[Texascavers] TCR help

2017-09-28 Thread John Schneider via Texascavers
I could use 2 or 3 people to help me unload the hot tub firewood Sun Oct 8 
around 1PM at Paradise Canyon.
Please e-mail me at jsschneid...@gvtc.com if you can help.

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[Texascavers] NASA - Robot Spelunkers Go for a Dip

2017-09-28 Thread Jon Cradit via Texascavers
A new way to be an arm-chair caver?


Cave On Garth

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Re: [Texascavers] A landowner obituary

2017-09-28 Thread Jerry via Texascavers
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks, David. I wasn't aware that Mr. Hargrove had passed.


-Original Message-
From: David via Texascavers 
To: CaveTex 
Cc: David 
Sent: Wed, Sep 27, 2017 8:12 am
Subject: [Texascavers] A landowner obituary

>From David Locklear

I do not know how this got over-looked, but the landowner of the 3 big caves 
out in

Langtry passed away in March of 2016


In the mid-1980's I was on very good terms with the previous owner of the 
ranch. He welcomed

cavers with open-arms.There were many trips by lots of grotto's probably, 
but it was the Aggies

place that we focused on.

Sometime around 1989, the ranch was sold to Mr. Hargrove. He was real nice 
at first, but cavers

were wanting to come out all the time, and he was not aware of the previous 
relationship, nor was

he interested, and was worried about liability and stuff. he let us come 
out about 3 times, and then

started asking for $ 100 per person.  When I mentioned that at a TSA event, 
or through the grapevine,

the attitude was screw him, cavers will just go to other caves like H.T. Myers 
Cave or Bustamante, or

even Devil's Sinkhole ( I think ), maybe even to Valdina Farms Sinkhole.

So I was getting into other stuff then, and was more interested in trips to 
Midnight Cave and to 

The Illusive Pit, in Coahuila.So I blew it off until the 94 NSS Convention 
came up. There was

a lot going on back in 94, but I managed to leave the caves rigged thru the 
convention for free and

3 trips took place.  ( at least 6 cavers got really sick, and I was one of 
them. ).

Mr. Hargrove let me take another 2 or 3 trips of small groups of GHG cavers 
around 1995 or 1996,

and I never went back.

Joe Ivy had called me the week before he passed away, and asked for the 
landowner's info and that

he wanted to re-ignite a project out there.I have no idea if any cavers 
have been out there in the last

20 years.

I contacted the landowners's niece on Facebook about 2 years ago, and she said 
the caves were open

only to paying customers. I know I shared that info with enough cavers that 
someone could have

investigated the matter.

In the so called "Golden Days of Texas Caving," cavers would have been 
pall-bearers at his funeral,

or at least done something noteworthy. They would have at least published 
an article about him.

Right ??

He has a large family of descendants on Facebook.   I sent a note to about 20 
of them on behalf of Texas cavers offering our condolences.  Two of his 
grandkids responded with a thank you.

I had unsubscribed from CaveTex about 6 weeks ago.I needed a hiatus.   The 
realities of life are

kicking me in the ***.But some of you might have noticed that I just vented 
in other places instead.

I have spent most of 2017 in a cheap motel in Houston.   For the past month, it 
was the Regency

Inn on the northwest side of Houston. I have been affected by Tropical 
Storm Harvey due to the

courthouse being closed for 32 plus days, and that is where I work out of 
delivering subpoenas for

attorneys.Various storm-related services were worthless, especially the Red 
Cross,  but I managed to get Bush Beans to

send me 2 large cans of delicious baked beans, and Chicken-of-the-Sea sent me $ 
3.00 worth of

Albacore Tuna.So please buy their products when you go shopping for 

I am not hurting, but just digging deeper into debt and going stir-crazy insane 
from boredom.  My recent obsession with Linux computers has helped me cope.

David Locklear


For you newbies,  the 3 big caves are Emerald Sink, Langrtry Quarry Cave, and 
Langtry Lead Cave.

Emerald Sink has lots of bats and dusty guanos and sections so filled with bats 
and guanos, that few cavers

have been in them.The bottom of Emerald Sink seemed to have bad air when we 
were there in 1994.

Langtry Quarry Cave has an unstable entrance, but there is a fun climb just 
passed the twilight zone.I have

never been down in the Rift Passage, as we always ran out of time, trying to do 
the trips on a 2 day weekend.

Langtry Lead Cave has several fun free-climbs, some walking passage, a small 
room full of breakdown, a long

crawlway over pepples, and fun climb-down, and then a really cool but tiny 
room, "The Hall of Unicorns."   Then

it gets vertical with several back to back short 40 foot pits, that seem to go 
no where. There are likely lots

of caves out in that area, especially shelter caves along the creek that runs 
thru Pandale, just north of Langtry.

I have not been out there in 20 years.   There is probably a wi-fi McDonalds on 
top of Langtry Quarry Cave, and

a Dollar General Store next door.Right ??

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