I was just looking through the field trips for the joint meeting of
The Geological Society of America (GSA), Soil Science Society of
America (SSSA), American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science
Society of America (CSSA), and the Gulf Coast Association of
Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM (GCAGS),
hosted by the Houston Geological Society (HGS) and saw that there is a
cave trip being offered that might be of interest to some of the
geologists on this list (or their friends who are coming into Houston
for this big conference).


 411. Geomorphic and Hydrochemical History of the Edwards Aquifer at
Inner Space Cavern
Sat., 4 Oct.
Cosponsored by GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division.

Jay Banner, University of Texas, Austin, Tex., +1-512-471-5016; George
Veni, National Cave and Karst Research Institute, Carlsbad, N.Mex.

Price: US$150 (L, R).

This trip begins and ends in Austin, Texas.

This trip will explore the speleogenesis, meteorology, hydrogeology,
and speleothem proxy record of Inner Space Cavern on the Edwards
Plateau in central Texas. The cave developed in strata that comprise
the regional Edwards aquifer. We will examine evidence for past
environments based on cavern morphology, faunal remains, and
speleothem proxy records. In addition, the trip will explore the
modern formation of speleothems and water chemistry, as well as the
impact of development of this commercial cave. The trip will be
conducted on lighted, paved pathways through the cave, but will also
involve some crawling through muddy, narrow passages. Helmets and
lamps will be provided, but you will need to bring your own clothes
and footwear.

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