Re: 2nd law of thermodynamics, the Will of Allah:
Life does not contradict the 2nd Law, all biological processes are eddies  
along the edge of the great stream of entropy.
As for the age of formations, I have seen highly mineralized streams in  
southern Belize and adjacent parts of Guatemala where travertine formations 
so fast that leaves and roots are fossilized in place as they grow. Perhaps 
the  most spectacular such place is Jiuzhaiguo in western China. If you have 
ever  been to a Chinese restaurant you have seen photos of Jiuzhaiguo. It only 
takes a  few days for a dead leaf to decompose in a tropical stream, yet in 
same  amount of time it will turn to stone. 
Cyanobacteria also greatly accelerate the grown of travertine, as anyone  who 
has ever seen a tropical limestone cliff can attest. Ever seen phototropic  
stalactites? Roots turned into stalactites? Great globular green blobs of rock  
growing everywhere?
As for making fake formations, I have a PHD chemist working on that! Could  
look good as an accouterment to architecture!
All you fundamentalist evolution deniers will be happy to learn that  today’s 
New York Times has an article about a Muslim “scholar” who has written a  
fancy coffee table book about how evolution is not only false but contrary to  
the Will of Allah!  ‘Bout time you guys got on the same page!

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