Requested re-post from Scott Fee

Gary Moss

As you may recall, It is time for the NSS to apply to the 2011 Combined Federal Campaign. If approved, this means that all federal & military employees around the world can select the NSS to receive donations when they participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). (Our CFC number is 10808.)
I got responces from Alabama (1), California (3), Kentucky (1), Nevada (1), New Mexico (2), Pennsylvania (1), South Dakota (1), Virginia (1), and West Virginia (3).

CAN YOU HELP? Part of the application package requires that I document how the NSS provided services in at least 15 different states.

I NEED to collect the data for 2010 now.

Did you participate in a clean-up, restoration, or other conservation
related activity?

If so,PLEASE take a minute and EMAIL ME this basic information:
Where? (City or County and State)
Activity? (Clean up? What? How many bags/pounds of trash? Graffiti Removal?
How many People? Need at least 5 to make this a viable service.

Please post this message to your grotto e-mail account or any other cave
related group to spread the word so I will get enough responses!

Scott Fee, NSS Fund Raising Dude
scottfee A-T bellsouth D-O-T net

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