Re: 20030112 breaks dvips -o |lpr

2003-01-16 Thread David Kastrup
Harald Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 using 20030112 pretest, dvips can't write output to pipes anymore:
   turtle fdp  dvips -Php11 Protokoll_Regelkom_021217.dvi  -o '| lp -dhp11'
   This is dvips(k) 5.92a Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
   ' TeX output 2003.01.16:1546' - | lp -dhp11
   /usr/local/teTeX/bin/dvips: ! couldn't open output pipe
   turtle fdp  dvips -Php11 Protokoll_Regelkom_021217.dvi  -o '! lp -dhp11'
   This is dvips(k) 5.92a Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (
   ' TeX output 2003.01.16:1546' - ! lp -dhp11
   /usr/local/teTeX/bin/dvips: ! couldn't open output pipe

 pretest 20021116 still was ok (can print), 
 but 20021216 already is broken and has the same problem...

The same sort of brokenness is prevalent in RedHat-8.0's binary.  I
presume that some mistaken sense of security is the cause: if
somebody is able to smuggle in a |badprogram into the command line,
he'll also be able to smuggle in what it takes to let it take
action.  If the output file could be specified from within the DVI
file, things would be different, but I can't for the life of it make
sense of why this should be more secure?  Suppose that dvips is run
in some sort of spoolern with priviledges and you want to avoid
having a user call some program by that way.  But you never should
then let the user transfer a file name by itself, or he could equally
maliciously specify /etc/passwd as the target file.

I just don't get it.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: 20030112 breaks dvips -o |lpr

2003-01-16 Thread David Kastrup
Thomas Esser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  That's a very good point; if the *user* specifices -o |... that
  *should* override the security setting.
 Good, we agree here.
  What if the -o option comes from a config file; should that override
  the security setting?
 In secure mode, dvips should not trust the dvi file. I don't see why
 dvips should stop trusting its configuration files. If these are
 messed up by some other security problem, then the user has lost

kpsepath dvips_config

Bad.  Bad, bad, bad.  Default TeX security for normal execution
prohibits TeX from writing to files in external hierarchies or files
starting with `.'.  IMO, config files should _never_ be looked for in
the default directory.  If they aren't, we are pretty safe from
Trojans in TeX files.  Where is the point in reverting to trickery in
order to write stuff to some place where you could write them in the
first place if you wanted to?

 So, I suggest not to disable the output pipe at all (no matter
 wether it was set by some config file or the command line).

So do I.  And complain to whoever thought it reasonable to search for
config files in `.' (mine is currently provided by RedHat, probably
some old teTeX 1.0.7).

As long as config files are kept out of areas where TeX processes can
write, I don't think it a security problem if one can specify output
to a pipe.  In particular, since you could in the same place specify
output to /etc/passwd.  I hope you get my point why I think config
files should not be looked for in `.'.

 That would be great, indeed. I plan to release teTeX-2.0, soon (now that
 pdftex-1.10a *final* is out).

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: 20030112 breaks dvips -o |lpr

2003-01-16 Thread David Kastrup
Tomas G. Rokicki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What if someone untar's a paper distribution with a dvi file and
 associated figures, that contains a .dvipsrc file?  Or

Configuration files should not be searched for in the current
directory.  I am repeating myself here.

 And then runs dvips? In this case it's not TeX writing the output
 file, but we're still enabling an exploit.
 Now of course someone can do the same thing in general with a
 .bashrc file or .login file (assuming the user unpacks to the home
 directory, which is distressingly common).

If a user unpacks something into his home directory where all sorts
of configuration files are kept, TeX security is the least worry of
the user.

How about retricting the panicking to those cases where a user is
acting in a remotely sane manner?

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: 20030112 breaks dvips -o |lpr

2003-01-16 Thread David Kastrup
Giuseppe Ghibò [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Furthermore in output pipe we could have different level of
 security, so to have both tex users as well as unix sysadmin happy
 (the latter mainly because dvips is for instance used in some
 printer filter which could run with root privileges):
 1) allow pipe output to any command
 2) allow pipe output but only to a fixed set of commands (fixed in
 the sources and not modifiable in further config files: e.g. only
 /usr/bin/lp [in case of running cups or SysV] and /usr/bin/lpr).

Too contrived, IMO.

 3) don't allow any output to a pipe, but only to files

What's the use of that distinction?  If I can write any file I have
access to, I don't need no fscking pipe to do my harm in the first

 4) don't allow any output to a pipe

Or one considers certain options security relevant and won't accept
them from a file in a TeX-writable place (. or below or so).

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: 20030112 breaks dvips -o |lpr

2003-01-16 Thread David Kastrup
Giuseppe Ghibò [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 2) protect the system when dvips run as root as filter. The filters
 should have options to let all the pipes disabled.

Don't see the necessity.  root filters (like in line spoolers) are
run in separate directories and with command line options specified
by the filter programmer.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: Stack size limit?

2002-09-12 Thread David Kastrup

   Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 18:58:39 +0200
   From: Thomas Esser [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I found that the following ditty which in earlier incarnations of my
system just died almost immediately with a Segmentation Fault, will
under current 2.4 Linux kernels under, say, RedHat's (null) beta,
cause the machine to more or less freeze:

tex '\def~{\if~}~'

   My system (linux with 2.4.19 kernel) get slower, but tex is stopped with
 ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=251].
   after a few seconds.

Which is very much harmless, no issue with that.  For small settings
of the stack ulimit, this might also have segfaulted fast, what I
experienced previously and with which I don't have a problem, either.
But if you write \number instead of \if you should get to see the
unmitigated original problem, as I checked now.  Please pass this on
to the web2c maintainer, I had just reported this from memory, and \if
seems to have another brake built in.  With \number, on _this_ system
(not the one I am writing this mail on, logged in there remotely), the
Linux OOM killer got active and pulled the plug on the TeX process --
good decision.  But it might also have decided to pull the plug on the
X Server instead.  This will not cause any problem unless the stack
size ulimit is rather large or unlimited, which unfortunately seems to
be the default on my Laptop (newest RedHat).

That's bad.  So perhaps one should let TeX automatically set a stack
size limit, roughly what
ulimit -s 1024 or so would do.

   There are always ways to do weired things and to bring the system down
   unless you set up limits that make the system unusable.  I don't think
   that adding such a system dependency is worth the trouble.

Well, I would consider it worth the trouble in cases where this may
affect system stability.

   Anyway, the maintainer of web2c should decide that (since I aim to
   follow him as closely as possible), so I'll forward him your

I agree.  Please pass on this letter as well, if it is not too much
trouble and if he is not reading the pretest list.

David Kastrup Phone: +49-234-32-25570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +49-234-32-14209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany

Re: Omega+teTeX

2002-09-10 Thread David Kastrup

   Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 10:07:06 -0400 (EDT)
   From: Alan Hoenig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I understand that you are planning to drop Omega from the official
   teTeX distribution, and I am writing to urge you to reconsider this
   decision.  It is frustrating that Yannis Haralambous and John
   Plaice are so uncommunicative, but I hope that this is no reason to
   discriminate against the software.

It is not discriminated against.  Once there is a stable release of
it, it can be included like anything else.

   Many people lose interest in their programs, no longer have time,
   or even die, but their software continues to live after them.  The
   current Omega works for me

What current Omega?  There are several different releases with
different features and in different states of non-documentation.  Who
but the user itself is to decide which of those versions is what will
be working for him?

   Of course, even if Omega were not part of teTeX, it is still
   readily available.  Yet being ``dropped'' somehow confers a badge
   of shame or even of illegitimacy that Omega does not deserve.

Get a stable release of it then.  The contention with regard to that
is that Yannis and John are of the opinion that the current state is
so temporary that it is not worth either documenting it or developing
a consistent LaTeX interface for this version for lambda.

If you are of a different opinion, feel free to spin off a stable,
documented Omega/Lambda from the development line of Omega where you
find it appropriate.  Yannis and John do not consider that worth
doing, and it certainly is above the head of someone like Thomas that
does not even use Omega.

It is cheap demanding that Thomas should do all the work required for
choosing and making a usable fixed point from Omega.  I would be
willing to bet that if you volunteered on spearheading an effort of a
stable Omega spinoff, that Thomas would not object.

   Moreover, an orphan Omega that is not integrated into teTeX will be
   much harder for a na\{\i}ve user---even an experienced user---to
   install.  For these reasons, I do hope you will reconsider your

It is hard enough work to collect and arrange stable, released
software supported and documented by their authors.  I would rather
have Thomas concentrate on that than trying to second-guess users and
developers of a system where nobody cares enough to provide a useful
release.  And that also means you.

If you think I sound like a complete ***, this may be just because
I am, but that does not change the principal problem.

David Kastrup Phone: +49-234-32-25570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +49-234-32-14209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany

Re: 2002-08-25 pretest

2002-08-28 Thread David Kastrup

   From: Idris S Hamid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:27:58 -0600

   On Sunday 25 August 2002 22:58, Thomas Esser wrote:
yesterday, I have uploaded a new teTeX-beta release:

Omega was removed, mainly for two reasons:
  - I hardly get any response from John or Yannis is I have a
  question / problem (about copyright or tecnical stuff,
  e.g. about the lex problem on Solaris)
  - the latest Omega releases are not yet stable
I might put Omega back as soon as the new release becomes stable.

   Ok, but what about those of us who use Omega for mission-critical

And those would be installing the newest beta-test versions of teTeX
for what particular reason?  Mission-critical and beta-test are
not the best match.

   Why can't you just stick with the last version you shipped, 1.15?

Where mission-critical is concerned, I think you yourself are the
best judge about what version of Omega might be the most appropriate
for you.  Get and compile that.

   Anyway, I think it's very sad seeing Omega removed from teTeX for
   what may be an indefinite period of time.

How about telling that to the Omega developers?

David Kastrup Phone: +49-234-32-25570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +49-234-32-14209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany

Re: texexec teTeX

2002-05-27 Thread David Kastrup

Idris S Hamid [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Is the script executable? (chmod +x). 
 Just did this.
 If you specify the
  complete path name (/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux/, does it run?
 Ok, I got it working, though I'm not sure exactly what did it. Here is some 
 more strange behavior:
 If I'm in root and do texexec, everything works fine.
 If I'm in my user account and do texexec, everything works fine.
 If I su to my home directory from root (or su to root from my home
 dir), then texexec gives the error

What do you mean with su to [your] home directory?  su is used for
changing users, not directories.

Assuming that you mean su to a different user id or similar:

 `' not found.
 If from here I su back to my home dir (or to root), the error

What does echo $PATH tell?  What does env|grep ^PATH= tell?

 Starting a new console works if I don't su anywhere.
 I have installed the following in /etc/profile.d/ (based on advice 
 from David Kastrup):
 case :$PATH: in *:/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux:*) ;;
   *) PATH=/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux:$PATH

This is executed in login shells, but nowhere else.  One possibility
would be that you need to add
export PATH
although I really can't believe that PATH would not already be

Another would be that you have some settings in
that reset the PATH to a fixed value.

A third one would be that after doing the change above you have not
logged out: the change will only take effect in sessions started
after it has been done.

A fourth one would be that the permissions of
/etc/profile.d/ are set in a way as to make the file
unreadable for some users.

A fifth one would be that your default shell is not bash or a Bourne

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: 2001/12/02 pretest

2002-01-20 Thread David Kastrup

Thomas Esser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Dear Thomas, just to know, do you plan to add dvipdfm and ttf2pk support
  in your latest beta?
  BTW, do you plan also to include the tx/pxfonts (they are GPL)
  in the main texmf tree? As I've not seen yet them in 20011202 beta.
 There are other things that I plan to do first. A stable teTeX will not
 happen before the next web2c release (teTeX-beta currently contains a
 web2c test release).

While we are being nosy...  Are there any plans to include Type1
versions of the EC fonts, like cmsuper or so?  Or has this already

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: finally: new texmf tarball (beta-20011128)

2001-12-02 Thread David Kastrup

 Adrian == Adrian Bunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Adrian   dvips/config/ is that dvips sends generated .ps
 Adrian   files directly to the printer

I don't see anything wrong with that, it is a reasonable default
behaviour.  Whereas generating a .ps file has no reasonable default:
the mode to use depends on whether you want to later print the PS on a
particular printer, publish it on the web for the sake of downloading
and printing, convert it to PDF via ps2pdf and so on.

In short, default .ps file creation is an illusion, anyhow.  That's my
personal opinion, of course.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

Re: \jobname

2001-07-19 Thread David Kastrup

   From: Fabrice Popineau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: 19 Jul 2001 00:39:14 +0200

   Before I spend time on it, does anybody knows why :

   D:\tmptex latex \input foo.tex

   produces foo.dvi


   D:\tmptex latex \renewcommand\encodingdefault{T1}\selectfont\input foo.tex

   produces texput.dvi? Shouldn't jobname be set accordingly to the
   first filename \input?

Yes, unless something forces it to be determined at an earlier point
of time.  In this case, \selectfont produces diagnostic output that
goes to the log file.  The log file has to be opened, and it is named

David Kastrup Phone: +49-234-32-25570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: +49-234-32-14209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany