> the problem is simple - A-T's test suite doesn't use
> Apache::TestRunPerl, so all the special stuff needed by modperl is not
> used. So it picks the default module it finds (if any). in this case it
> picks the wrong mod_perl.so, and the server side ends up running under a
> different perl. 

yeah, well... it's not _my_ fault that the test checks for Test::More and
mod_perl but the embedded mod_perl.so isn't the same :)

> So I think the only solution to this is enforce that A-T tests require
> installed modperl. 

I wouldn't want to do that - people other than mod_perl folks are using this
and I wouldn't want to effectively say "the tests can't be run unless you're
using mod_perl, loser."

> or something else needs to be done with t/more.

or not worry about it at all - t/more isn't in the MANIFEST, so it will only
be a "problem" for people like us.  I mean, we can spend tuits mucking
around with it, but I don't think it's all that important, since
-withtestmore is marked as "useful but experimental" anyway.


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