[TeX-music] musixtex installation under SuSE Linux 9.3

2005-12-11 Thread pro-nto
Hello Christian, Bodo, Simon,

Thank you for your quick and helpful reply. Strangely, on my former (SuSE!)
system, I would use the commands musixtex, musixflx, musixtex (it still
works! - my former installation is still alive but now in my daughter's
hands). I can't remember why that had been arranged in that way, it is too
long ago. Anyway, now pmx and musixtex (T112) are installed and work
smoothly (with the command sequence pmxab, tex, musixflx, tex)! I tested
some older codings of mine, and the outcome was nice. (I did not try M-Tx so

This being the main point, I thought, however, I should still mention the
following. The *.pmx-examples in the distribution are barsant.pmx,
dyntest.pmx, most.pmx, and mwalmnd.pmx. Apart from most.pmx, these examples
make use of the file `musixps' which is part of what is referred to in "2.5
MusiXTeX type 1 fonts" of your HOWTO. Without it, it is impossible to enjoy
the examples: After the processing command for the .tex-file (successfully
produced by pmxab) you get 

! I can't find file `musixps'.
l.9 \input musixps

As it is nice to have musixps anyway, the normal reaction would simply be to
install it. As long as I may follow your own words, there is no problem. But
then your HOWTO says  "Then follow the instructions from point 3 of section
'3. INSTALLATION' of the accompanying file README". These read as follows:

  3) Copy the map file ./dvips/musix.map to the appropriate directory, such

[I can copy the file (/dvips/)musix.map into /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/,
and I think this is intended although it is not in the "private path". But
after that,one needs more knowledge (or confidence) than I have to digest
the next steps:]

  4) Add a line 

  p +musix.map

 to a suitable config.xxx file or, in a tetex-based distribution, add 
 musix.map to the list of map files for Type1 fonts with Metafont 
 equivalents in the updmap script, which should then be executed 
 by doing "./updmap".

[Which is "a suitable config.xxx file"? Don't know. - Well, never mind, I
think I have a tetex-based distribution, so I find the executable file
updmap in /usr/bin, edit its script - and feel embarrassed as I don't find
any "list of map files for Type1 fonts with Metafont equivalents in the
updmap script" in this long and complicated text. That's it. I am sure these
instructions are clear enough for people who know more than me...
Considering the remaining steps, I think I'd know what to do in 5) and 7),
but in 6) again, which is "the config file"?]

  5) Copy the map file ./dvipdfm/musix.map to the appropriate directory,
such as

  6) Add a line

  f musix.map

 to the config file.

  7) Do mktexlsr or texhash or whatever is necessary on your system to
 re-generate the TeX database.

Therefore, being unable to follow these instructions, I don't have musixps
at my disposal, and as a consequence, cannot process the .pmx-examples
either. I am sure you can tell me what I need to know (again!). But I think
it is also important to realize where innocent readers find instructions
difficult. That's why I am writing this lengthy email! 

Thank you again for all your patience,


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TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] pmx installation under SuSE Linux 9.3

2005-12-11 Thread Simon Dreher

Hello Hartmut,

the MusiXTeX Debian package has a program /usr/bin/musixtex.

These are the first comment lines of the script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

Maybe the SuSE package has a similar script. You can try to use the  
script from the SuSE MusiXTeX package.

I think there is no need to uninstall the older version of MusixTeX at 
all. All you have to do is to put your .tex-stuff into your local 
TEXMF-tree, as you already did, and to put the executables at 
/usr/local/bin. Make sure they are executable! The commands

ls -l /usr/local/bin/musixflx
ls -l /usr/local/bin/pmxab
ls -l /usr/local/bin/scor2prt
should give an output beginning with

Before you can use musixtex, you will also have to execute
as root! Without this, tex doesn't find any new file and the new version 
is just ignored.

Best regards,
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] pmx installation under SuSE Linux 9.3

2005-12-11 Thread Bodo Meissner

Am 2005.12.11 10:04 schrieb(en) Christian Mondrup:

There is no such executable 'musixtex' coming with the MusiXTeX  
distribution. Compiling a musixtex source file, say my_music.tex, is  
done as a series of tex- and musixflx runs

Hello Hartmut,

the MusiXTeX Debian package has a program /usr/bin/musixtex.

These are the first comment lines of the script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This musixtex Perl script automates the three-pass TeX compilation
# of a MusiXTeX music score file.  It basically runs the command:
#   $ tex filename.tex ; musixflx filename ; tex filename.tex
# Adapted by Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for Debian GNU/Linux
# from the DOS batch file in the MusiXTeX User Manual by MusiXTeX's  

# Improvements copyright 2003, Julian Gilbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

Maybe the SuSE package has a similar script. You can try to use the  
script from the SuSE MusiXTeX package.

If you have difficulties with the manual installation of MusiXTeX and  
related software and would prefer to install pre-packaged programs, you  
might consider switching your Linux distribution.

Debian has
MusiXTeX  stable and testing: T.112
PMX   stable: 2.504  testing: 2.507
M-Tx  stable: 0.55c testing: 0.60

The Debian maintainers are fairly quick in packaging new upstream  

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] pmx installation under SuSE Linux 9.3

2005-12-11 Thread Christian Mondrup


Thank you for helping me. Now pmx works - but musixtex does not! SuSE has
version T99 in the distribution of this year, too old. I tried to upgrade it
to version T101. I also created a private path for the musixtex files as
proposed in Christian's HOWTO. But when I tried the command "musixtex" (with
some older coding), I could see that version T99 was still used, and I got
the error message that "pmx" was not found. 

After that I deinstalled version T99 (using YAST) and tried to install T112.
I thought I had carefully executed the instructions of Christian's HOWTO,
but the command "musixtex" was then answered by

bash: musixtex: command not found

There used to be the path /usr/bin/musixtex, but now there isn't. I find
musixflx, pmxab, and scor2prt in /usr/local/bin/, but no "musixtex". Which
is my mistake? - Thank you again, Hartmut

There is no such executable 'musixtex' coming with the MusiXTeX 
distribution. Compiling a musixtex source file, say my_music.tex, is 
done as a series of tex- and musixflx runs

tex my_music
musixflx my_music
tex my_music

which produces the dvi file my_music.dvi ready for inspection with xdvi

I encourage you to study the comprehensive PMX tutorial available in 
Italian, German, French and English versions from the PMX section of the 
Icking Archive software page. This tutorial explains compiling 
procedures in detail.

Christian Mondrup, Sheet Music Editor
Werner Icking Music Archive
TeX-music mailing list