reclaim space were selected for the hard drive. 
Install ran normally. The reboot to the hard drive was normal.

I ran several of the standard test cases and my test results were 
registered with relval. As I continued with my as deployed testing I 
noted packages missing from the repo. gimp-gap, stardict-dic-en, 
stardict-dic-ja, simplescan, obs-studio, and others. I doubt these are 

Notable items:

Could not run updates. I tried (sudo dnf upgrade --refresh) at the 
command line, Software, and dnfdragora. No updates were found. There is 
usually a token update just to test the update process. The usual repo's 
seemed to be enabled. I then enabled update-testing and found some I 
could run. So I guess the update process is working. Apparently there 
just wasn't any token update in the repo for testing.

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Re: Testing with NVMe

2020-04-04 Thread

On 4/4/20 15:27, Richard Shaw wrote:

On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 10:45 AM 

I'm not sure the having UEFI is the differentiator... I have a 6th gen I5
computer which boots UEFI fine but predates NVMe. On that one I use a
PCIEx4 adapter and have /boot and /boot/EFI on the HD and then the system
on the NVMe drive.

My test machine is a 4th gen. i5-4570. From what I can tell it wouldn't 
be able to boot to a NVMe on a PCI adapter.

I could get a NVMe set up on an adapter like I was originally thinking, 
but I do testing on Workstation-Live and I take the defaults for 
installation; so is there someplace where I can learn how to split the 
installation like you've done it with the /boot and /boot/EFI on the HD 
and the System on the NVMe?

Then there is the question: Would testing Workstation set up like that 
would be of value to the project? I'm thinking there aren't many users 
set up like that. Also, it might be a confusion factor for any bugs I find.

Thanks for your help.

Stay Safe and Stay Well

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F32 Workstation-live 0401 drop

2020-04-04 Thread
I just finished my testing of 0401 on my bare metal test system. The 
results were not reported because the current event is 0404.

Everything looks good except for the bugs I already reported and they 
are not blockers.

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Re: Testing with NVMe

2020-04-04 Thread

On 4/4/20 10:24, Richard Shaw wrote:

On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 9:14 AM 

One thing that seems rather puzzling is that NVMe is offered in three
different connection configurations. PCI-E, USB (with a USB connector),
and SSD via SATA (with an SATA connector. Since multichannel PCI-E is
very much faster that either USB or SATA I don't really understand why
the USB and SATA options are offered. It seems a bit like having a car
that's designed and built for racing and only driving it on city streets.

Are you sure you're not conflating M.2 and NVMe? From what I can tell NVMe
is only for storage whereas M.2 is primarily used for storage but there
are other types of M.2 cards.

Sorry I wasn't more clear about that. Yes M.2 is a physical connector 
configuration with a specified key position on the connector. Modules 
with that connector are available in functional types I mentioned.

M.2 SSD's can come in SATA and NVMe variants.

As far as USB 3.0, it's pretty fast and someone may want compact a M.2 NVMe
SSD in a USB 3.0 enclosure for convenience.

I guess, but an ordinary SSD in an external box would do as well. USB 3 
is the limiting factor for speed. Though being able to boot might be an 
advantage for test. In this case I would ask what is it we really want 
to test, high speed access and data flow, or just ordinary operation 
like booting and normal use at desktop kind of speeds?

  From the various conversations with the test folks over time, it seems

many in the group test on laptops. Many of the newer lap tops have a
connector on the motherboard that connects an NVMe to PCI-E. This and
the above leads me to believe that the testing we want to do is with
NVMe on PCI-E. That's what I'm planning at this time.

Yes I think that would cover the vast majority of situations, but that
includes many desktops today too, not just laptops. I'm running a Samsung
970 EVO on my Ryzen 5 2600 system.

Is that your only "disk" for boot and whatever else you do?

I have only desktops none of the ones I support have such a slot on the

mother board. No worries; There are PCI-E adapter boards that NVMe
modules can be plugged into then the board plugs into a standard PCI-E
four channel slot. This is the route I'm planning to go.

That should work for secondary storage (and testing) but frequently the
system can't boot from a NVMe add-in card because the BIOS doesn't support

Well that's certainly another point to consider. Do you happen to know 
if UEFI supports it? I'll have to reboot my test machine later to see if 
there is anything that looks like it in the config. pages.

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Testing with NVMe

2020-04-04 Thread

At last Monday's meeting there was mention of a need to start testing 
with NVMe. I volunteered  to get some and help with that. Part of my 
motivation was the desire to become familiar with it and see if it's 
something I might have an application for. NVMe seems to have been 
created created mostly for servers and a few other applications that 
need extremely fast data access and flow from "disk". From what I've 
seen the newer 19" rack servers offer a NVMe slot on the board.

One thing that seems rather puzzling is that NVMe is offered in three 
different connection configurations. PCI-E, USB (with a USB connector), 
and SSD via SATA (with an SATA connector. Since multichannel PCI-E is 
very much faster that either USB or SATA I don't really understand why 
the USB and SATA options are offered. It seems a bit like having a car 
that's designed and built for racing and only driving it on city streets.

From the various conversations with the test folks over time, it seems 
many in the group test on laptops. Many of the newer lap tops have a 
connector on the motherboard that connects an NVMe to PCI-E. This and 
the above leads me to believe that the testing we want to do is with 
NVMe on PCI-E. That's what I'm planning at this time.

I have only desktops none of the ones I support have such a slot on the 
mother board. No worries; There are PCI-E adapter boards that NVMe 
modules can be plugged into then the board plugs into a standard PCI-E 
four channel slot. This is the route I'm planning to go.

The complication is that there are different kinds of NVMe modules and 
the PCI-E boards have different configurations as well. At this point I 
think I will get a board for "M.2" modules and a module to go with it. 
There are still some points I want to investigate before I go ahead. I 
want read some of the module data sheets in detail to see if there are 
any GotYas that need to be considered. Also I want to see what the "raw" 
formatting of the module looks like and if it changes from brand to 
brand or with module capacity. My observation has been that 
manufacturers always want a "competitive advantage" and sometimes those 
"advantages" can turn into "let the buyer beware".

In regard to actual procurement. Many of the modules require heat 
sinking most of the adapter boards provide at least some minimal 
provision for adding a heat sink. Others come complete with all required 
hardware for heat sinking. This gets a bit tricky. The modules provide 
the specifications necessary to calculate  temperature rise from modules 
heat dissipating surface. I still need to find an adapter card with the 
corresponding specifications. so a complete thermal analysis can be done.

A final point of interest is that there are some NVMe modules that are 
being called SATA instead of just being called NVMe. I would be think 
that pretending to be an SATA-SSD drive would just a superficial matter 
the desktop would handle and the highs peed data access and flow would 
be handled in a very light weight protocol in the kernel. This is just a 
guess, but I would think that using the SATA protocol would slow things 
down. Since NVMes apparently exist for applications with a huge need to 
speed I guess I don't understand this.

Any comments or suggestions are always welcome

Stay Safe and Well!

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