Christian Mondrup wrote

>... I've run into a problem with a string
> argument to
> the PMX dynamics command D"bla bla".
> The string in question is "dolce sempre e col pedale" which is
> applied on a
> chord in the right hand piano staff.

Well that's the problem. PMX was written for harpsichords, and they don't
have pedals :-)

> I appended it to the main
> note of the
> chord and got an M-Tx error message on note duration errors! I realize,
> however, that this must be due to a bug in the prepmx parsing:
> when I enter
> the string expression directly into the PMX file resulting from prepmx
> processing I don't get _that_ error any more. But the last
> character of the
> string is stripped! Did I encounter an (undocumented?) PMX limit on
> dynamics string lengths?

All seriousness aside, the limit is now 24 characters. How big do you want
me to make it?

> And then to hairpins. According to Don's original PMX
> documentation and to
> Cornelius Noack's new English version of Luigi Cataldis PMX tutorial
> hairpin dynamics can't extend a PMX input block. The above mentioned song
> contradicts that! Prepmx inevitably creates a new PMX block for each
> measure. But that doesn't prevent me from typesetting a crescendo hairpin
> in the vocal staff starting in bar 5 and continuing in bar 6. I
> enjoy that
> as an undocumented feature:-)

There was some reason I included that restriction in the docs, but at the
moment I can't recall what it was. I just tried two simultaneous cross-block
postscript hairpins and they did work, even across a linebreak. I'll offer a
free copy of the upcoming PMX 2.5 to the first person who can break this
undocumented capability.

--Don Simons

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