I want to take this opportunity to thank the cavers who helped make this our 
6th annual Cave Day event a resounding success. We had cave visits, and 
vertical setups that hundreds of kids enjoyed.

Matt Turner, UT Grotto
Bill Mixon, UT Grotto
Justin Shaw, UT Grotto
Heather Tucek, UT Grotto
Dave Ochel, UT Grotto
Gary Franklin, UT Grotto
Drew Thompson, UT Grotto
Thomas Hallock, UT Grotto
Corey Moser, UT Grotto
Bill Russell, UT Grotto
Lyndon Tiu, Houston Grotto
Ron Ralph, UT Grotto (preserve prep help)

Despite the comments from some in the caving community, Saturday's event was a 
huge success. We had mass media coverage and as many of you know the media 
doesn't ever quite get things right but, much fun was had by all who attended 
and it would not have been possible nor as successful without the help or 
cavers and of our other volunteers from the Capital Area Master Naturalists, 
Boy Scout Troop 395, and from the Village of Western Oaks Neighborhood Assn.

Many, many thanks!

Jules Jenkins, TCMA
Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District

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