[Texascavers] brochure

2011-04-26 Thread Gill Edigar
In the mid-'90s I produced a tri-fold brochure for the UT Grotto entitled: *So
you want to go caving? *It was designed to go into the 'Gimmee' slots
provided for clubs and outfitters and such at places like REI, Whole Earth
PC, Academy, climbing gyms, or just handing out to new cavers at City of
Austin Cave Day, etc. They were black-on-yellow as I recall. It was
primarily designed to attract new or potential cavers to contact the UTG or
attend their meetings.

It is my opinion that if every town with a Grotto is not pursuing such a
minimal course of recruitment they are doing a disservice to cavers, wannabe
cavers, the Grotto, the TSA, the NSS, and themselves--at least. As a local
publication it lists several local caves and who to contact to get some
instruction and how to join the local cavers. Other Texas Grottos should
have similar brochures for similar distribution and larger posters for
posting on each and every local college campus at the beginning of each

I intended to get started on republishing it for UTG about a month ago but
so far haven't located the original file. The final layout was done in
PageMaker 4 on a 3-1/2 floppy so hope I can still open it. At any rate,
it's not so extensive that it couldn't all be OCRed or reset during the
updating process. I will supply a file to anybody that wants to adapt one to
their local conditions as soon as I can find and extract it.

There are many 1st- or 2nd-time cavers who show up at Colorado Bend or other
projects who have no idea what caving life looks like outside of their own
Grotto or group of caving friends. A similar TSA information brochure that
shows the caving hierarchy (with general description and contact info) from
Independent Caver to caving club or Texas Grotto, to TSA (and other Texas
organizations), to NSS, to various international caving groups, clubs,
expeditions, etc would, I think, educate a lot of new cavers (and some older
ones) to many additional opportunities available to cavers and encourage
them to join some of those other organizations. As an added incentive, new
cavers should be sent a couple of complimentary copies (digital would be OK)
of The TEXAS CAVER to further hustle them along.

What else?

[Texascavers] brochure

2011-04-26 Thread Gill Edigar
In the mid-'90s I produced a tri-fold brochure for the UT Grotto entitled: *So
you want to go caving? *It was designed to go into the 'Gimmee' slots
provided for clubs and outfitters and such at places like REI, Whole Earth
PC, Academy, climbing gyms, or just handing out to new cavers at City of
Austin Cave Day, etc. They were black-on-yellow as I recall. It was
primarily designed to attract new or potential cavers to contact the UTG or
attend their meetings.

It is my opinion that if every town with a Grotto is not pursuing such a
minimal course of recruitment they are doing a disservice to cavers, wannabe
cavers, the Grotto, the TSA, the NSS, and themselves--at least. As a local
publication it lists several local caves and who to contact to get some
instruction and how to join the local cavers. Other Texas Grottos should
have similar brochures for similar distribution and larger posters for
posting on each and every local college campus at the beginning of each

I intended to get started on republishing it for UTG about a month ago but
so far haven't located the original file. The final layout was done in
PageMaker 4 on a 3-1/2 floppy so hope I can still open it. At any rate,
it's not so extensive that it couldn't all be OCRed or reset during the
updating process. I will supply a file to anybody that wants to adapt one to
their local conditions as soon as I can find and extract it.

There are many 1st- or 2nd-time cavers who show up at Colorado Bend or other
projects who have no idea what caving life looks like outside of their own
Grotto or group of caving friends. A similar TSA information brochure that
shows the caving hierarchy (with general description and contact info) from
Independent Caver to caving club or Texas Grotto, to TSA (and other Texas
organizations), to NSS, to various international caving groups, clubs,
expeditions, etc would, I think, educate a lot of new cavers (and some older
ones) to many additional opportunities available to cavers and encourage
them to join some of those other organizations. As an added incentive, new
cavers should be sent a couple of complimentary copies (digital would be OK)
of The TEXAS CAVER to further hustle them along.

What else?

[Texascavers] brochure

2011-04-26 Thread Gill Edigar
In the mid-'90s I produced a tri-fold brochure for the UT Grotto entitled: *So
you want to go caving? *It was designed to go into the 'Gimmee' slots
provided for clubs and outfitters and such at places like REI, Whole Earth
PC, Academy, climbing gyms, or just handing out to new cavers at City of
Austin Cave Day, etc. They were black-on-yellow as I recall. It was
primarily designed to attract new or potential cavers to contact the UTG or
attend their meetings.

It is my opinion that if every town with a Grotto is not pursuing such a
minimal course of recruitment they are doing a disservice to cavers, wannabe
cavers, the Grotto, the TSA, the NSS, and themselves--at least. As a local
publication it lists several local caves and who to contact to get some
instruction and how to join the local cavers. Other Texas Grottos should
have similar brochures for similar distribution and larger posters for
posting on each and every local college campus at the beginning of each

I intended to get started on republishing it for UTG about a month ago but
so far haven't located the original file. The final layout was done in
PageMaker 4 on a 3-1/2 floppy so hope I can still open it. At any rate,
it's not so extensive that it couldn't all be OCRed or reset during the
updating process. I will supply a file to anybody that wants to adapt one to
their local conditions as soon as I can find and extract it.

There are many 1st- or 2nd-time cavers who show up at Colorado Bend or other
projects who have no idea what caving life looks like outside of their own
Grotto or group of caving friends. A similar TSA information brochure that
shows the caving hierarchy (with general description and contact info) from
Independent Caver to caving club or Texas Grotto, to TSA (and other Texas
organizations), to NSS, to various international caving groups, clubs,
expeditions, etc would, I think, educate a lot of new cavers (and some older
ones) to many additional opportunities available to cavers and encourage
them to join some of those other organizations. As an added incentive, new
cavers should be sent a couple of complimentary copies (digital would be OK)
of The TEXAS CAVER to further hustle them along.

What else?