Immortalize yourself at this year's TSA Spring Convention!

After the recent losses within our caver family, I've taken strolls down memory 
lane with folks looking at old photos. Some old cavers are unrecognizable in 
their youth. Names of old friends and acquaintances forgotten decades later. 
Before that happens to our current caver family, I decided to record everyone's 
name in the group photos that I've taken at Spring Convention for posterity's 
sake. Thus, I am manually outlining each and every person and pet (since many 
of them are well-known family members, too), then numbering them.

At Spring Convention this year, I will have the original group photos on 
display. FIND YOURSELF IN THE PHOTOS at Spring Convention and write down your 
name on the corresponding number. Once complete, I will compile the original 
photos, outlines, and names, and make them available to everyone, submit them 
to the TSS, etc.

Here's an example using last year's group photo:

By the way, this is taking a lot longer than I expected. Drawing an outline 
around people's fingers, clothes, crazy hair, dogs, togas, etc., fixing 
mistakes, cleaning up the outlines, numbering everyone, and tweaking everything 
because I'm OCD, takes about 4 minutes per person. Doesn't sound bad until you 
realize that (4 minutes) x (120 people per year) x (6 years) = 48 HOURS of 
drawing lines around disheveled cavers. Actually, it's a lot longer than that 
because I spend way more time than I should tweaking...damn OCD. However, I 
think it will be worth it when future generations say things like:

"Grandpa, you had hair! Where did it all go?" --Chris Lafferty's future 

"Wow, mom! You were pretty back then. Ouch! I mean, you're pretty now! You 
better be nice to me. I'm picking your nursing home." --Future Sophie Steele 
(or possibly present day)

Also, this year's group photo will be taken at 5:45pm Saturday afternoon, which 
is right after talks and before supper, and will likely be at the amphitheater, 
weather permitting.

Don't miss out! Make it to TSA Spring Convention this year and immortalize 
yourself for future generations.

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