[It-chair-search] Howdy

2009-05-23 Thread hamster


My name is Steven Ball.  I've been working on computers and networks for
about 15 years now, I think...

My background is very heavy into UNIX/Linux systems.  'Professionally', I
started out with RedHat systems while I was the senior sysadmin for the
Electrical Engineering department at New Mexico Tech.  After that, I was a
sysadmin for Motorola in Los Alamos, NM for 3 years managing a large linux
cluster and etc for the small facility there.  I spent a few years as a
freelance consultant doing networks and systems for a variety of clients
until I settled on a fulltime job in Utah as an electrical engineer for a
laser company (and, of course, one of two sysadmins there as well).  I
still manage a few other concerns, such as the backend for an ISP in Santa
Fe, NM (all Linux firewalls and servers), as well as a VoIP startup run
from a co-lo on the west coast.

I've handled a large variety of systems from RedHat, Debian, etc as well
as commercial UNIX systems and BSD systems.  I can handle Windows networks
just fine, but prefer not to :)  As far as linux is concerned, I have
meddled with just about everything from kernel hacking to custom embedded
versions to day-to-day administration duties.  I've done Kerberos/LDAP
authentication systems, integrated MacOS systems and Active Directory, and
put together a number of things that just shouldn't go together, so I'm no
stranger to cobbling together a working solution.

I'm very experienced with PHP and MySQL, and have written a number of
in-house apps based around them.  I'm a pretty good C++ and C programmer,
as I spend a lot of time currently doing embedded systems with
microcontrollers, and to that end I am pretty good at integrating wacky
systems together.

I'm also a caver, although I have not been underground enough in the last
couple of years!  I co-manage the NMCAVER mailing list (although it is not
hosted on my kit), as well as run a couple of listserv's for caving
grottos I am part of.

I'm happy to help in any capacity that is needed, so even if I am not the
best fit for the Chair job, please feel free to pawn tasks off to me!


It-chair-search mailing list

Re: [It-chair-search] Welcome

2009-05-23 Thread Charles Goldsmith
Greetings, my name is Charles Goldsmith and while I'll admit that I
don't have all of the qualifications to meet the needs, I threw my hat
in to see if I could help.  I'll gladly help with the committee under
whoever the chair is.

In my day job, I'm a cisco network engineer, but I do deal with UNIX and Linux
servers, I donate server time and admin the TexasCavers mailing list
as well as a couple of the local grotto's lists and websites.  My
professional resume mainly deals with my career but it does touch on
my UNIX background a bit.  I have dealt with securing UNIX servers, as
well as securing networks.   I am more familiar with BSD than I am
Linux, but I do know my way around, as I use it as my primary
workstation at my office, as well as administering a couple of of
RedHat and Ubuntu servers.

I will admit, I'm certainly no expert on CGI, PHP or Perl, but I am
familiar with them enough to know to leave it to the experts.  I've
programmed in C, BASIC, Fortran, in the past, as well as shell, TCL
and Expect scripts as well as a small bit of PHP..

If you need references from the caving community, any of the active
DFW Grotto, Cowtown Grotto or TSA members would be a good place to

I'll be happy to provide any other information you need.  Btw, who
wrote the previous message?  I didn't see a name get posted.  :)


On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 1:47 PM,   wrote:
> This seemed like the best way to have an open dialog among all the
> candidates, and ensure that everyone received the same information regarding
> our server operations.  Please take a moment to set up your email client and
> add it-chair-sea...@caves.org to your whitelist.

[It-chair-search] Welcome

2009-05-23 Thread admin
This seemed like the best way to have an open dialog among all the
candidates, and ensure that everyone received the same information regarding
our server operations.  Please take a moment to set up your email client and
add it-chair-sea...@caves.org to your whitelist.

The current list of candidates are:

Baird Cowan
Brad Bardcom
Steve Ball
Darryl C. Noye
Will Urbanski
Charles Goldsmith

I'd ask that each of you take a moment to introduce yourself to the list
with some basic background on who you are and your experience with the
technoligies discussed throughout this email.  Please be sure to point out
your experience with the server technologies This will also serve as a
confirmation to me that you have received the email.

The IT Committee Chairman reports to the Organizational Vice President,
currently William Shrewsbury, who is on this listserv.  William, please also
introduce yourself.

Next, note that I'm archiving the list so that if we pick up any new
candidates along the way, they will be able to read everything that we've
discussed and get caught up quickly.  The archive can be found at

Now for a basic summary of our set-up and common tasks.

We're running a dedicated virtual private server (VPS) with MediaTemple [
http://mediatemple.net ].

uname -a
Linux caves.org 2.6.9-023stab046.2-enterprise #1 SMP Mon Dec 10 15:22:33 MSK
2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

We just transitioned from 1&1 Internet Inc. to MediaTemple in August of
2008.  At 1&1, there were 4 separate hosting accounts, with three of them
being rsync'd to a central hosting account every 10 minutes.  The reason was
that each hosting account had a limitation on the number of FTP accounts
that could be created.  We offer hosting for a minimal price to all of our
Internal Organizations (IOs) [ http://www.caves.org/webservices/index.shtml
].  There are over 100 FTP accounts with access to the server.  The rsync
process with 1&1 was a complete pain to our IOs, and we lost customers.
Customers?  Yes.  NSS Web Server operations are completely paid for by the
hosting and advertising on caves.org.

Furthermore, our uptime with 1&1 was atrocious, and there customer support
was completely lacking.  MediaTemple customer support is attentive and
responsive to any request, and their price is reasonable for our needs.  I
urge you not to even consider moving hosting companies.  Background:  The
move to 1&1 occurred when a box housing the NSS Web Server at a colo in
Florida crashed.  That was before my time.  Josh Bailey, my predecessor, had
only been on the job for a couple of months and had to deal with that
nightmare.  When I came on board, all I heard were complaints about the
rsync process as it wreaked havoc with PHP scripts such as image galleries
etc.  People were uploading pictures to the main hosting account, and then
the files were deleted by the rsync.  So then the rsync process got
convoluted with a huge list of directory exceptions.  Bleh.

So, I'm happy at MediaTemple.  I know our hosted IOs are much happier.  I
announced the end of the rsync, and there was much rejoicing.  I think Alex
Sproul would agree that we're better off, with one caveat.

Alex is our webmaster, and he's on this listserv too.  He takes care of all
"official" content on the NSS site caves.org.  He also administers the
creation, removal, and maintenance of @caves.org email accounts.  I'm sure
he'll tell you more in his introduction.  With 1&1, Alex also admin'd the
creation, removal, and maintenance of FTP accounts.  That is not currently
possible via the Plesk control panel with our current server.  Parallels has
said that they are moving the interface in a direction that would allow
that, but for right now, they only have a concept of "Web Users" with
directories at ~/user-name.  That just doesn't fly with our hosted IOs.  And
don't even think about symlinking all kinds of web user directories to
hosted IO space.  Symlinks are evil in a web server configuration.  We're
still cleaning out symlinks after the move to MediaTemple.

find ./ -type l | wc -l

That's down from around 100.

For the purposes of continuity, I have intentionally NOT made a lot of
modifications to the server configuration.  That was mainly so we wouldn't
end up with a Frankenstein's monster.

MySQL 5.0.22
Apache 2.2.3
PHP 5.2.6
Perl 5.8.8

Perl is not allowed for use by anyone other than in the central /cgi-bin/.
Only official NSS operations are permitted to use the central /cgi-bin/.
This is for security reasons, and I didn't want to have to maintain a Perl
wrapper script.

PHP is free to use by anyone on the server.  The hosted IOs are jailed by
PHP open_basedir directives.

The Apache config is the default, managed by Plesk.  It only takes a couple
of keystrokes to request that Plesk rebuild the entire configuration, so I
didn't want to risk my own personal config.  Again, trying to keep things as
close to the baseline insta

The results of your email commands

2009-05-23 Thread it-chair-search-bounces
The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.

- Results:
Non-digest (regular) members:
webmas...@caves.org (Alex Sproul)
ad...@caves.org (Darrell Wells)
wo...@justfamily.org (Charles Goldsmith)
bairdco...@att.net (Baird Cowan)
bbar...@bradfordscott.com (Brad Bardcom)
n...@psu.edu (Darryl C. Noye)
o...@caves.org (Wm Shrewsbury)
will.urban...@gmail.com (Will Urbanski)
hams...@snurkle.net (Steve Ball)

- Done.

--- Begin Message ---
who moubaxob
--- End Message ---

Re: The results of your email commands

2009-05-23 Thread Charles Goldsmith
who moubaxob

The results of your email commands

2009-05-23 Thread it-chair-search-bounces
The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.

- Results:
You can access your personal options via the following url:


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Commands should be sent to it-chair-search-requ...@caves.org

Questions and concerns for the attention of a person should be sent to


- Done.

--- Begin Message ---

--- End Message ---

[Texascavers] The long awaited return of "The Hole News" is now being published again and is on the web

2009-05-23 Thread Bill Bentley
Greeting Cavers and Spelunkers an other numerous and notorious Troglodyte types,
 The May 2009 issue "Volume 24 # 5" of the Permian Basin Speleological 
Society's "The Hole News" is now on the web in Adobe PDF format.

It can be found at the URL listed below: 


And as always more exciting years of back issues can be found at the following 



Many thanks to Kel Thomas for his return to be the editor of "The Hole News" 
Please be sure to send him material!

Enjoy and Cave Safely,


[Texascavers] articles

2009-05-23 Thread Mixon Bill
The current (25 May) issue of The New Yorker contains an article on  
extinctions. Bats and white-nose syndrome are dsicussed as one example  
of current problems.

What on earth Australasia Scuba Diver was doing on Barnes and Noble's  
magazine racks I have no idea. But issue 6 for 2008, also mysteriously  
labeled vol. no. 5, has a short article about cave (or cavern) diving  
in the Mt. Gambier area in South Australia.--Mixon

He who renders warfare fatal to all engaged in it will be the greatest  
benefactor the world has yet known. - Sir Richard Burton

You may "reply" to the address this message
came from, but for long-term use, save:
Personal: bmi...@alumni.uchicago.edu
AMCS: edi...@amcs-pubs.org or sa...@amcs-pubs.org

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

RE: [Texascavers] Fwd: 15th ICS - field trip news and only 2 months!

2009-05-23 Thread George Veni
While many trips were cancelled because of WNS, a few trips, like the Maya
trip, were cancelled because of insufficient registration. There are
expenses and commitments that need to be paid early for the trips, and we
need to be sure we have enough people registered for the trips to cover all
of the costs. When the numbers aren't there, we have to cancel the trips to
avoid going into debt.




From: Nico Escamilla [mailto:pitboun...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 1:05 PM
To: Mixon Bill
Cc: Cavers Texas
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Fwd: 15th ICS - field trip news and only 2


Why was caving with the Maya cancelled? 

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Mixon Bill 

Forwarded by Mixon:

Begin forwarded message:

From: ICS 2009 eList 
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: May 20, 2009 11:13:57 AM CDT
To: bmi...@alumni.uchicago.edu
Subject: 15th ICS - field trip news and only 2 months!

Dear Friends,

Last month we sadly announced that we needed to cancel and re-examine all of
the trips for the 15th International Congress of Speleology (ICS) because of
White Nose Syndrome (WNS), the mysterious condition that has recently killed
about a half millions bats in the U.S. We hoped to send you news about the
trips a couple of weeks ago, but arranging some of the details was more
complicated than expected. Here is the final news on the Pre and Post-ICS

Confirmed Trips, Full
01: Coast-to-Coast Eastern Segment
02: Coast-to-Coast Western Segment
85: Cenote Karst of the Yucatan Peninsula
88: Giant Caves of Northern Mexico

Confirmed Trips, Space Available*
03: Texas Bat Caves
31: Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
41: Black Hills, South Dakota
51: Science in Southeastern New Mexico
53: Caving in the Guadalupe Mountains (post-Congress)
55: Lilburn Cave, California (only 2 slots still open!)
71: Cave Management in New York
86: Deep Pits of Mexico
* The numbers of seats available for some trips in may be different from the
total trip size originally announced

04: Endangered Species, Endangered Caves
33: Cumberland Plateau (TAG)
34: Tectonic Pseudokarst of North Carolina
37: Caves and Karst of Virginia
52: Caving in the Guadalupe Mountains (pre-Congress)
56: Cave the Sierra Nevada, California
58: Big Island Hawaii
59: Southeast Alaska
81: Caving with the Maya
82: Caves of the Bahamas

I encourage you to register for the available trips soon before they fill.
Some of the trips may experience minor changes because of WNS. If you are
concerned, please contact the trip leaders as listed on our website at
www.ics2009.us. As reminder, to do our best to prevent the spread of WNS in
the US and to other countries, all caving equipment and clothing will need
to be decontaminated after each caving trip. The decontamination procedures
will be announced and posted on our website within 2 weeks.

Today is exactly 2 months until the 15th ICS begins. Today our
pre-registration exceeded the total number of people who attended the 8th
ICS, the previous ICS held in the US in 1981. I look forward to seeing many
more registrations in the coming weeks. Remember, the price of registration
increases on June 1st so register now and register for the great field trips
that will be held before the ICS, after the ICS, and on Wednesday during the


George Veni, Ph.D.
Chairman, 15th International Congress of Speleology
Adjunct Secretary, International Union of Speleology
Executive Director, U.S. National Cave and Karst Research Institute

You have received this message because you are subscribed to the 2009 ICS
eList. To unsubscribe, please visit:

He who renders warfare fatal to all engaged in it will be the greatest
benefactor the world has yet known. - Sir Richard Burton
You may "reply" to the address this message
came from, but for long-term use, save:
Personal: bmi...@alumni.uchicago.edu
AMCS: edi...@amcs-pubs.org or sa...@amcs-pubs.org

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com


[Texascavers] Re: Speleofest

2009-05-23 Thread Alex Sproul

>Are any Texas cavers going to SpeleoFest ?

Don't bother, David.  Unfortunately, the event now dubbed SpeleoMess is 
but a ghost of its former glory.  In the 1970's, it was one of the best and 
largest caver gatherings in the country (and there were few in those days). 
But today, though it at last has its own permanent venue and cave, it 
amounts to about 200 attendees with very little organization, facilities, or 

The trip from Texas would be much more worthwhile to attend the 
Southeast Regional Association (SERA) Cave Carnival the following 
weekend.  This year's is hosted by the Nashville Grotto, long renowned for 
knowing how to put on a helluva party (as Herr Schindel can attest) at the 
new permanent venue of the TAG Fall Cave-In on Lookout Mountain in the 
heart of cave country.  Alas, there will be little to no caving at either event. 
All the more reason for Nashville to put on a helluva party.



Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com