I am looking at the Texas Caver Memorial Page this morning ( 1 a.m. ).
 After all, that is what
it is there for.    To remind us in some way to pay respects to cavers who
have left us.

Below is a partial list of cavers honored on the list

The criteria to most of the names posted below is that they passed away in
April or May
or in a year a decade from 2018 ( such as 1978, 88, 98, 08, etc )

William Blakemore passed away 20 years ago.

Luther Bundrant passed away 25 years ago.

Ephraim Cuevas passed away 15 years ago.

John Delano passed away 41 years ago.

Ted Gates passed away 14 years ago.

Fred Mason passed away 49 years ago.

John Moore passed away 12 years ago.

Mike Moore passed away 16 years ago.

      [ I personally remember Mike had several Texas caving friends.   I
went to his service.
        I think he was new, but enthusiastic about getting involved.    My
        is that he stepped on a few toes, in much the same way I did.   I
am sure he had
        some impact on my life.  ]

Gerald Olsen passed away almost 10 years ago.

Michael Moody passed away 24 years ago.

            [ I am sure I met him and recall reading stuff about him or by
him ]

George Sevra passed away 16 years ago.

Thomas Summers passed away 11 years ago.

           [  Most if not all deaths in our lives are difficult to accept,
but ones like Mr. Summer's son
              are just really really hard to wrap your head around or
justify.   It just seems to
              make the sadness and grief even more overwhelming. ]

Steve Vallindingham passed away 30 years ago.

Harry Walker passed away 10 years ago.

         [ Harry was one of my best friends.     I organized a party in his
honor about 3
           years before he passed away.     I got the idea from a caver who
once stated, that
          it is sad that we rejoice a friend after their passing.     He
died from the stress of the
          stock-market crash along with Hurricane Ike.   They both slapped
him upside the head
         at the same time.     I tried to clean up the mess in the yard all
by myself, and his wife did pay me,
         but I was in way over my head, and they needed professional crew,
but that would have
         cost them $ 8,000.    I think his funeral was the last one I have
been to.    Harry and I were
         at the Chalk Bluff TCR when it flooded.     That was fun !    He
had to find a ride back to
         Houston, and I slept on the front porch of the downtown San
Antonio Cathedral by the
         Greyhound Station.    That was most certainly one of my worst
road-trips ever.
         Harry often bragged proudly that he taught his nephew how to cave
and that kid grew up to help
         discover and ramrod the activities at Kartchner Caverns.   ]
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