Re: [Texascavers] Cascade Caverns sump dive report

2010-12-12 Thread Andy Grubbs
re:records.   back in the mid 70s Randy Waters used to do a lot out at
that place /area.  Kurt Menking or George  Veni might know what records
from that era exist

Charles Goldsmith wrote:

 A big thanks to all of the help for the tank haul to the sump in
 Cascade Caverns on Saturday.  James Brown dove the sump, starting at
 10:36am and resurfanced approximately 40 minutes later.  James
 extended the cave by 366 feet until he ran out of guideline.  Per his
 report, Start of Sump dive is the smallest at 6 feet wide and 2 feet
 high.  Underwater passage after air bell averages 12 feet wide and 6
 feet high.  Maximum depth is 31 feet.
 We'll be going back at the end of January or beginning of February to
 push this further.
 Thanks go out to the following people:Tom SimsGerry GeletzkeDavid
 SerafineLayne HedrickIan RiddingtonBrandon CookAndy ZenkerLyndon
 TiuPeter Druschke
 Gerry and Andy also explored Raccoon Ramada cave that is on the
 property, but did not get a survey yet.  We'll be returning to do that
 as well.  The entrance to this is a very tight squeeze and I don't
 know anyone else that has squeezed into it.  I'd be curious if there
 are any records of this.

Re: [Texascavers] Fwd: Fw: Scary Border Stuff...Why Haven't We Heard?

2010-06-06 Thread Andy Grubbs
thanks: I am tired of deleting  you have my support on this

Charles Goldsmith wrote:

 Ok, this is enough, people are obviously passionate about these
 topics, but its not related to caving directly.  Take it to the OT
 list. I do not want to see anymore postings on this
 subject. ThanksCharles - list administrator
 On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 2:37 PM, A. Wertheim

  If your people didnt provide the demand then maybe it
  wouldnt be such a problem.  Maybe you should just legalize
  it. Arron
  From: Nico Escamilla


  Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 9:49 AM


  Cc: Cavetex
  Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Fwd: Fw: Scary Border Stuff...Why
  Haven't We


  thought attachments werent allowed on the list.. Charles,
  are you still asleep
  or something?
  that behind let me just say a couple things:

  read through, it was not Monterrey but Higueras NL

  this is not the first gun cache that our armed forces hace
  seized (this is like
  the fourth or fifth one and others have been larger)

  most if not all of this weapons are gringo made so stop
  complaining about
  violence spilling over to your side of the river if it is
  exactly that side
  where this weapons are coming from.. yes the bad guys are
  better armed because
  yall�s government cant do shit about arms coming into my
  wouldnt be this way if your country wasnt the major drug
  consumer in the world,

  or my country wasnt located right next to it.
  to my corner


Re: [Texascavers] Postings of late

2010-02-26 Thread Andy Grubbs
on behalf of all the consultants who must monitor cavetex, and especially
on behalf of all of us cavers who work professionally with karst in one
way or another, thank you so very much.for this last post

Charles Goldsmith wrote:

 As anyone that has been on this mailing list for any length of time,
 you'll know that the flood of emails come in cycles and that when the
 stars align as well as the moon is in the right phase, we get a deluge
 of emails that probably shouldn't be here.

 As the list owner, I get sent a few comments every now and then,
 sometimes I take action, sometimes I just ignore unless the issue or
 statement is repeated, and sometimes it just depends on how the email
 strikes me that day or my mood.

 Since I took over in 2006, I've always intended for this list to be
 self moderated, everyone here is an adult in at least their age, if
 not their personality, and 99% of the rude comments wouldn't be said
 to the person's face, or in front of a group of almost 300 like this.

 If you see a comment on the list that you don't like, please don't
 respond to all, send a private email to that person only.  There have
 been times that I've done this, and others that I'll reply to all, but
 I'm mainly doing this to make an example out of a person.

 Most of you know, many forget, that we have cave/land owners,
 government employees (of our parks and caves) and some very important
 people (at least in the caving community) on this list.  How you
 portray yourself on here reflects on us all.  You have created a
 reputation that has helped in some cases, and destroyed us as a
 community in others.  Unfortunately, even through the TSA does not own
 this list, but has helped it out financially, it is associated with
 this list in some eyes, and because of this, the TSA has a few black
 marks against it.  Only time will resolve that little problem.

 Before this email gets to long, this is a simple request, and its
 pretty much common sense.

 Stop and think before you hit that send button.  Is it relevant to
 everyone that is a TexasCaver?  Would you say it to the persons face
 in front of everyone at a convention?

 There are a few people who need to grow up, a few who need to relax,
 and everyone else needs to hit the delete key, enjoy the entertainment
 and move on :)

 If anyone has questions, comments, complaints or gripes, send them to
 me, off-list please
 list administrator who is on his soap box today

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Re: [Texascavers] Please Become a Digital Online Member

2009-12-14 Thread Andy Grubbs
there are a lot of agency and consultign folks who's jobs involve caves insome
way and most of them monitor what goes on via cavetex  something a lot of
caves are not mindful of

Charles Goldsmith wrote:

 Joe, I I'm going speak to one thing here, since I administer and run
 both (and the same) that you mention here.

 When I took over CaveTex, Bill handed me the reins, membership list
 and website.  I only updated a few instructions on the site, but left
 it the same as he had it.  Yes, it has a disclaimer on it about it not
 being the official list for TSA or any other group.

 I think the majority of the CaveTex membership wants it this way,
 while TSA members are a large part of the CaveTex members, there are
 many here who aren't.

 If the TSA wants its own list for updates, member talk, etc, I'd be
 happy to set one up, but to be honest, I don't think its necessary.
 TSA doesn't have anything to hide from non-members.

 Do I take pride in not having CaveTex as the official TSA voice?
 No, and it wasn't meant that way I don't think.  I'm a proud (and
 vocal) member of TSA, TCMA, NSS and few other organizations.

 CaveTex list administrator flunky

 On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 10:31 AM, wrote:
  Hey Mark -
  * and CaveTex before it seemed to take pride in not being
  affiliated with TSA.

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cavetex and OTtex

2008-01-15 Thread Andy Grubbs
Do not listen to Mr Wes.  I think you are doing a great job with
something that is very difficult.  I think that the setting up of the OT
tex list was a great move and one of the best win/win solutions that
anyone could have come up with.  It is so much in keeping with the all
inclusive traditions that we have long strived for in Texas caving.  I
hope that everyone will accept and honor this new arrangement and then
maybe we can get back a number of the people who dropped cavetex

CaveTex: dye trace

2007-03-26 Thread Andy Grubbs
here is a link to a short but interesting story about a dye tracing
study being done in Florida

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CaveTex: TCR date

2007-03-26 Thread Andy Grubbs
The date for this years Texas Cavers Reunion will be October 14th 15th
and 16th.  the location will be announced soon.  It will be as usual
somewhere in Central Texas, probabally near some sort of water.
anyone who wishes to help with the many tasks from cooking to running
events should contact me or Alan Cobb.

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