Chris Shiflett wrote:
> Hi Filin,
>> I've tride a lot of variants and I even think that
>> <IfModule @PHP_MODULE@>
>>   php_admin_value extension_dir /usr/lib/php4/
>> </IfModule>
>> _should_ work - but it doesn't! I don't know why :(
>> (I tried both t/ and
>> t/conf/
> The latter is the correct place.
> You might try getting rid of the conditional statement, just to see if
> that's the problem.

hmm, that's a good point.  t/conf/ only affects php tests that
run inside the server, such as t/response/TestAPI/foo.php.  if you're using
 t/foo.php-style tests then settings in t/conf/ don't apply.
guess we need to figure out how to do that...


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