PBSS Meeting Notes


The meeting was attended by Matt and Alex Ormsby, Kerry Lowery, Bill Bentley, Tony Abernathy, and Jacqui Thomas.

The meeting opened at 1905, and after a slight continuation of our admiration of our new patches and our pre-meeting visiting we had the Treasurer's Report. We had $606.40 before everybody started buying patches and shirts.

The new patches look great and they are selling for $4.00 apiece.

We have 21 paid members and 11 of those are NSS members.

We caught Kerry up on the events of SWR Winter Tech and the NCKRI building. At Winter Tech we met the new Cave Tech at Carlsbad Caverns, Jason Walz, and it looks good for a rock haul in November. Although we know nothing can happen this soon we came up with the 5th of November as a good date for us.

We also picked March 5th as a good Five Mouth dig date as long as it works for the landowner. Jacqui will work on an Abyss trip for May. We would very much like to go to Amazing Maze again-we have new members who have not been there. Jacqui will contact Peter about getting the key and although we cannot remember lambing dates we picked January 8th as a possibility.* Perhaps we can go to Blackstone on the same weekend and Bill will check into that possibility. We also talked about trying to work out a trip to Montgomery again and Jacqui will check on that.

We talked about the Forest Service cave closures and a trip Matt and Alex are taking to the High Guads.

Then we ran out of things to talk about and decided to close at 1955.

Jacqui Thomas, Pres.

*January 8th will not work for a couple of us so we'll check on other January dates.

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