[Texascavers] Carlsbad's 8 million 'lost' bats likely never existed :

2009-01-25 Thread JerryAtkin
Carlsbad's 8 million 'lost' bats likely never existed 
Thermal imaging and algorithms challenge  famous estimate
By _Susan  Milius_ 
Web edition : Friday, January 23rd, 2009
Eight million is a lot of bats to  lose, and now a new study may explain what 
happened to the possibly lost bats of  Carlsbad Cavern.

Short answer: According to a Boston University team, the famous  8 million 
bats never existed in the first place. 
From spring to fall, the cave Carlsbad Cavern in New Mexico’s  Carlsbad 
Caverns National Park still hosts hundreds of thousands of migratory  Brazilian 
free-tailed bats that thrill visitors by boiling out of the cave at  dusk for a 
night’s foraging. All the bats roosting in the cave emerge in a dense  plume 
that streams on and on and on, sometimes for an hour or three. 
As with many wildlife spectacles these days, always present is  the 
disturbing possibility that today’s show is a mere wisp compared to the  great 
bat clouds of yore. 
In 1937 V.C. Allison published an estimate of the Brazilian  free-tailed bat 
numbers based on timing an emergence (14 minutes at great  density; four 
minutes at half that) and eyeballing the speed and size of the  stream. About 
million bats roost in the cavern, he reported. 
Since then, methods and numbers have varied, but estimates  haven’t topped a 
million. Consequently, conservationists have raised alarms  about perils to 
bats. Or maybe Allison’s eyeballs played tricks on him, or the  great emergence 
flights really have shrunk drastically. 
Starting in 2005, bat scientist Thomas Kunz of Boston University  and 
colleagues brought new technology to Carlsbad Cavern to count and observe  the 
animals. Parts of the cave where bats roost are closed to visitors to  prevent 
disturbances to the animals. But to improve the census and studies, the  park 
allowed Kunz’s team to venture into these portions of the caves. 
One of the first field biology groups to use military-derived  thermal 
imaging, Kunz’s team attracted the U.S. Park Service’s interest by  pointing 
that the researchers didn’t need to shine any lights, even at  infrared 
wavelengths, on the bats; the cameras detect heat directly. 
“Surreal” and “disgusting, yet absolutely amazing” is how  Nickolay 
Hristov, now at Brown University in Providence, R.I., describes the  roosting 
sites. “
Imagine standing on a 20- to 30-foot cushion of bat poop  covered with a 
constantly moving carpet of dermestid beetles and their larvae,”  he says. 
“As you move around you are being rained on by bat urine,”  Hristov says. 
Bat excretions don’t have the same odor as human equivalents, he  says, but “
the smell of ammonia is so strong that your eyes burn.” A single bat  barely 
makes any noise that humans can hear but tens of thousands of them  together 
get “
quite loud,” he says. ”I would grab the camera and go back in a  heartbeat.” 
To count the bats emerging, the researchers set up cameras  around the cavern 
mouth to get a clear view of the stream. Magrit Betke of  Boston University’s 
computer science department developed algorithms for  analyzing the camera’s 
recordings. Her work basically allowed a computer to  pinpoint bats as spots 
in a camera frame and then track the spots across enough  frames to confirm the 
dots were indeed bats. The analysis ends up with a count  of each spot in the 
vast stream. 
In a series of counts in 2005, numbers varied from a low of not  quite 70,000 
as bats started to arrive from their southern winter caves, to a  peak about 
10 times higher weeks later as migrating bats on their way elsewhere  took 
Even at the peak, counts came up some 8 million bats short of  the old 
estimate. So the Boston team used the Brazilian free-tails’ average  0.28-meter 
wingspread to model how many bat wing-beat “spheres” would fit  through the 
cavern in a minute.  
A choke point inside the cavern narrows to only 120 square  meters, and bats 
don’t fly wall-to-wall. At most, 50,000 bats per minute could  fit through 
that choke point and emerge from the cavern mouth. Thus a single  million would 
be closer to the number of bats possible that wowed  Allison. 
For 8.7 million bats to have flown through the choke point in 18  minutes, as 
Allison reported, the densest crowd would have had to pass through  at 
500,000 bats per minute. Their wings and bodies would have had to pass  through 
other to somehow squeeze through the passage. 
“The Boston study clearly shows there’s no physical way that  could happen,” 
says Renée West, supervisory biologist for Carlsbad Caverns  National Park. “
That’s a relief.” The park has discounted Allison’s numbers as  excessive, 
she says, and she’s glad to have the new analysis.  
“That doesn’t mean these bats aren’t declining,” Hristov says.  “The 
declines just haven’t been as bad.” 
And for the cavern’s human visitors, hundreds of 

Re: [Texascavers] Carlsbad's 8 million 'lost' bats likely never existed :

2009-01-25 Thread dirtdoc

Thanks for posting that, Jerry.  I have long wondered how the 8 million figure 
could be justified. 
