Re: [Texascavers] Back in Texas

2021-07-26 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Wow it will be nice to meet you in person finally :-)

On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 7:43 AM  wrote:

> Hi y’all!
> William R. (Bill) Elliott
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 26, 2021, at 7:32 AM, AC  wrote:
> Welcome home!
> Allan
> Smart phone, stupid autocorrect
> On Jul 25, 2021, at 9:10 PM, cavefault  wrote:
> Welcome home doctor.
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
>  Original message 
> From: "William R. Elliott" 
> Date: 7/25/21 7:55 PM (GMT-06:00)
> To:
> Subject: [Texascavers] Back in Texas
> Dear friends,
> Gayle and I just moved to Georgetown, Texas. We live at:
> 30105 Briarcrest Court
> Georgetown, TX 78628
> [please don’t repeat that on Facebook]
> My email and cell phone remain and 573-291-5093
> My wife, Gayle Unruh, is at, 573-291-5094
> I was born in Midland and grew up in Georgetown. I also lived in Vernon,
> Austin, Lubbock, and Harlingen. I worked in Texas, Mexico,  Belize, western
> states from California to Alaska, Oklahoma and Missouri. In 1998 I became
> the cave biologist for the Missouri Department of Conservation, retiring
> there in 2012. Gayle and I met in Jefferson City, Missouri. She came from
> Kansas, is a biologist and an art quilter, and has lived in Texas before.
> We have family in Austin, Gonzales, and Kansas.
> It’s great to be back in my hometown!
> Thanks,
> *William R. (Bill) Elliott*
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Re: [Texascavers] James Jasek update 06/04/2020

2020-06-04 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hang in there Mimi! Your strength through this is amazing. Thank you for
the updates.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 4:19 PM Michael Harris 

> I received a phone call today from some guy named Jim Jasek. What a
> surprise. He sounds good and and in fair spirits. We reminisced about cave
> trips we were on and other stuff. It was great to hear from Jim. Our phone
> call was unfortunately cut short because it was time for a therapy session.
> Mike Harris
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020, 12:40 PM Mimi Jasek  wrote:
>> New update. Jim was moved to better wing, working all therapy, eating as
>> best he can, dealing with ups and downs of healing from the event, and
>> quarantine will be lifted Saturday if he does not test positive on
>> Friday!!? All staff and residents being tested per law. If Jim does not get
>> tested, he will be quarantined for another 14  days. If he tests positive -
>> got it in there - he will be quarantined for another 14 days. I wanted him
>> home for birthday and Father’s Day weekend, but after talk with head
>> therapist, that might or might not happen. She feels at this point he would
>> truly benefit from more therapy beyond that first Medicare covered 20 days,
>> which is 11th or 12th. As long as our supplemental picks up, that is ok.
>> Having to do all therapy in his room is restrictive. He would progress much
>> faster if they could broaden his area of access, and his mental outlook
>> would improve vastly if he could socialize. Another 14 days of isolation
>> would be awful, and truly retard his healing progress. I worry though that
>> if any of his care givers test positive, will he be automatically
>> quarantined?!! So, please send prayers and good thoughts for him to test
>> negative, as well as all care givers. The long term residents would not be
>> affected like Jim - who is supposed to come home! Since I have not seen him
>> since he went in on the 23rd, I honestly have no real idea of how he is
>> doing functionally. I get that question, but just don’t know. All I know is
>> from phone calls with him, nurses, and therapists (rarely). Stay well and
>> safe, please! This situation is just not good for anyone at this time☹️
>> Mimi Jasek
>> 254-495-0416
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [Texascavers] James Jasek Friday 5/15 update

2020-05-16 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Thanks for the update Mimi. I'm sorry he won't be discharged as soon as you
had hoped but I'm glad he has good doctors and nurses taking care of him.

On Fri, May 15, 2020, 10:34 PM Mimi Jasek  wrote:

> Ok. Jim’s original hospitalist back today, and I AM SO GLAD!! First, as of
> yesterday, Amy and I are allowed to see him. One at a time only, have to
> check in, fever checked, answer questions etc, then check out same door.
> Went for lunch until I had to leave for work yesterday and today.
> Medically, though, had some wrinkles - one of which I did not hear about
> until talked to Original doc today. Called as always to check on him this
> morn, and they said still really terribly sleepy, and was coughing from
> last night and spiked a 102.9 temp!! I was like...!!!??? Virus? Had ordered
> chest x-ray, all kinds of cultures etc. I went up there much earlier than
> yesterday, and he was refusing to eat lunch. I told nurses no problem,
> he’ll eat for me - which he did! Of course, I know how to handle him. He
> complained of being cold all day, felt feverish, had really bad pain with
> catheter when he urinated. I told nurses. No test results yet. Left for
> work. His doc calls me at work - I love that doctor - @ 4:00 pm, and he
> mentions treatment for UTI (urinary tract infection) not working. I am like
> ??? Other doc never mentioned it, and had it for maybe 2 days!! Explained
> so much! This doc quit oral penicillin and changed to more broad spectrum
> antibiotic through IV. No new pneumonia, but other tests not back yet. His
> kidney output slowly increasing, and kidney levels dropping even slower -
> but dropping. I asked doc about virus test, and he said he just does not
> see Jim having it for lots of reasons. He also said although Jim wants out,
> no way does he see him going to rehab this weekend. He will not release him
> till he is totally medically ok. (Except for clot risk of course.) I was
> like I completely agree and expect nothing less!! So, I can get in to see
> him, but  he still has a ways to go before rehab. Keep those positive
> thoughts and prayers coming please. We will get through this. As to me, I
> am trying to get more sleep, but hard. But my precious girl and her family
> are making sure I have food - even long distance! If food is here, it WILL
> be eaten! Now all I have to do is wash the dishes  lol They will come
> again Sunday to see and feed me, and Amy can see Jim in person! Always a
> mood lifter  Stay safe and well, go caving if and when you can, or just
> go outside!
> Mimi Jasek
> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
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Re: [Texascavers] James Jasek newest update

2020-05-14 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Thanks Mimi! We are so happy to hear this good news!

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 7:26 PM Bill Steele 

> This is good news.
> Bill Steele
> > On May 13, 2020, at 7:17 PM, Mimi Jasek  wrote:
> >
> > Well, some really good news!! I had heard something about this from my
> daughter after her morning call to Jim, but we were not sure what to think
> considering the source? Then hospitalist called right as I was getting to
> work and confirmed - Jim’s kidney (creatinine) numbers had hit a plateau
> and were going down!! Finally!! Think he may get out of hospital and into
> rehab by this weekend! He actually got nurse to help him call me at work @
> 4:00 this afternoon with the news, and he sounded as excited as a kid in a
> candy store! Lol Of course, I had to clarify gently he wasn’t coming HOME
> quite yet, was going to rehab, but he was just happy anyway. Of course,
> this news is tempered with the reality that he can’t go back on blood
> thinners to prevent another clot/stroke event or bleed till maybe a month,
> so he is still in grave danger. We will take every positive step we can
> get, though, and lean on all your prayers and positive thoughts and energy
> to keep things improving. You are his return-to-good-health warrior army.
> No way to ever really thank you. Will update later in week as he progresses
> to his next phase. New lockdown situation, but headed in the right
> direction. Mimi❤️
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [Texascavers] James Jasek Sunday doctor update

2020-05-10 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hi Mimi,

Thanks for the updates. If you have any questions about speech, voice,
cognition, language, or swallowing following a CVA please let me know. It's
my area of expertise. Many patients on my typical caseload are adults with
difficulties in these areas following a stroke.


On Sun, May 10, 2020, 3:08 PM Mimi Jasek  wrote:

> Current doctor update. As far as they can tell, it was a clot from heart
> that caused strokes on both sides of brain. Could have been seizure along
> with that, and intense evidence of major trauma to tongue from thrashing
> around caused subdural hematoma ( in sack or area around right side brain -
> bleed NOT in brain!). All tests so far today show bleed is stable, and no
> more strokes. Watchman procedure was successful and a good try to get Jim
> off Eliquis - super high level blood thinner - but obviously Jim is one who
> needs the heavy duty blood thinners☹️ Hence the strokes. Nothing we did was
> wrong, but did not give him the protection he needed  Still on IV, total
> liquid diet, but can swallow, and this is improving. Is more alert, moving
> better, speech better, and WANTS OUT TO GO HOME!! Main concerns are high
> blood pressure and renal - kidney - function. Changed blood pressure IV
> meds to kidney friendly ones, put in a catheter for urine help, and have
> run every test possible to find cause of kidney decline. No medical cause
> so far, so could be a massive drop in blood pressure during stroke event.
> Have no idea how long event lasted, but serious low bp can cause ATN -
> acute tubular necrosis. Wait, treat, and see on this - heavy good thought
> and prayers here. DO NOT WANT DIALYSIS! Also, since no blood thinner
> protection due to bleed, could throw another clot. Still very weak, so only
> me can call. Doctor does not think he could pick up phone by himself. In
> hospital probably another 3-5 days, then thinking rehab for a bit. With
> lockdown and me not with him, could cause mental stress bigtime☹️ He is
> strong, stubborn, and wants to get home, so please keep lifting us up with
> prayer and positive thoughts.  Happy Mother’s Day to any it applies to
> ❤️ My daughter Amy, her boyfriend Walt, and my beloved granddaughter
> will be up later to give me a lovely outdoor picnic in backyard. Good time
> and great food coming my way ❤️
> Mimi Jasek
> 254-495-0416
> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
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Re: [Texascavers] TPWD park re-openings

2020-04-25 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
What is to keep someone from wearing a face mask in 80+ temps? I've worn
heavy, HEPA filter face masks while mountain biking when it's 100 degrees
outside due to my asthma and allergies. Sure, it's uncomfortable, but to me
it's worth it to be outside. This is like saying you can't cave in the
summer. It's just how much heat you're willing to bear!

On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 11:54 PM Mark  wrote:

> I’ve received 2 or 3 notices in the last couple of days about the state
> parks re-opening. All of them indicate that “*To help keep parks safe
> during the pandemic, visitors must bring and wear face coverings, keep a
> six-foot distance from those outside their group and avoid gathering in
> groups larger than five people*.”  This would  indicate that face masks
> must even be worn on the trails! If this is correct, when temps head back
> into the 80’s plus, they have effectively closed the parks again. Has
> anyone verified this with TPWD?
> Mark Ross
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[Texascavers] TCMA Election Results

2019-10-23 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
I am pleased to announce the election results for the Texas Cave Management
Association Board of Directors. Congratulations to Michael Cicherski,
Christi Burrell, and Ron Ralph.  Directors are elected for three-year terms
and can serve for two terms in a row. After the second term, directors must
take a mandatory break before running again.

Ten excellent candidates were nominated this year and TCMA appreciates
their willingness to serve the organization. We were so pleased to have
such a distinguished group of individuals.  Thank you to everyone
participated in this year's election!


Lindsey Adamoski
TCMA Secretary
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Re: [Texascavers] Robber Baron Cave

2019-09-30 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Thanks Geary!! I was able to read the article without subscribing.

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019, 9:57 AM Geary Schindel 

> Interesting, I clicked on it from the Facebook post and it took me right
> to the article.
> However, I’m also a subscriber.
> Geary
> *From:* Texascavers  *On Behalf Of *Bill
> Bentley
> *Sent:* Monday, September 30, 2019 9:56 AM
> *To:* CaveTex 
> *Subject:* Re: [Texascavers] Robber Baron Cave
> Can't read the article as it says you have to be a subscriber of the San
> Antonio Express newspaper.
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2019, 9:51 AM Geary Schindel 
> wrote:
> Folks,
> I have a caving post.
> I want to say how impressed I was with Lindsey Adamonski, Joe Mitchell,
> and Joe Ranzau and the many many volunteers that worked on the Robber Baron
> Open House. It was an outstanding event and incredibly well organized. Also
> for Elaine and Rob Bissett for organizing the After Open House party and
> degassing. I know that many cavers drove from Austin and Houston to attend
> the event as well as all the cavers from the San Antonio area. It is always
> great to see cavers - young and old to volunteer to support caves and
> caving events. THANK YOU.
> I understand that more than 700 folks visited the cave, it was a major
> fund raiser which will go back into the caving community, and that there
> was some great outreach by many of the organizations present including the
> TSA, Bexar Grotto, TCMA, TSP, Master Naturalists, EAA, etc. Here is a link
> to an article in the San Antonio Express News you all may want to see.
> Make sure that you click through the photos and see the one of Mio Kitano
> who is covered in the Express News on a regular basis (I think she needs an
> agent).
> I've been working with some of the folks in the Huntsville area to hold a
> similar event in Shelta Cave in Huntsville, Alabama. The Robber Baron Open
> House is a great model.
> Thanks,
> Geary M. Schindel
> President
> National Speleological Society
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[Texascavers] We need a fan

2019-09-26 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Does anyone living in or near San Antonio have a industrial-strength fan
that we can place inside the gate at Robber Baron for the next couple of
nights? Thanks.

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[Texascavers] TCMA Member's Meeting

2019-09-18 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hi Everyone,

TCMA will have our Member's Meeting at Texas Caver's Reunion at noon on
Saturday. That's October 12th. If you're not a member, you can sign up at
TCR. You won't want to miss this meeting!


Lindsey Adamoski
TCMA Secretary
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Re: [Texascavers] Robber Baron Open House Volunteers

2019-08-06 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Clarification: The event is September 28th.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 7:07 PM Lindsey Adamoski 

> Hi everyone!! We expect to have a HUGE turnout for the open house this
> year!! We will need volunteers above and below ground to make sure this
> event is a success!! The open house will be 9am until 3pm and we will need
> volunteers to get there around 7:30am for orientation. Here are the
> following people who are confirmed as volunteers:
> Adamoski, David
> Demarest, Ken
> Funk, Jim
> Gibbs, MJ
> Hill, Leia
> Martinez, Maurice
> Miller, Leah
> Miller, Lisa
> Miller, Marvin
> Mitchell, Joe
> Novak, Mandy
> Perrine, Ethan
> Ramos, Marco
> Ranzau, Joe
> Ross, Mark
> White, Garry
> If you are not on the list, I do not have you as a confirmed-in-writing
> volunteer. Thanks!
> Lindsey
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[Texascavers] Robber Baron Open House Volunteers

2019-08-06 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hi everyone!! We expect to have a HUGE turnout for the open house this
year!! We will need volunteers above and below ground to make sure this
event is a success!! The open house will be 9am until 3pm and we will need
volunteers to get there around 7:30am for orientation. Here are the
following people who are confirmed as volunteers:

Adamoski, David
Demarest, Ken
Funk, Jim
Gibbs, MJ
Hill, Leia
Martinez, Maurice
Miller, Leah
Miller, Lisa
Miller, Marvin
Mitchell, Joe
Novak, Mandy
Perrine, Ethan
Ramos, Marco
Ranzau, Joe
Ross, Mark
White, Garry

If you are not on the list, I do not have you as a confirmed-in-writing
volunteer. Thanks!

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Re: [Texascavers] Robber Baron Open House

2019-07-15 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Thanks MJ!

On Wed, Jul 10, 2019, 9:31 PM Michael Gibbons <> wrote:

> Count me in Lindsey.
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2019, 6:07 PM Lindsey Adamoski 
> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone!
>> The Robber Baron Open House will be September 28th from 9am to 3pm. Joe
>> Mitchell has stepped down from his years of hard work of organizing this
>> huge event and I am taking over! Our last event was highly successful and
>> we raised a lot of money for the Texas Cave Management Association. We plan
>> to have another successful event. We will need volunteers!! We need
>> volunteers in the cave and above ground for a variety of roles. Please let
>> me know if you are able to volunteer. Also, please let me know if you know
>> the "front half" of the cave (e.g. Male Passage/Female Passage/Chapel
>> Room/etc) really well because we will be giving "off-trail" tours for
>> people who sign up in advance but you have to be able to ad-lib routes and
>> move about with confidence outside of the tourist route. I did that last
>> year and it was a LOT of fun.
>> If anybody wants to stay in New Braunfels we have room for a couple
>> people in our guest room. We also have room for a couple tents in the
>> backyard! I'm sure other Bexar Grotto members would be willing to
>> accommodate as well. I hope to hear from you!
>> Sincerely,
>> Lindsey
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Re: [Texascavers] Robber Baron Open House

2019-07-09 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Yes I did! Thanks so much! I used them for my Facebook advertisement and
credited you :-)

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 8:10 PM JamesJasek  wrote:

> By September 28th my left knee should be on the way to being pain free.
> I’m still in la lot of pain and I can’t promise to help as I might need to
> back out. So, right now I can’t help at the open house.
> Good luck to you heading up the project. There is always many helpers in
> the grotto who will help.
> Where you able to use any of the images I sent to you?
> Jim
> Sent from my iPhoneX
> On Jul 9, 2019, at 6:06 PM, Lindsey Adamoski 
> wrote:
> Hello Everyone!
> The Robber Baron Open House will be September 28th from 9am to 3pm. Joe
> Mitchell has stepped down from his years of hard work of organizing this
> huge event and I am taking over! Our last event was highly successful and
> we raised a lot of money for the Texas Cave Management Association. We plan
> to have another successful event. We will need volunteers!! We need
> volunteers in the cave and above ground for a variety of roles. Please let
> me know if you are able to volunteer. Also, please let me know if you know
> the "front half" of the cave (e.g. Male Passage/Female Passage/Chapel
> Room/etc) really well because we will be giving "off-trail" tours for
> people who sign up in advance but you have to be able to ad-lib routes and
> move about with confidence outside of the tourist route. I did that last
> year and it was a LOT of fun.
> If anybody wants to stay in New Braunfels we have room for a couple people
> in our guest room. We also have room for a couple tents in the backyard!
> I'm sure other Bexar Grotto members would be willing to accommodate as
> well. I hope to hear from you!
> Sincerely,
> Lindsey
> ___
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[Texascavers] Robber Baron Open House

2019-07-09 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hello Everyone!

The Robber Baron Open House will be September 28th from 9am to 3pm. Joe
Mitchell has stepped down from his years of hard work of organizing this
huge event and I am taking over! Our last event was highly successful and
we raised a lot of money for the Texas Cave Management Association. We plan
to have another successful event. We will need volunteers!! We need
volunteers in the cave and above ground for a variety of roles. Please let
me know if you are able to volunteer. Also, please let me know if you know
the "front half" of the cave (e.g. Male Passage/Female Passage/Chapel
Room/etc) really well because we will be giving "off-trail" tours for
people who sign up in advance but you have to be able to ad-lib routes and
move about with confidence outside of the tourist route. I did that last
year and it was a LOT of fun.

If anybody wants to stay in New Braunfels we have room for a couple people
in our guest room. We also have room for a couple tents in the backyard!
I'm sure other Bexar Grotto members would be willing to accommodate as
well. I hope to hear from you!


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[Texascavers] Tablet left at TSA

2019-04-07 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Did anyone pick up my Surface Pro tablet (with the cracked screen) at the
main building at TSA? Thanks!
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Re: [Texascavers] Monday update: Bill Russell

2019-03-18 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Real sleep is good! Thanks for the updates. I read all of them

On Mon, Mar 18, 2019, 9:13 AM Katherine Arens 

> He’s sleeping deep and long — real sleep rather than sick sleep.  Still
> waiting on kidneys and feeding tube.  He’s just about done with coughing,
> which is great.  We wait, we hope.  Katie
> Katherine ArensPhones: Office(512) 232-6363
>   Dept. Phone:  (512) 471-4123
> Dept. of Germanic Studies FAX (512) 471-4025
> 2505 University Ave, C3300  Bldg.Location:  Burdine 336
> University of Texas at Austin Office:  Burdine 320
> Austin, TX  78712-1802
>   -. .-
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>  ``  `V ' ' '
> ___
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Re: [Texascavers] AMCS map indexing project

2019-03-10 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hi Bill,

I would be happy to help.


Lindsey Adamoski (Bexar Grotto)

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 2:16 PM William R. Elliott 

> The AMCS (Association for Mexican Cave Studies) is based at the Texas
> Speleology Center (TSC) near Driftwood, Texas (SW of Austin), but we have
> contributors all over. We are starting some new initiatives this year and
> could use some volunteer help. See the AMCS website at
> I am asking for volunteers to help me index (database) existing cave maps.
> Bill Mixon and Katy Arens did a great job of posting over 4000 published
> cave maps on the AMCS website. They are arranged by state, but until now
> one could not search for cavers’ names or cave areas. These maps are from
> many different publications, not just AMCS.
> I have indexed 851 cave maps in the online collection for San Luis Potosí
> and Tamaulipas. A test example of the html index is on my website at
>  You can access this file directly at
> The good thing about an html table is that you can search for anything in
> the whole table regardless of which column it’s in, or whether it’s English
> or Spanish. For example, using a control-f to search, you can type “sotano”
> and find Sótano, sótano, or sotano. If you want to find “Cañon” just type
> canon. It is usually best to search for a caver’s last name only, as they
> often have nicknames. You can find all the caves that someone mapped in
> that state. Clicking on the Map Link takes you directly to the pdf map on
> the AMCS website.
> Chihuahua and Durango also are done, giving us a total of 928 indexed
> maps. Only 3137 maps to go! Plus new ones in recent publications. This is a
> big job, but interesting because you get to learn about the history of cave
> exploration in an area as you type the cavers’ names, dates, cave areas,
> municipios, and year from each map.
> If you can volunteer at least 8 hours to this project, all you need is a
> computer with a fairly large monitor, a web browser, a spreadsheet program
> like Excel or LibreOffice Calc (free), and typing skill. Please contact me
> and I’ll send you a written procedure with a spreadsheet set up for a
> chosen state. We’d really like you to do an entire state. I’m now working
> on Oaxaca with 551 cave maps.
> Help!!
> *William R. (Bill) Elliott*
> * *
> 573-291-5093 cell
> ___
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[Texascavers] Texas Cave Management Association Election Results

2018-11-21 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Greetings Fellow Cavers,

The Texas Cave Management Association (TCMA) recently held an election for
the Board of Directors. Congratulations to the following members who will
serve on the board for the next term:

John Brooks, Trevor McClymont, Denise Prendergast, Joe Ranzau, and Drew

Thank you to all TCMA members who ran in this election. We appreciate your
desire to fulfill TCMA's mission.


Lindsey Adamoski
TCMA Secretary
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2018-10-16 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Due to the wet, muddy, splashy, and humid conditions, we are postponing the
art auction until either next spring or fall. We don't want your beautiful
creations exposed to the elements. Let me know if you need a place to store
your creation. We have options available.

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Re: [Texascavers] Texas Cave Management Association Members Meeting

2018-08-22 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
TCR is October 18-21 at Paradise Canyon in Medina, Texas.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018, 9:28 AM Fritz Holt  wrote:

> Lindsey,
> I now know when but where is TCR being held? Thanks, Fritz
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 21, 2018, at 7:35 PM, Lindsey Adamoski 
> wrote:
> Hello!
> The Texas Cave Management Association is holding a members' meeting at
> Texas Cavers Reunion. Our meeting will be held on Saturday October 20th at
> noon. We will likely meet at the main building as we have in previous
> years. More details to come.
> If you're interested in becoming a member, contact our membership
> committee at: You will also have the
> opportunity to sign up or renew your membership at TCR.
> We look forward to seeing you!
> Sincerely,
> Lindsey Adamoski
> TCMA Secretary
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[Texascavers] Texas Cave Management Association Members Meeting

2018-08-21 Thread Lindsey Adamoski

The Texas Cave Management Association is holding a members' meeting at
Texas Cavers Reunion. Our meeting will be held on Saturday October 20th at
noon. We will likely meet at the main building as we have in previous
years. More details to come.

If you're interested in becoming a member, contact our membership committee
at: You will also have the opportunity to sign up
or renew your membership at TCR.

We look forward to seeing you!


Lindsey Adamoski
TCMA Secretary
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Re: [Texascavers] [SWR CAVERS] The rescue attempt is far from over in the Thai cave

2018-07-03 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
I was wondering the same thing!

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018, 11:30 AM Lee H. Skinner  wrote:

> Thanks, Peter.
> I'm wondering how they're handling sanitation and human waste. Haven't
> seen anything about that.
> Lee
> On 7/3/2018 10:15 AM, Peter Jones wrote:
> > Just wanted to say “thank you”, Lee, for keeping us all up to date on
> > this rescue effort.  You’ve made it considerably easier to find the
> > latest, most important details about the rescue.  It certainly is far
> > from being over with, but at least there is support for the teens and
> > those who risked their own lives in trying to find them under
> > extremely dangerous circumstances.  I’ve had my own share of rescues
> > and injuries already and they all pale in comparison to the difficulty
> > of this one.
> >
> > Peter
> >
> >
> ___
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[Texascavers] TCR Art Auction

2018-07-01 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
The Texas Cave Management Association will be holding a silent art auction
at TCR this year to raise funds to support our mission of cave education,
research, and conservation. If you are an artist (e.g. photographer,
knitter, painter, welder, woodworker, sculptor, embroiderer, potter, etc)
please contact me if you would like to contribute a work of art for our
auction. Thank you for supporting TCMA and Texas caves!!


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Re: [Texascavers] The event tonight

2018-06-16 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
There are two raffles but no auction.

On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 1:55 PM, David  wrote:

> I was planning on going.  But as of 2 p.m., I am stuck in Houston.   I
> doubt I can make it.
> Anybody from Houston going or want a ride ?
> 281-995-8487
> text only
> I might could leave by 5 p.m.
> I really need someone to help drive as I am short on sleep.
> Is there a gift auction ?
> David Locklear
> ___
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[Texascavers] The event tonight

2018-06-16 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hello everyone,

We have a lot of people coming tonight to Save the Caves 2018.
Unfortunately, there was a problem with the webpage and many payments did
not go through. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please bring cash to
the event if you'd like a quicker entry. Otherwise, we will have credit
card readers for the entry price. We will have a list of whose payments
went through!


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[Texascavers] Save the Caves is quickly approaching!!

2018-05-31 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hello Fellow Cavers,

All cavers and non-cavers are invited to attend our Save the Caves
fundraiser. All proceeds will be used toward the mission of the Texas Cave
Management Association. You should buy your tickets in advance so you don't
have to wait in line at the door! There was a long line last year! Buy them

The event is June 16th from 7:30 to Midnight! Several Austin area cavers
opened their homes to attendees and will likely be doing so again this year!


Lindsey Adamoski
TCMA Fundraising Chairperson
Texascavers mailing list | | Archives:

[Texascavers] Save the Caves!

2018-04-30 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
 Hi Folks,

This is just a reminder that the 2nd Annual Save the Caves Fundraiser will
be June 16th at Buffalo Billiards in Austin. Last year's fundraiser was a
HUGE success and we had so much fun. This year, we'll have the amazing Gary
Franklin band with new and featured members!! So come on out for some great
music, dancing, drinks, darts, pool, arcade games, and more! Your
attendance directly supports the conversation of Texas caves! Tickets will
be available online closer to the event date! We look forward to seeing you!


Lindsey Adamoski
Texascavers mailing list | | Archives:

[Texascavers] Save the Caves!

2018-04-30 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Hi Folks,

This is just a reminder that the 2nd Annual Save the Caves Fundraiser will
be June 16th at Buffalo Billiards in Austin. Last year's fundraiser was a
HUGE success and we had so much fun. This year, we'll have the amazing Gary
Franklin band with new and featured members!! So come on out for some great
music, dancing, drinks, darts, pool, arcade games, and more! Your
attendance directly supports the conversation of Texas caves! Tickets will
be available online closer to the event date! We look forward to seeing you!


Lindsey Adamoski
Texascavers mailing list | | Archives:

Re: [Texascavers] Final please for O9 Participation

2018-04-11 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
Because I'm on call 8 to 2 Saturday

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 12:04 PM Lindsey Adamoski <>

> The only way I could go is if I came late Saturday and helped y'all Sunday.
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 10:08 AM Ben Hutchins <>
> wrote:
>> Calling all Texas cavers,
>> We had 2 cancellations for the O9 Well Trip April 21, which means we now
>> don't have a team of 3 going underground. If ANYONE is vertically competent
>> and willing to pay $10 to join TCMA (sorry, that's the rule if you aren't
>> already a member, or if you can't pay it, I will pay your $10 membership
>> fee), please email or call Ken Demarest (underground trip leader).
>> Otherwise, the trip will probably be cancelled and the rancher will be sad
>> because he won't get his well drilled.
>> Thanks,
>> Ben H
>> ___
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Re: [Texascavers] Final please for O9 Participation

2018-04-11 Thread Lindsey Adamoski
The only way I could go is if I came late Saturday and helped y'all Sunday.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 10:08 AM Ben Hutchins  wrote:

> Calling all Texas cavers,
> We had 2 cancellations for the O9 Well Trip April 21, which means we now
> don't have a team of 3 going underground. If ANYONE is vertically competent
> and willing to pay $10 to join TCMA (sorry, that's the rule if you aren't
> already a member, or if you can't pay it, I will pay your $10 membership
> fee), please email or call Ken Demarest (underground trip leader).
> Otherwise, the trip will probably be cancelled and the rancher will be sad
> because he won't get his well drilled.
> Thanks,
> Ben H
> ___
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