[ANNOUNCE] Apache-Test 1.08

2004-02-25 Thread Stas Bekman
The uploaded file
has entered CPAN as
  file: $CPAN/authors/id/S/ST/STAS/Apache-Test-1.08.tar.gz
  size: 106214 bytes
   md5: ac6657a097f060d688ba8c314b861545
If you have any problems remember to read the Apache-Test/README file.
Important changes since 1.07:
The following change is only in the user environment, so please update your 
env vars if you have used them:

Special to Apache-Test environment variables:
are now moved to:
respectively, for consistency with other APACHE_TEST_ env vars and in
order not to interfere with other projects that may use the same env
All changes since 1.07:
Instead of hard-coding listen directive to, use the server
name. [Gozer]
added -defines configuration option, providing a way to pass additional
-D names to the server for use in IfDefine blocks.  [Geoffrey Young]
Make it possible to run TEST (or another driving script) from any path
(e.g. t/TEST, ./TEST, /full/path/to/t/TEST) [Stas]
If at least one *conf*.in files is modified since the last
configuration, make sure to regenerate them all, so the right ports
will be assigned. [Stas]
Make sure that Apache-Test modules are installed into INSTALLSITEARCH
during a standalone build. Because EU::MM does so when A-T is bundled
with mp2, and we want to avoid having A-T installed in two different
places under @INC. [Stas]
HTTP/0.9 responses no longer croak, provided $ENV{APACHE_TEST_HTTP_09_OK}
is true.  [Geoffrey Young]
Hard-code listen directive to, solving problems for people
with IPv4  IPv6 address until a better solution is found. [Gozer]
prefix Apache::TestTrace (non-colour mode) messages with the loglevel,
similar to what Apache does. [Stas]
Instrument A-T with an optional successful (shell-wise) abort of the
test suite, by asking the user whether they want to continue w/o
completing the test suite. Use it in places where we know that the
test suite will certaionly fail (e.g. running from /root as 'root', or
not providing httpd/apxs locations). [Stas]
In order to make Apache-Test compatible with the rest of Perl testing
frameworks, we no longer chdir into t/, but run from the root of the
project (where t/ resides). A test needing to know where it's running
from (e.g. to read/write files/dirs on the filesystem), should do that
relative to the serverroot, documentroot and other server
configuration variables, available via
Apache::Test::vars('serverroot'), Apache::Test::vars('documentroot'),
etc. [Stas]
Apache::Test::vars() can now query for config arguments [Stas]
generate t/conf if it does not already exist, which
it may not if the tests are entirely autoconfigured.
[Geoffrey Young]
Special to Apache-Test environment variables:
are now moved to:
respectively, for consistency with other APACHE_TEST_ env vars and in
order not to interfere with other projects that may use the same env
vars. [Stas]
if $self-{reconfigure} is true, make sure to perform a complete
reconfiguration, to solve the bug where conf.in files weren't reparsed
and vhost hostport info was getting lost on subsequent runs when
APACHE env var was set (one of the cases when $self-{reconfigure} is
true). [Stas]
handle Include conf/*conf cases when inheriting httpd.conf in a
cleaner way, don't complain that *conf doesn't exist, since it's a
glob pattern. Instead check try to resolve the base directory. [Stas]
import the Apache::TestMM clean target in Makefile.PL so 'make clean'
will call t/TEST -clean [Stas]
fix have_apache_version(), have_min_apache_version(), and
have_min_module_version() to use proper numeric version strings
in comparisons.  thanks to Rafael Garcia-Suarez for the spot.
[Geoffrey Young]
fix Apache::TestConfig::which to check that the found file is a plain
file [Stas]
implementing custom interactive and non-interactive (with the -save
option) reusable configuration for -httpd, -apxs, -user, -group, and
-port [Randy Kobes, Stas]
Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache::Test 1.08 RC1

2004-02-25 Thread Stas Bekman
Thanks to all for testing this version. 1.08 is making its way to CPAN mirrors 
at this very moment.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

[Fwd: FAIL Apache-Test-1.08 i586-linux 2.4.22-4tr]

2004-02-25 Thread Stas Bekman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] chose to run the test suite even though it warned 
him/her that it'll fail. I guess due to a bug in CPANPLUS the warning (which 
was sent to STDOUT) came too late, when the decision was made. In any case 
it's not Apache-Test's problem.

 Original Message 
Subject: FAIL Apache-Test-1.08 i586-linux 2.4.22-4tr
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 11:08:11 -0400 (AST)
To: cpan-testers@perl.org
This distribution has been tested as part of the cpan-testers
effort to test as many new uploads to CPAN as possible.  See
Please cc any replies to cpan-testers@perl.org to keep other
test volunteers informed and to prevent any duplicate effort.

This is an error report generated automatically by CPANPLUS,
version 0.048.
Below is the error stack during 'make test':
/usr/bin/perl5.8.0 -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST -clean
[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl5.8.0 
/root/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Apache-Test-1.08/t/TEST -clean
/usr/bin/perl5.8.0 -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0
[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl5.8.0 
/root/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Apache-Test-1.08/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0

We are now going to configure the Apache-Test framework.
This configuration process needs to be done only once.

First we need to know where the 'httpd' executable is located.
If you have more than one Apache server is installed, make sure
you supply the path to the one you are going to use for testing.
You can always override this setting at run time via the '-httpd'
option. For example:
  % t/TEST -httpd /path/to/alternative/httpd
or via the environment variable APACHE_TEST_HTTPD. For example:
  % APACHE_TEST_HTTPD=/path/to/alternative/httpd t/TEST
If for some reason you want to skip the test suite, type: skip
Please provide a full path to 'httpd' executable or choose from the following 

[1] /usr/sbin/httpd
 [1] 1
Next we need to know where the 'apxs' script is located. This script
provides a lot of information about the apache installation, and makes
it easier to find things. However it's not available on all platforms,
therefore it's optional.
If you don't have it installed it's not a problem. Just press Enter.
Notice that if you have Apache 2.x installed that script could be
called as 'apxs2'.
If you have more than one Apache server is installed, make sure you
supply the path to the apxs script you are going to use for testing.
You can always override this setting at run time via the '-apxs'
option. For example:
  % t/TEST -apxs /path/to/alternative/apxs
or via the environment variable APACHE_TEST_APXS. For example:
  % APACHE_TEST_APXS=/path/to/alternative/apxs t/TEST
Please provide a full path to (optional) 'apxs' executable or choose from the 
following options:

[1] /usr/sbin/apxs
 [1] 1
[warning] rerunning '/usr/bin/perl5.8.0 
/root/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Apache-Test-1.08/t/TEST -bugreport -verbose=0' 
with new config opts
[warning] root mode: changing the files ownership to 'nobody' (99:99)
[warning] testing whether 'nobody' is able to -rwx 
/usr/bin/perl5.8.0 -Mlib=lib -MApache::TestRun -e 'eval { 
Apache::TestRun::run_root_fs_test(99, 99, 
q[/root/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Apache-Test-1.08/t]) }';

Running the test suite is important to make sure that the module that
you are about to install works on your system. If you choose not to
run the test suite and you have a problem using this module, make sure
to return and run this test suite before reporting any problems to the
developers of this module.
Skip the test suite? [No] No
[warning] result:
[  error] You are running the test suite under user 'root'.
Apache cannot spawn child processes as 'root', therefore
we attempt to run the test suite with user 'nobody' (99:99).
The problem is that the path (including all parent directories):
must be 'rwx' by user 'nobody', so Apache can read and write under that
There are several ways to resolve this issue. One is to move and
rebuild the distribution to '/tmp/' and repeat the 'make test'
phase. The other is not to run 'make test' as root (i.e. building
under your /home/user directory).
You can test whether some directory is suitable for 'make test' under
'root', by running a simple test. For example to test a directory
'/root/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Apache-Test-1.08/t', run:
  % /usr/bin/perl5.8.0 -Mlib=lib -MApache::TestRun -e 'eval { 
Apache::TestRun::run_root_fs_test(99, 99, 
q[/root/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Apache-Test-1.08/t]) }';

Only if the test prints 'OK', the directory is suitable to be used for
make: *** [run_tests] Error 1
Additional comments:
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion