Howdy Texas Cavers!

There will be a UT Grotto meeting this Wednesday February 19, 2014.   At
this week's meeting we will get to hear from one of our newest members,
Lindsey Eaves. She'll be sharing her work, as a part of a six member
expedition team, to excavate and evaluate early human fossil remains in
Rising Star Cave, an excavation site in Cradle of Humankind World Heritage
Site, South Africa. Hope to see you there because this sounds like a talk
that shouldn't be missed!

We will now be meeting at 7:45pm in *Burdine 136*. Follow this link to a
map of where the building is located on the University of Texas campus:

For information on Underground Texas Grotto activities, please see

Before the meeting, take advantage of Sao Paulo  for
happy hour specials. Attendance by cavers varies but this area is the best
place to park and meet folks walking over to the meeting.  Then after the
official meeting, we continue with the decades long tradition to reconvene
for burgers, beer, and tall tales of caving at Posse East.

Andrea Croskrey
UT Grotto Vice Chair

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