University to give most of Spring Lake back to nature

Posted on December 20, 2008 at 12:48 pm

by Sean Batura

The University will partner with the US Army Corps of Engineers to transform 
the Spring Lake peninsula to a more natural state.

“Basically the project will restore the aquatic and terrestrial habitats 
throughout Spring Lake which have been degraded over the years by the 
construction and operations of the Aquarena Center,” said Associate Vice 
President of Facilities Pat Fogarty of Texas State University. “The structures 
and facilities associated with Aquarena Center will be removed. Basically we’re 
going to remove everything on the peninsula except that (which) is needed to 
support the operation of the glass bottom boats and the diving program.”

Regional Technical Specialist for the Army Corps of Engineers Jeffry Tripe said 
he did not know when construction funds might become available because the 
Corps and Congress have yet to determine how much funding will be available for 
the construction phase of the project.

“Ideally this plans and specs phase will last about a year, and then as soon as 
we’re done with that we’ll be ready for some construction funds,” said Tripe. 
“If there’s no problems and we get funding, we’re looking at probably a year 
and a half out we’ll start construction.”

He said the Corps often has insufficient funds to move forward with projects 
already initiated, though because the aquati
c ecosystem restoration project at Aquarena Center is “probably” a 
high-priority project, it is not likely that federal funds for the construction 
phase will be lacking.

“It’s got five threatened endangered species in the area that will benefit from 
restoration,” said Tripe. “It’s a unique area, it’s a spring-aquifer-type 
area…And it’s unique in that it has a lot of cultural resource and background 
history…so getting that area back to a more natural, native-type setting will 
definitely be a plus.”

A federal law - The Water Resources Development Act of 1996 - authorizes the US 
Army Corps of Engineers to carry out projects for aquatic ecosystem restoration 
and protection. According to a report published by the Corps, the project at 
Spring Lake will entail “demolishing 19 structures, relocating 3 structures 
off-site, leaving 6 structures in place, establishing native prairie 
vegetation, removing exotic vegetation, installing a vegetative buffer zone, 
and constructing trails and a restroom.” Fogarty said the “vegetative buffer 
zone” will be intended to keep people from the edge of the lake. He said 22 
acres of lacustrine habitat, 10 acres of peninsula flood plain and nine acres 
of riparian habitat will be restored. Fogarty said Wetlands Walk will not be 
demolished. The old inn and other structures on the hillside bank of Spring 
Lake will not be removed.

According to the Army Corps of Engineers’ Integrated Detailed Project Repo
rt and Environmental Assessment, construction associated with project might 
result in the harming or killing of up to 732 San Marcos Salamanders and 965 
Fountain Darters, two of the eight endangered species living in the San Marcos 
region of the Edwards Aquifer.

“Critical habitat for the San Marcos salamander, fountain darter, and Texas 
wild-rice could experience temporary degradation during construction, primarily 
due to increased turbidity and sedimentation,” the report states. “However, the 
(National Ecosystem Restoration) plan would improve aquatic habitat in Spring 
Lake and the San Marcos River providing a long-term benefit to protected 

According to the report, removal of structures submerged in Spring Lake “would 
create an additional 4,600 square feet of Critical Habitat and potentially 
uncover spring openings that could be colonized by federally-protected species.”

Before 19th century settlers created Spring Lake Dam, early travelers to the 
region reported the springs spewing water several feet into the air. The 
aquatic ecosystem restoration project will not involve removing Spring Lake 
Dam. Professor of aquatic resources Walter Rast said removing the dam would 
eliminate Spring Lake and the nearby wetlands, thereby harming some of the 
species that have become acclimatized to the dam’s presence. Rast said he 
doubts the dam will soon be removed.

“The canoeing groups would love to see it gone,” said Howard. “They wouldn’t 
have to portage anymore, and it would=2
0be a faster ride, probably.”

Executive Director of the San Marcos River Foundation Dianne Wassenich said 
most of the dams on the river will be removed someday. She said demolishing 
Spring Lake Dam, thereby fully restoring the San Marcos Springs to their 
natural state, would have to be done over a period of years.

“(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) would have to be very careful to protect the 
endangered species during the process,” said Wassenich. “So I don’t see it 
happening in my lifetime.”

Tripe said an increase in the de-watering of Edwards Aquifer could occur if 
pressure on the springs currently supplied by the lake via the dam were 

According to Texas State University’s website, the total projected cost of the 
aquatic ecosystem restoration project at Spring Lake is $2,509,214. Thirty-five 
percent of funding will come from the University and the US Army Corps of 
Engineers will provide 65 percent in the form of a grant. The City of San 
Marcos applied for the grant in 2003.

“We want to do some restoration all along the San Marcos River, to limit access 
to (some) places to protect the river and then really restore more of it to its 
natural setting, get rid of some of the unsightly concrete areas that worked 50 
years ago but don’t work today,” said City of San Marcos Communications 
Director Melissa Millecam.

City Watershed Protection Manager Melanie Howard said the project would involve 
the restoration of land from City Pa
rk to I-35. Howard said recreational activities on the San Marcos River 
constitute the greatest source of negative environmental effects, such as bank 
destabilization, erosion, compacting of the river bottom and loss of aquatic 
vegetation. Howard

The city’s Preliminary Restoration Plan calls for the revitalization and 
sustainment of about “22.0 acres of riparian woodland habitat, 6.0 acre of tall 
grass prairie habitat, 4.0 acres of emergent wetland habitat and 16.0 acres of 
aquatic habitat….” The plan estimates the total project cost at $4,540,000, 35 
percent of which would be paid for by the city.

“The city is in the process of developing the feasibility report, which is 
really phase one of this process,” said Howard.

Phase two involves design work, which Howard said cannot occur until Congress 
authorizes more funding for the project.

“If they don’t give it, then we’re dead in the water,” said Howard.
Newstreamz San Marcos

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