David Locklear said:

>ICS attendees would have some muddy fun at Prassel Ranch Cave.
>You have fun "salamandering" for hours only to turn around and repeat the same 
>to get out of the cave.

      As I remember it, there was often too little water to salamander in 
Prassell Ranch Cave.  Salamandering only works if there is enough water to 
float your body above the mud, and the mud and water together are shallow 
enough to reach through to the solid floor with your hands.  That's a pretty 
limited range that just happens to occur relatively frequently in Honey Creek.  
I don't know how likely those conditions would be in general, but I suspect 
it's not that common.  There are plenty of places in Honey Creek where it 
doesn't work.  What I remember being especially insidious in Prassell Ranch 
Cave is that there was often a false floor of flowstone under the mud that was 
sometimes strong enough to support body weight, and sometimes not.  One would 
be crawling along through the mud and then suddenly fall through, doing a face 
plant in the process.

>And this cave has had a going lead for 30 something years.   Right ?

      There is no open lead as far as I know, although I think there is a dig 
at a low airspace or sump at the back.  I haven't seen it though.

Mark Minton

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