David Wheeler wrote:
Hi all,

I especially need help with the "keep_alive" parameter to user_agent()

keep_alive enables connection persistence, where the same connection is used to process multiple requests. the only use of it that I have seen is in http11/basicauth.t

  my $request_num = Apache::TestRequest::user_agent_request_num($res);

  ok $request_num == 3; #1 => no credentials
                        #2 => 401 response with second request
                        #3 => 200 with guest/guest credentials

also, from the LWP::UserAgent manpage:

The C<keep_alive> option also has the effect of loading and enabling the new experimental HTTP/1.1 protocol module.

so keep_alive may be more of a shorthand way of enabling (and testing) HTTP/1.1 compliance rather than just persistent connections (which can be used in both protocols).

as for the code changes, Stas should probably review them first. however, the docs look great - nice work.


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