Re: [tex4ht] [bug #136] #line in output

2016-07-17 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Michal,

I've just download the changed sources and it seems that the latest commit
causes lot of compilation errors, resp. compilation stops with emergency 
Does it happen only on my machine?

I wouldn't have committed it if it didn't work for me (obviously).
That's not to say I'm not surprised there are problems.

However, now I'm seeing problems too, but they don't seem to be related
to the last commit.  I did svn update -r184 to try without it, then
make clean, then make, and there were errors with the
xhlatex tex4ht-info-html4.tex:
[222] [223] [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] [229]) (./infoht4.4ht)
Runaway argument?
^^M^^M%%^^M% \ETC.
! File ended while scanning use of \infoIVht.
l.623 \expandafter\nextinfo\infofiles

And similarly with the htlatex tex4ht-info-mml.tex.  Are those the files
that are failing for you?

Argh.  Those files have not changed in forever.  More dependency
problems, evidently :(.  -k

[tex4ht] [bug #136] #line in output

2016-07-17 Thread Michal Hoftich
Follow-up Comment #8, bug #136 (project tex4ht):

I've just download the changed sources and it seems that the latest commit
causes lot of compilation errors, resp. compilation stops with emergency exit.
Does it happen only on my machine?


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[tex4ht] [bug #136] #line in output

2016-06-03 Thread Karl Berry
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #136 (project tex4ht):

perfect, thanks so much!  i'll see if i can put together a new protex release,
at least ...


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[tex4ht] [bug #136] #line in output

2016-06-02 Thread Karl Berry
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #136 (project tex4ht):

hi deimi - thanks for the patch.  agreed about protex. i've never imported
protex into the tex4ht repository since we hadn't yet needed to make changes
there. however, i see no problem in doing so.

what's on CTAN is current as far as i know.  maybe you could work up the patch
against that, send it here. i'll see about importing protex into our repo and
making a release. unless someone else here would like to take that on ...

as for an option: for the C files, I see no need for an option.
but for the TeX-related .4ht and other files, it seems it would be prudent to
be able to turn off line numbers at the beginning of a given tex4ht-*.tex
literate file, since I can imagine the extra comments causing problems
sometimes.  we all know about TeX and input parsing ... thanks, k.


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[tex4ht] [bug #136] #line in output

2016-06-02 Thread Deimantas Galčius
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #136 (project tex4ht):

Hi Karl, quick patch is attached. The fix is in a separate file. 

Probably it would be better to patch ProTex.sty directly. 
Eventually I could introduce an option (e.g., "CodeLineNo") in ProTex.sty; 
then to generate line numbers would be matter of a setup option:
instead of 
The option could be applied for other kind of files (.4ht, .etc) too 
(with a different line number format). 

But ProTex.sty is not tracked in tex4ht repo. It's on CTAN. 
If I submit changes to ProTex.sty on CTAN, 
how would tex4ht repo get those changes?

I'm not sure if line numbers should always be in the output or
just under some switch when debugging/developing. 

Definetely I'm ok with LPPL. 

thank you, 

(file #238)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: quick-fix-b136.diffSize:1 KB


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[tex4ht] [bug #136] #line in output

2016-06-01 Thread Karl Berry
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #136 (project tex4ht):

hi deimi - wow, that is great!  the only (trivial) thing is that the strings
should start with "#line ", rather than "// line".  #line is what the C
preprocessor recognizes.

Can you send me the changes you made to insert those?
(That is, assuming you're ok with them being distributed under the LPPL.)

Just wondering -- is there any chance that perhaps the same code could be done
for the generated .4ht and other files?  (%line 777 "tex4ht-4ht.tex", etc.)
The derivation is so complex, it's often quite hard, at least for me, to track
back a given line to the source.



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[tex4ht] [bug #136] #line in output

2016-06-01 Thread Deimantas Galčius
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #136 (project tex4ht):

Hi Karl, 

I'm attaching two files: tex4ht.c and tex4ht-srclineno.c. Both are generated
from sources; the latter is with line numbers. Please can you check if it is
something that you want?

Thank you, 

(file #237)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: 136.tar.gz Size:104 KB


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