> Too late to run INIT block at C:/Perl/site/lib/Devel/Cover.pm line 153.
> Too late to run CHECK block at C:/Perl/site/lib/Devel/Cover.pm line 155.

don't worry about those.

> The only interesting line in t/logs/error_log is: 
> [Mon Jul 18 14:32:40 2005] [error] [client] failed to
> resolve handler `TestMore::testmorepm': Can't dup STDERR:  Bad file
> descriptor at C:/Perl/lib/Test/Builder.pm line 1218.

that looks like it's out of my control.

maybe randy has more insights?

> waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .Syntax error on line 382 of 
> C:/code/htt
> pd-test/perl-framework/t/conf/extra.conf:
> Invalid command 'DAVLockDB', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not 
> incl
> uded in the server configuration
> If I comment out the webdav section from t/conf/extra.conf.in, the
> tests can run (with errors, but that's another matter).

odd, since those directives are in a <IfModule mod_dav.c> block, so I
wouldn't think it would hit those directives without being able to process
them.  hmm...

does t/conf/httpd.conf (which is autogenerated) have something like

  Loadmodule dav_module mod_dav.dll
  Addmodule mod_dav.c

?  or maybe mod_dav is compiled in statically but is incomplete? maybe

  Dav On

is missing?  sorry, but I'm not a dav user, so I don't know the gory details
of that module.


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