Re: [Texascavers] 50th Anniversary CAVER now available.

2011-05-24 Thread lmcnatt
Welcome news Carl.  Looking forward to seeing it when I get back to Austin 

Logan (working on the Devils River Ranch)

 Carl Kunath  wrote: 
> Greetings Texas cavers!
> In the midst of numerous and sometimes tedious postings about Raptures, Maya 
> calendars, NaturFests, Facebook, and others of a similar nature, permit me to 
> interject an item directly on topic and of interest to most readers of this 
> list serve:
> The special 50th Anniversary issue of the Texas Caver is now available!
> Printed copies have been delivered to Texas and should be distributed in the 
> very near future.
> Meanwhile, the digital version has been posted to the TSA website in the 
> Member's Area.  Go to 
>  and use your member login.
> In this instance, you have a choice of three versions, differing only in the 
> size of the file.
> The smallest version is rather heavily compressed and the graphics are 
> consequently of somewhat lower quality.  However, if you're not fussy about 
> quality or if you have a slower Internet connection or limited disk space, 
> this may be your choice.
> The medium version is about what you are used to seeing posted for such 
> things and will be adequate for most readers.
> The largest version (this is what was used for the printed copies) is of 
> substantially higher quality and will produce a very high quality viewing 
> experience and an excellent quality paper copy if you have a good printer. 
> This was a major project and I thank all those who made the effort to 
> contribute toward the success of this publication.
> Good caving and better days ahead!
> ===Carl Kunath

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Re: [Texascavers] 50th Anniversary CAVER now available.

2011-05-24 Thread lmcnatt
Welcome news Carl.  Looking forward to seeing it when I get back to Austin 

Logan (working on the Devils River Ranch)

 Carl Kunath  wrote: 
> Greetings Texas cavers!
> In the midst of numerous and sometimes tedious postings about Raptures, Maya 
> calendars, NaturFests, Facebook, and others of a similar nature, permit me to 
> interject an item directly on topic and of interest to most readers of this 
> list serve:
> The special 50th Anniversary issue of the Texas Caver is now available!
> Printed copies have been delivered to Texas and should be distributed in the 
> very near future.
> Meanwhile, the digital version has been posted to the TSA website in the 
> Member's Area.  Go to 
>  and use your member login.
> In this instance, you have a choice of three versions, differing only in the 
> size of the file.
> The smallest version is rather heavily compressed and the graphics are 
> consequently of somewhat lower quality.  However, if you're not fussy about 
> quality or if you have a slower Internet connection or limited disk space, 
> this may be your choice.
> The medium version is about what you are used to seeing posted for such 
> things and will be adequate for most readers.
> The largest version (this is what was used for the printed copies) is of 
> substantially higher quality and will produce a very high quality viewing 
> experience and an excellent quality paper copy if you have a good printer. 
> This was a major project and I thank all those who made the effort to 
> contribute toward the success of this publication.
> Good caving and better days ahead!
> ===Carl Kunath

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Re: [Texascavers] 50th Anniversary CAVER now available.

2011-05-24 Thread lmcnatt
Welcome news Carl.  Looking forward to seeing it when I get back to Austin 

Logan (working on the Devils River Ranch)

 Carl Kunath  wrote: 
> Greetings Texas cavers!
> In the midst of numerous and sometimes tedious postings about Raptures, Maya 
> calendars, NaturFests, Facebook, and others of a similar nature, permit me to 
> interject an item directly on topic and of interest to most readers of this 
> list serve:
> The special 50th Anniversary issue of the Texas Caver is now available!
> Printed copies have been delivered to Texas and should be distributed in the 
> very near future.
> Meanwhile, the digital version has been posted to the TSA website in the 
> Member's Area.  Go to 
>  and use your member login.
> In this instance, you have a choice of three versions, differing only in the 
> size of the file.
> The smallest version is rather heavily compressed and the graphics are 
> consequently of somewhat lower quality.  However, if you're not fussy about 
> quality or if you have a slower Internet connection or limited disk space, 
> this may be your choice.
> The medium version is about what you are used to seeing posted for such 
> things and will be adequate for most readers.
> The largest version (this is what was used for the printed copies) is of 
> substantially higher quality and will produce a very high quality viewing 
> experience and an excellent quality paper copy if you have a good printer. 
> This was a major project and I thank all those who made the effort to 
> contribute toward the success of this publication.
> Good caving and better days ahead!
> ===Carl Kunath

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[Texascavers] Re: filling plastic bags with oxygen and acetylene

2010-02-05 Thread lmcnatt

What a crazy idea to carry these bombs in his car!  You need to do it somewhere 
safe, like perhaps at a caver party on a Texas beach so when it explodes 
prematurely it takes out only 5 eardrums!  (Gill can explain.)

 Gill Edigar  wrote: 
 short but relevant story>
A few years there was a news story of a guy in Denver (I think) who was
 going to a party across town. Wanting to do something exciting for the party
> guests he decided that carbide bombs would be good entertainment. He had a
> cutting torch rig (Oxygen and Acetylene) at his shop so filled up
> a-half-dozen or so plastic bags with the "perfect mixture" and stuffed them
> into the back seat of his small car. He headed across town. Somewhere along
> the way one (if not all) of the bags ignited, blowing all the windows and
> doors out of the car and puffing the roof up and the sides out (I saw
> pictures of it). Aside from ear-drums and some superficial burns I think he
> was basically unhurt, but the kicker is that he was charged with
> manufacturing and transporting explosive--both felonies under federal law.
> And I think he missed the party, too.
> --Ediger

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[Texascavers] TCR door prizes

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt

You mentioned that "As in past years, we have lots of really great prizes and 
door prizes available."

Yes, the prizes for people who actually did something, like winning the 
vertical contests, speleolympics, slow race, etc. are great and worth waiting 
especially the gear donated by vendors like Bob & Bob, Gonzo Guano Gear, and 
other groups.  A few less expensive prizes like t-shirts and publications are 
also fine.  And if the TCMA holds its usual auction with its usual auctioneerer 
speleosteele, that is also a fun event.  But for the last 10 years or so, it 
seems to me like the door prize segment that follows the awards/auction has 
grown far too long (one hour? or more?), and has become downright boring and 
I highly recommend that the organizers consider limiting the drawings for 
door prizes to less than one hour (maybe a lot less).  That will allow more 
time for everyone to enjoy the rest of the festivities on Saturday night, e.g. 
noodle wrestling with the band in the hot tub.  If any of the rest of you agree 
with this, please let the organizers know.
Whatever is decided won't affect me this year, because unfortunately I'm 
going to be at an archaeological conference in El Paso rather than TCR.  
Someone please save a door prize for me (not a t-shirt).


Texascavers mailing list

Re: [Texascavers] Holiday travel plans?

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt

You wrote:  I was curious if anybody was planning on going any where caving 
related next week or the week after.
I don't know if I can get off work yet, but . . .

I'm curious.  Just exactly when and where do you work, any way?


Texascavers mailing list

CaveTex: Re: Wayne Russell

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt


Go to the TSS website and search TexBib. Are you thinking of the April 1984 
Texas Caver Memorial Issue dedicated to Wayne?


- Original Message - 
From: "JJenkins" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 5:52 AM
Subject: CaveTex: Old Texas Caver issue 70's

Does anyone recall what issue of an old 70's Tx Caver had an article about 
Wayne Russell and Jacobs Well.  I have located the Jan. 1975 issue that 
Jasek did on  the dive and cave but am searching for the issue that was on 
Wayne Russell and his work in Jacobs Well. I think it was in 1974.  Please 
contact me.

Logan or Bill Mixon do either of you recall the issue in question?

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CaveTex: The State of Springs

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt
The July issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine features "The State of 
Springs", and has some good photos and articles that all of you Texas cavers 
will enjoy.  For the last several years TPWD has devoted its July issue to the 
subject of water:  The State of Rivers in July 2004, and The State of Bays in 
July 2003.


CaveTex: Re: wadding boots

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005, gschindel wrote:
Folks, A couple of months ago, someone posted recommendations on boots 
designed for wadding.

Geary, I probably shouldn't ask, but exactly what do you do when you're 
wadding?  Reply off-list if legally necessary.


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CaveTex: NSS Awards - Susan Souby

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt
Susan Souby from Austin won the women's 30 m rope climbing contest in the 
"sit-stand" category, using the Frog system.  Her time was 1 minute 39 seconds. 
 It was a close competition, with a 19 year-old doing it in 1 minute 40 
seconds.  When the 19 year-old found out that she lost to a woman in the 50 to 
60 year-old age group, she tried again, but her time was even slower.

Having barely broken a sweat or breathing hard, Susan later climbed the 120 m 
rope in 10 minutes and ?? seconds, breaking the women's record by about 5 
minutes.  The old record was held by Miriam Cuddington.


(As Bill Mixon mentioned, Susan's husband Rune Burnett was designated a Fellow 
and received the NSS Conservation Award.  Like Susan, he is also older than 
19.)  Texas cavers were well represented by this couple.

Re: CaveTex: NSS Awards - Susan Souby

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt
Yvonne, thanks for the clarification.  I'll be sending a copy of the photo I 
took of you and Susan after her 30 m climb.

- Original Message - 
From: "Yvonne Droms" 

To: "CaveTex" 
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: CaveTex: NSS Awards - Susan Souby wrote:
The old record was held by Miriam Cuddington.

Actually I had broken Miriam's record last year at the Michigan
Convention, so Susan broke my record for the 120 m, not Miriam's. Susan
also broke my record from last year for the 30 m in our 50-59 age
group, as well as bettering Nancy Pistole's and Rebecca Jones' records
in their age groups for the 120 m:

Susan broke the records by a lot, with extraordinary times! It was my
pleasure to meet Susan (and Rune) at Convention this year. Congratulations 
to both for

their awards!


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CaveTex: Deep Cave Dive on Nightline Tonight Fri., July 15, 10:30 p.m.

2007-03-26 Thread lmcnatt
Nightline About a Cave Tonight Fri., July 15, 2005Some of you are probably 
familiar with this story; I'm not.  The following is from ABC.  Tonight at 

  At first glance, it looks like a puddle nestled into a South African game 
farm. But on closer inspection, it's the top of Bushman's Hole, the 
third-deepest freshwater cave known to man. At 927 feet, even the most 
experienced cave diver is taking his life in his hands if he tries to reach the 
bottom. (More people have walked on the surface of the moon than have 
successfully dived more than 820 feet.) In 1994, when 20-year-old South African 
Deon Dreyer descended into the deep water, with 200 dives under his belt, he 
blacked out and was never heard from again. His parents resigned themselves to 
the fact that their son would forever rest on the floor of the cave, and they 
placed a commemorative plaque on a rock wall above the entry point.

  Ten years later, in 2004, Dave Shaw, an Australian pilot and experienced 
deep-water diver, went to Dreyer's parents and volunteered to recover Deon's 
body. By any measure, this would be an extreme dive fraught with danger. The 
August issue of Outside Magazine chronicles Shaw's daring dive, a riveting 
account by writer Tim Zimmerman.

  "Nightline" joined forces with Zimmerman and filmmaker Gordon Hiles, who 
documented the ambitious dive. In addition, Shaw dived wearing a special video 
camera mounted on a helmet as he descended into the underwater cave. What 
happens next is, well, something we can't share here without spoiling the 