Howdy Texas Cavers,

As you hopefully know, the Texas Speleological Survey collects, organizes, and maintains information on Texas caves and karst, as well as provides that data back to cavers who are actively out there caving in the state. We recently overhauled our website which you need to check out. The new site also has a new and wonderful online submission tool for submitting data into our database. Last weekend at TCR I talked with many folks who are actively finding, exploring, and surveying caves. Some of this information has not been submitted to the database. So I urge you to check out the new submission page and dig out your recent surveys and cave data!

We had our first submission on the new website this week and would like to thank Ben Hutchins for the submission! He also offered comments and ideas on how we can improve it, so please feel free to do the same! Thanks again Ben!

Why should you submit data? A quick story from this past week: A land owner finds hole on his property, the land owner contacts cavers looking for information on the cave. The caver requests data from TSS on caves near land owner (thanks Gregg!). The caver shares this data with the land owner and verifies that the cave has been explored and documented already. Caver provides the owner a map, cave description, and photos from TSS database. This saves the caver a long trip to a small cave, and from having to remap and rephoto a previously mapped and photographed cave, and makes the land owner happy. Now the caver has an open invitation to come caving any time. This was made possible by a wonderful symbiotic relationship between the TSS and caving public, and by submitters like you!

So seriously folks, lets continue to share our data and improve caving across the state!

Main TSS Website:

Data Submission Page

*Travis Scott*
TSS, TCMA, TSA, NSS, Porcupine Grotto, Old-ASS

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