October Government Canyon Karst Project Report

*October 4, 2014*

*Participants:* Bernadette Flehmer, Joe Schaertl, Casey Tucker

The lone Saturday morning team was Joe, Casey, and Bernadette. It was
Bernadette’s first time on the project. The team’s goal was to continue
ridgewalking Area 20 in the NW corner of the SNA  During the course of the
day they found three features and a likely cave. The entrance to the
approximately 3 m deep pit is 1 m x ½ m that narrows to just body-sized
before belling out again. A rock is chocked in the narrow part and will
need to be removed before the pit can be entered. Joe reported that a flow
of air was coming from the entrance.

*October 5, 2014*

*Participants:* Crystal Martinez, Leah Miller, Marvin Miller, Tom Rogers,
Casey Tucker

Crystal, Leah, Tom, Casey, and I went to finish the survey of Big Dome
Cave. This was Crystal’s first time on the project. I gave Tom a hammer,
chisel, and crowbar and set him to work on a downward dig lead plugged with
rocks at station A2. The crawl at A2 was also one of our survey objectives.
First, however, we went to survey the small room at DD4 and check out the
ceiling lead there. The ceiling lead went nowhere but at the top of the
slope in the room a .4-m diameter hole dropped at least 2 m. Some rocks
needed to be cleared from the top of the hole, so when Tom didn’t get
anywhere with his first lead, I set him to this one. At the bottom he found
continuing narrow fissure passage that, after a tight meter or two, opened
into a standing room 3 m long by 1 m wide. There was nothing passable after
that. The survey team tied the DD survey into the A survey and then
surveyed 9.92 m from A2 to where the crawl got too tight. We also tied this
survey into DD3 via the pass-through dug open by George, Lasha, and me on
the previous trip. We ran out of time to survey the little bit of passage
that Tom found. The survey length now stands at 357.81 m. This is the first
trip to the cave that I didn’t feel good airflow.

The next trip will be on Nov. 2, Sunday only. We meet at 9:00 in the
parking lot of the Volunteer/Research Station. Enter the park at the main
gate and then take the first right. Go through the unlocked gate and drive
about a mile to the VRS. The parking lot is on the right. Camping is
available. Contact me for more info.

Marvin Miller

(210) 415-5190
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